Above: Dent Station in Cumbria, currently for sale with a guide price of 395,000. All broadcasters as we know them today if they want to stay in business will have everything they put out on the air to be fed to the Internet. Priced at $850,000. Call today. More is not always better, I will take two or three stations serving a two or three financially stable communities over 25-100 stations that dont program to the community they serve and have no vested interest in them, other than to say they have a bunch of radio stations. Copyright 2019, RadioTVDeals.com. It had about $25MM in it. First time buyers are rarely going to get bank financing. Enter a location to find a nearby old fire station for sale. Do these personal interests and relationships exist in the radio business? Since launching late April, 2010, RadioTVDeals has generated, Class A FM - Parkersburg/Marietta/Vienna WV-OH Metro, Profitable Group of Stations Are Available, Non Commercial FM, Amarillo, Price Reduced, Be The Largest Voice In This Great Small Market, New York Capital District Profitable AM With Two Translators, Dallas Metro FM Serves Fastest Growing U.S. Emergency Antennas, Silent Stations, Special Temporary Authority (STA) for Broadcast Services. Written communications regarding silent stations should be mailed to: The following Silent Stations lists are generally updated twice each month. The members participate in frequent conference calls to discuss active listings and share information on prospects. INFO: Voice Mail 617-306-7939 ~ Electronic Mail: radio.usa@outlook.com. Had the dream and goal of serving the community through a small-market station just before that infamous piece of legislation went into effect. All of the little guys (an FM and/or a small AM with a two-holer studio) needed and an engineer once in a while, to fix whatever. Another major factor to look at in evaluating a start-up property is the technical condition of the station. Abandoned Train Station. If you are an established broadcaster looking to expand or a well financed owner, give me a call. RadioTVDeals.com is the nation's LARGEST marketplace for radio stations for sale and TV stations for sale or radio stations for LMA (lease) and TV stations for LMA (lease). Market #62, Voted "Best in the West" - We have 2 different stations available, St. Louis Anyone.. please explain to me how Clear Channel (a better name than iHeart) could amass a debt of $20 billion. I remember being at an R&R convention in the late 90s. And if stock was transferred they long sold their stock in the existing companies. In financial circles, a companys worth may be judged by its market capitalization and/or its enterprise value.. Do either need to be painted (tower), repaired or even replaced? Abandoned Train Stations for Sale. Is it an unfortunate combination of circumstances that has led to a succession of owners who had no clue as to what to do with the station? which is what we do. Abandoned Trains& Train Stations. JP Morgan Chase purchased the abandoned estate, which was raided by the FBI in 2016, for $2.65 million in October 2022, and the sale went through in December. You will have proven that the facility really has not been a dump all these yearsit just did not have the benefit of your programming/sales/engineering genius. 7 Comments. 2. And you have some good comments coming in from others in the industry! President Clinton was right before Stevie Nicks. Smart broadcasters today are already doing it. Priced at $850,000. Each list only includes stations that have been silent for more than 2 months. Market #77- new FM- El Paso TX is BIA Market #77, and that is NOT counting any of the Mexican side of the border. Turn-of-the-century Bramwell, West Virginia, was a rich little town with more millionaires than any place of its size in America. If the AM station is a directional system, is the pattern still in compliance? When the levee breaks Ill have no place to stay. Purchase or Lease Price: varies Location: USA. If not, then Lehman, Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, Countrywide might be the only outcome for Clear Channel. Keep your head down. If you didnt write it you were out! submit it via email to me. Find nearby old fire station for sale. And I would run it properly and most importantly have fun with it. Thank you for checking out the blog. Those of us who watched radio stations being bought like trading cards over the past five years have repeatedly asked How are they going to pay for this? Ken Dardis: June 24, 2002. for the IPod. Maybe we should slow down a bit? Back to how to evaluate a non-cash flowing station or a dark station ready to go back on the air. On November 10, 2015 Cumulus Medias stock price was valued in pennies, as in 27 pennies per share. Wait until the real money comes in. He meant Wall Streets real money. I have had several cases recently where the number was unintelligible and as a result, I could not return the call. LPTV stations that do not originate programming and TV translators must post renewal notice texts on an acceptable website (station, licensee, parent or as otherwise described by the FCC), linked under the title FCC Applications, within five business days after the date on which the FCC issues PN of