If youre fishing in one foot of water, you can opt for a fly tied with bead-chain eyes. Almost every saltwater fly shop has a variation of the traditional Kwan fly, or sometimes referred to as the Redfish Toad. Imagine the crystal-clear waters of Mexico and the Caribbean, and then add in the bright copper of redfish cruising the white-sand flats and brilliantyellow grass beds. From the shape of the spoon, to the angle of the hook, to the amount of flash on the back end; it all factors in to how the spoon sinks, wobbles, and flutters in the water. Leaders can measure 9 to 12 feet, with a 40-pound butt section tapering to a 15- or 20-pound tippet. I am a South African based fly fisherman who loves nothing more than spending a day on the water. The Spoonfly is an epoxy creation of Capt. Fly Fishing in Texas: The Complete Guide - FishingBooker Blog Unless you know the area and own a flats boat, youll need a guide. We are lucky that Redfish are such a forgiving fish to target. Bags and packs are entirely optional. WYLD ON THE FLY - Corpus Christi Fly Fishing Guide If needed contact info -, Snook, Reds and Tarpon can be found all over Florida. One of the elements of fly fishing for reds that I enjoy so much is the variety of experiences it offers from one location to another. Northeast Florida anglers seldom see cruising redfish beneath the surface. Texas Saltwater Fly Fishing - Kenjo Fly Fishing Charters If the fish arent committing fully to the fly, it doesnt mean they arent interested in it, and it could mean its a little big or isnt swimming correctly. All fishing is done out of a 2016 Hell's Bay Professional poling skiff, although we do occasionally wade fish. Catching Redfish On The Fly: 3 Things I Learned The Hard Way In Florid You can keep a maximum of 3 fish per angler per day. Much like other flies designed for the flats, it lands soft and quiet, sinks slow, and when tied with a weed guard can be used in the skinniest of water. The Best Redfish Flies - Living Water Guide Service Give us a call here at the shop at (888) 413-5211 or email us anytime at[emailprotected]. Its a simple Superglue fly Ben can make in about 10 minutes. Eric Glass, @captainericg, 956-434-1422; Galveston Bay: Capt. Texas claims two others, and North Carolina one. The basic shape of the fly tends to replicate many sources of the Redfishs diet, such as shrimp and crabs, and can be tied in countless color variations to suit all water clarities. Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy | About | Contact | The Team | Advertise with Guide Recommended, Disclosure: "This site is owned and operated by River Traditions LLC, a limited liability company headquartered in Michigan, USA. Many anglers prefer an 8-weight fly rod for smaller redfish, but I usually throw big bushy redfish flies. Best Month on the Calendar - Texas Saltwater Fishing Magazine What size hooks for redfish flies? [Expert Review!] This stunning shot was taken by professional photograher Marjie Goldberg from Florida. We could fill a whole book with discussions of what Redfish eat in any given situation, but when deciding which fly to tie on,start with "matching the hatch". As you work up either Florida coast, the flats-fishing remains similar from a technical point of view. This is a great fly for shallow water and smaller fish that aren't looking for a huge meal. This allows the crab to stand upright in a defensive posture with claws dancing in the current when resting on the bottom. Wyld on the Fly offers fly fishing guide services for the Corpus Christi, Rockport, Aransas Pass, Laguna Madre, Land Cut, and Baffin Bay waters. Follow up question to types of flies for redfish - I am in the process of converting from conventional setups to fly fishing and am doing so on my own - w/o a friend to show me the ropes. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Sight Cast Saltwater Fly Shop. The straight style, like the Straight-Shooter Crab pictured, has the hook shank positioned perpendicular to the crab body. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. This Kwan pattern, or sometimes called the Redfish Toad, has a long history of proven success. With excellent year-round populations of Redfish, Speckled Trout and Black Drum. The Finest Coastal Fly-Fishing in Texas - Bay Flats Lodge 3 thoughts on " Redfish Flies " Scott Kor says . All five of the flies featured in this article are available in the Sight Cast Redfish Pack and are designed to target Redfish in the Gulf Coast region. 