the acceptance of the renewal application and must remain posted for 30 days. Please contact me direct on this and I will put you in contact with an attorney that practices before the FCC if you are not using one now. But you are going to have to tell me where you expect to get the money to buy the station you wantand in many cases, you are going to have to have the money before you start looking for your station. The former Chapeltown central station near Sheffield in south Yorkshire, which closed in 1954, has been listed for auction with a guide price of 250,000. SelectHEREcontinue as a FREE MEMBER on the RadioTVDeals site. For additional information related to silent AM and FM stations, please see Silent AM and FM Broadcast Stations. Theyre backed into a corner.. Amtrack by the way is re-equipping their entire passenger fleet to put a 110 outlet at each seat for passenger use. The most famous of these abandoned stations is Lvivska Brama. Today talented people are told not to be funny or creative. There is a credit crunch in the land if anyone has noticed. due to the extreme confidentiality of the situation. Old fire stations for sale. A renowned vacation spot for those looking to escape the cold, Jacksonville saw an average of 50,000 to 73,000 visitors on a yearly basis at the time. He immediately wanted to know the call sign of the station and all the particulars. to see what else is available. It certainly has hit a nerve. Such a station might have a format that appeals to a significant audience but the station is unable to sell enough advertising to capitalize on the station's own success. Or. If the AM station is a directional system, is the pattern still in compliance? Co-brokered with Kozacko Media Services. What is the age of the transmittor? Now, how many group owners are run by guys in their 70s? The client put me in touch with his financial "backer". They have not bought a CD in some time, by the way. With 3,700 square feet on the first floor and a 2-bedroom, 2-bath loft on the second floor, the listing asks $799,000 for its bare brick walls, exposed wood beans, and even a rooftop deck. 1,458 Railroads. I have often asked, How do you screw up free? These companies did. Ill even fly corporate class instead of first class. Are you still with WLW? It is managed by JR East. Interactive web site or not? That real money did come in and now the two biggest radio companies, Cumulus and iHeart Media, are in big time trouble. For more information on AM and FM radio broadcasting, please visit the Audio Division website, and the Broadcast Radio Links page.FCC>Media Bureau>Audio Division, (202) 418-2700. Bill and I worked together 40 years ago at his hometown station in Mineral Wells, Texas. EAS Test Reporting System The EAS Test Reporting System for filings opened January 3, 2023. $6,750,000. And you know what happens when you assume. He/She gave you the laon in the first place only because you promised him/her the marriage of your first born Dartmouth/Stanford.Harvard etc. I was contacted by a gentleman with several years experienbce in various phases of the broadcast industry who said he wanted to buy his first radio station and he knew the type of format he wanted to do. Updates may be delayed while the FCC transitions to the new LMS database. As Farid (or one of his minions) said, Radio sells itself! And there are other owners who have told us that IF you have a qualified buyer. Is the ownership/management talented? Gammon Miller, LLC - Christopher Miller This leaves you with a margin of about $30,000 to have a station valued at $100,000 when you sign on. Abandoned Places. The near future as I see itthose of us still around will have devices in our car/pockets/home that will be a combination of cell phone/TV/IPod equivalent/computer/Internet radio receiver. Has there been lightning damage to the phasor system and other transmitter/audio processing components? FST27204. contact long time Reno expert: Pat Anderson. My example of this would be I would rather own: A station in town A, town B and city C than all the Cumulus or Iheart stations in the Memphis area. Lists are generally updated monthly. Financing IS available. If you're willing to put in a little time (and a whole lot of elbow grease), then snapping up an abandoned building could be a fantastic way of getting your foot on the property ladder. Ive worked nearly every job in the radio business. program to the community you serve, be known to your customers and get involved in the community. I rode in such a car last Spring. 2010 International Gang Section Hi-Rail Truck 28,000 miles Price: contact Location: UT. - NEW ZEALAND, Western New York- 2 separate AM w/ FM Super Translators (Metro Signals). It has also been named by several online magazine sites as the #1 place to . EEO Public File Reports All licensed full-service radio and television broadcast stations, Class A television stations, cable television systems, direct broadcast satellite providers, and satellite radio employment units with five or more full-time employees that are licensed inArkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, or Oklahomamust place EEO Public File Reports in their OPIFs. My dream/goal was to own a small market just before that infamous piece of legislation passedeffectively swallowing jobs and putting paid to any indie broadcasters dream of serving a community with a small-market station. The buyer assured me that he had financial backing up to $20 Millionmore than ample funds to do this deal and have enough left over for working capital.probably for a couple of years. It pumps 100,000 gallons a month; store does $70,000 in gross sale a month; lotto. Interest rates are at historic lows, yet iHeart Media is paying, in one case, as much as 14% on its notes. iHeart Media alone is in hock by almost $20.6 billion. If bankruptcy comes, the administrators will hopefully be more prudent than those that caused it. Owned tower and studio building. You will want to see these. How can they be losers? Thank you for the kind thoughts. Access from your Country was disabled by the administrator. I have had several questions about doing appraisals on stations and the answer is YES, I do them. However, the hub station (or common studio or control point) is required to register and file in ETRS. Luckily for me, the head of the Southern California Broadcasters Assiciation set me straight by telling me that radio has never been better and that these huge media companies are giving great value to their shareholders. Hope there is a chance again in the next 10 years. - NEW ZEALAND Market # 24- NEW FM - This FM Metro Signal can be paired with any AM within 25 miles, or with a leased HD channel. Thanks for reading the blog. RadioTVDeals.com is the nation's LARGEST marketplace for radio stations for sale and TV stations for sale or radio stations for LMA (lease) and TV stations for LMA (lease). Maybe even podcasts? Ad Microsoft. Attractive HD lease adds an additional 1 million potential pop count. Ira, to your point, with the tower sites. Asking Price is $790,000. . I agree, when bankers took over radio, they didnt realize what it took to make a station a success. Well, as my partner and I comprised a broadcast engineering firm in a market with a couple of big guys and a number of 80-90s (we built the smallest and best sounding), we did fine. Both iHeart Media and Cumulus have also been selling tower sites (or land) to create cash. They got their money. Forget 8 hour work daysthey will turn into 12 or 18 hour days very quick. I am a talk show listener longer than Rush as been talking on the radio. Can you compete with them if you go on the air? A damn shame. I have many experienced rookie buyers that need help from sellers to be able to buy. The problem here is that many stations have gone through a succession of owners and have never shown any positive cash flow or just enough to keep the power on until the next sale/transfer. : Improper format? And, they cant get out. The first three managed properly would be a better situation I believe than owning multiple stations in Memphis competing for the same slice of the advertising pie. Poor market conditions? (LogOut/ Asking: $1,000,000. SOLD! In 2014, the radio industrys total spot revenues declined to under $14 billion, with total revenues just over $17 billion. Circuit (Kidd Communications v. FCC 2005 U.S. Appeals) financing may even be harder to get than before. Power of the station? RadioTVDealslistings / Ads for radio stations for sale and TV stations for sale. Or. We have 2 FULL-POWER FM stations in communities that are part of the Reno METRO, but will not cover the city of Reno itself. Poor signal? Silent FM Station List. Very few stations are going to be sold on a "this transaction is subject to Buyer being able to secure financing" type contract. You mean the companies that sold into the existing consolidators? Analog and digital broadcast stations that operate as satellites or repeaters of a hub station (or common studio or control point if there is no hub station) and rebroadcast 100 percent of the programming of the hub station (or common studio or control point). An unmitigated disaster all around. Each list only includes stations that have been silent for more than 2 months. You guys complaining about too many radio stations, have no idea what this FM translator boon, is going to do in the next 18 months. Counties, FCC Broadcast Filing Deadlines for January and February, https://www.fcc.gov/general/eas-test-reporting-system. BLACK FRIDAY SALE 2022: Free Insider Membership for 2 Months Untapped New York November 25, 2022 Untapped New York unearths New York City's secrets and hidden gems. These filters are returning legitimate mail in errorplease advise me if this happens. I may be able to help if Publishers Clearing House isnt happening. Where have I heard this before? With unique features, bags of potential and surprisingly low price tags, these derelict dwellings . Only FM Group in Resort Area of 40K Pop. Steve, If it keeps on rainin, levees goin to break If not, then it wont be such a good deal. The items to upload by this date include: Television License Renewal Applications Due Applications for renewal of license for television stations licensed toNew Jersey or New Yorkmust be filed in LMS. Wasnt the revenue stream truly sufficient for the debt servicing, or was it maybe a few cuts here and there and everything will be all right. EXCUSE ME? We help people to find radio stations