2 stainless Tiemco hook and keeps the Zap-A-Crab glue body well away from the hook point to improve the flys ability to hook reds. The Electric Slider is another classic redfish pattern designed for muddy and stained water. Trinity Bay and East Bay. No spam. Here are our favorite flies for Redfish. The fly is best used in the colder months when the shrimps and crabs are absent. What's Your Favorite Redfish Flies | Dedicated To The Smallest Of Skiffs "Top 4" Redfish Flies - Backwater Fly Fishing / Jesse Males Everglades National Park offers prime redfish habitat with miles of flats. The productive color combinations are plenty, but the pattern always remains the same, a dark back with a light belly. Getting the fly to drop deep gains more bites. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. This fly has a slow sink rate and suspends just below the surface of the water making this a great choice when sight fishing on the shallow flats. The Devils River is legendary to anglers in Texas. Watching a redfish try to suck a surface fly or popper into its underslung bottom-feeding mouth can be hilarious. The key to this flys success is its slow sinking rate combined with the fluid pulsing motion of the hackles on the tail. Read -> What is the Biggest Redfish Caught. Other shrimp patterns to consider are grass shrimp and hybrids like redfish Ritalin. Location: Houston, Texas. Scientists have documented this redfish population as the first ever known to spawn in an estuary (versus offshore). Often, you'll need flat, calm conditions to consistently see fish. Southwest Fly Fishing Magazine, "Exposure" Photo Essay, April 2015. This allows the crab to stand upright in a defensive posture with claws dancing in the current when resting on the bottom. It is hand-tied by Jim Dupre and finished with an epoxy coating, making it bulletproof. Also, take note of the depth of the water and the type of bottom (grass, sand, etc)you are fishing in. On the northern coast, the greenish, dark marsh waters of Sabine Pass gradually give way to the tinted shallow oceanfront bays and lagoons filled with oyster beds and a variety of marsh grasses. You do not want to miss your chance to experience the classic Fall Run along the Texas Gulf Coast. We respect your privacy. The Spoonfly is made of flashy Mylar covered and sealed with clear epoxy on a long-shank 2/0 Mustad. Strip this fly slow and with short pauses to allow it time to shimmer down into the water column. Possibly the most unique redfish destination is Mosquito Lagoon in east central Florida. Redfish in the lagoon and Indian River systems of Florida's space coast have an obsession with this type of fly. Its simple design is very deadly for many species, especially Redfish. The most common color is reddish-bronze. Gold Frizzy. But if youre targeting Redfish here along the Gulf Coast, usually over grass flats and skinny water, you want a lighter weight fly with a little more bulk so that it will slowly flutter down to the bottom and not rapidly sink into the grass where fish cant see it. This makes the fly feel exactly like a crab in the fishs mouth, he says, so a redfish rarely rejects the fly before an angler can set the hook. The angel hairs hollow body gives bulk, and the bucktail and long hackle feathers give the tail lovely movement. Fly fishing in Texas doesn't get the credit it deserves, and we're here to change that. Floating on the surface, Gurglers will pop, splash, and create noise when being retrieved. It just seems to work and change my day around. My choice is an 8wt setup, but you should fish what you feel comfortable with. There are various signs to look for to help us decide how to fish for them. Year-round you can fish redfish, but in the changing season, you also have black drum, sheepshead, sea trout, tarpon, and . Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. But beyond that quintessential visual, if youre targeting reds in Texas, you might also hear the sound. The sound of a single red popping, gulping and smacking on shrimp. Raz Reed, who created the fly, also uses it for bass, something I havent tried yet but plan on tying up a few for my next bass mission. Locals like the Surfin Wooly. Swan Point Landing Fly Shop Location: Rockport, TX Waters: Texas Coast Fish: Redfish Website. These fish fight strongly and stubbornly, but they dont make long runs and theyre usually caught in shallow water. The current Texas record is 59 1/2 pounds. Redfish range from Virginia (technically Massachusetts) south to the Keys, and then north and west along the entire Gulf Coast. The bug is copper-colored, traditional bass-bug size, with a stainless hook and a Flashabou tail. Blackened Redfish. The Redfish tend to like its smaller profiling in the colder months, especially on the clearer days. Floating on the surface, they pop, splash, and create noise when being stripped. Sheka Shrimp come in weighted and unweighted versions, with or without weed guards. Saltwater fly fishing for redfish is a lot of fun! Traditionally it is tied with a Craft Fur tail, a little flash, a small attractor/egg hot spot, a palmered hackle collar, segmented sections of yarn or EP fibers, and some bead-chain or lead eyes. From the gulf coast of Texas to Virginia, redfish can be found along nearly 2000 miles worth of coastline. Gear up with giant Clouser flies and sinking lines that range from 450 to 700 grains. Anglers may choose to light-tackle rods or fly gear to fish the expansive, shallow-water flats of the 100 square mile Baffin Bay . Crab flies mainly fall into two different categories and can be fished a few different ways. Post by ellisredfish Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:50 pm. Quickly toss the fly in front of the fish before it heads back out to sea. For targeting bulls over 20 pounds, a 10-weight works best and handles the bigger flies those fish prefer. They tolerate a wide range of water temperatures and salinities, and eat everything from crustaceans and mollusks to baitfish. I like the fly in the mud crab color of dark brown /green in size #2. The Razmatz is an excellent choice for a shallow, dirty water fly pattern. Charlie Paradoski, charlieparadoski.com, 713-725-2401; Lower Laguna Madre: Capt. Flats-fishing equals sight-fishing, which is what makes it fun. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. 1. A floating line will be just fine for most scenarios, but an intermediate line is excellent for the deeper water. On some versions, the chenille body is wrapped with a contrasting-color hackle feather, which gives the fly very buggy shrimp look when the hackle is trimmed with scissors to simulate legs. Starting at $6.16. If you fish in the marsh and mangroves, dont even think of leaving the house without flies with weed guards! Most of the time fly-rodders are working from kayaks and canoes, casting to pushing fish or blind-casting to creek mouths. He used Gartside's Super-Secret Stuff as a flash material but here we will use Hareline's Ice Wing Fiber as a substitute. Yet it has good fish-hooking capabilities. Theyll even attack poppers with gusto, at times. 6 Texas Redfish Fishing Tips for First-timers Ive almost been tempted to tie some very small ones for trout. Dupre Spoon Fly is one of those debatable patterns that some purists argue isnt a fly but more a lure. I love this! The fools gold pattern is ideal for this as it sinks fast and has excellent movement in the water. We respect your privacy. Strip this fly slow and with short pauses to allow it time to shimmer down into the water column. Traveling pro angler Pat Ford offers tips on tackle, flies and hot spots. Crab flies are deadly for targeting Redfish (and Sheepshead) in the Gulf Coast region. About the Author: Now a retired Miami attorney, Pat Ford spends his time taking photos and writing about fishing destinations around the world. Proven fly patterns for summer Redfish are baitfish and shrimp patterns! Here in North Florida, this is usually in mid to late spring. We promise we won't spam your inbox with stuff you don't care about. A small orange grizzly feather is tied in at the head to look like a fiddler-crab claw, with a single stiff mono weed guard positioned from the head toward the hook point. Redfish are generally in the surf when the water temperatures reach the mid-70s. Fly-fishing, Light Tackle, Sight Casting, Shallow Water Fishing Charters in The Lower Laguna Madre in South . The fly is then adorned with a bit of colored hackle and a wire weed guard. Sheka ties them on a size 2 to 1/0 Mustad hook. Dure wont divulge exactly how he molds epoxy into just the right shape to produce a replica wobble of the Johnson spoon. The fly is finished by tying in three dark but iridescent wild-turkey breast feathers that splay outward from the head over the hook point and bend, which makes it look very crab-like.