for LMA (lease) or TV stations for LMA (lease). Our small, privately owned, independent rural station is doing fine because we run radio the way it should be done..we provide local programming listeners cant get elsewhere. Current owner-operator is retiring for health reasons. !what happenbed to his ability to do a cash deal? If you will, send me information about yourself and your company. Darryl. Because this in an FM Metro Signal, the STICK VALUE is $1.2 million. The problem is when a company owns more stations than they need to. 3782 Sqft; 0.09 Ac. Fantastic opportunity to get into the Tuscaloosa area with Class A TV stations. Full Market FM signal that needs a hands on operator. Each brokerage firm maintains its individual ownership, but the consortium allows collaboration between the companies in order to expedite the sale of listed properties, when needed. You need to go on the air with a station rehab or a new-build CP with equity built into the deal from Day Number One. The station also has a freight terminal for the Japan Freight Railway Company . You will gain credibility with sellers and brokers. I have been in this business long enough to have seen this happen two or three times. ft. of commercial real estate space . I dont know what you mean. Are the copper radials in the ground damaged or corroded away? Western NY Rated Market combo: Classic Hits/Oldies FM ranked #2, Country AM ranked # 6 in 21 station market. This list consists of FM, low power FM (LPFM), and FM translator broadcast radio stations silent for two months or longer. I had to explain to him that the value of the permits being auctioned was and probably for some time would be highest at the auction price. Rated Market TV station, license and equipment with leased T site, population coverage approximately 139000 Price $175,000 Electronic Mail: radio.usa@outlook.com ~ Voice Mail: 617-306-7939 anytime. Your payment is in process for your "%package_name%" membership. you have the CASH to buy or are able to negotiate seller paper. The broadcast business is still good, if you are a small operator in a good town, and you do it the old fashioned way: When he came to the microphone everyone of these broadcasters stood up and cheered. that the identity of the stations for sale remain Copyright 2019, RadioTVDeals.com. Jen Grimble 6/12/2022. The lesson here is secure partners and financing before trying to buy. Ten years from now will radio as we have known it for 80+ years still exist? Find the best offers for your search vacant service station. This converted fire stationoriginally built in 1887is now a converted building with both commercial and residential space. NEW! iHeart? Well thats going to take a few things. If I had the money I would love to purchase a radio station. The corporate reality and daily insecurity tells us to shut up, lay low and stay under the radar. When the meeting took place, the first thing the "buyer" wanted was to structure a terms deal for 25 years. Peoria Illinois. FM covers over 1 million for in-car listening. So these stories of debt and likely bankruptcy must be wrong. Call and we can discuss your situation. Just think, no monthly payment to that nasty, ill-tempered banker who really does not understand your business anyway. All Rights Reserved. What strikes me is that what ails radio are not the true radio and broadcast devotees like yourself, but the financial engineering and financial trauma lurking in the industry. FM Translator W298BK Geneseo IL; SOLD! Looking for something specific? Gulf Shores has been named by Forbes as the third best town in the U.S. to retire. 7 Comments. You can find a radio station for sale or find a TV station for sale here. Wanna buy a radio station really cheap in the future? Abandoned Places. If you are looking for a radio station purchase and want a different set of eyes to help with due diligence we can help with thisand for sellers needing to make a property have more 'curb appeal'this is a service offered also. If it keeps on rainin, levees goin to break Cash deals are king. If you are the site owner (or you manage this site), please whitelist your IP or if you think this block is an error please open a support ticket and make sure to include the block details (displayed in the box below), so we can assist you in troubleshooting the issue. I recently returned from vacation. $150K : The Top 22 , Andys Fiver Friday Episode 16 Benztown Branding Radio Imaging, Wanna Buy a Radio Station??? Deleted or Cancelled Stations. Yeah, my finger hovered over the share button but insecurity prevailed. One of our former competitors was the full time engineer. Karl, What company was that? 117 Properties from $75,000. Are the copper radials in the ground damaged or corroded away? A common industry approach has been to factor the amount of revenue a particular facility may generate by looking at the amount of advertising revenue the station may be able to secure out of the total revenue available for radio in the market if it reaches a particular audience levelwhewgot that? Parties subject to the Emergency Alert System (EAS) rules (radio and television stations, wired and wireless cable television systems, digital broadcast systems, digital television broadcast stations, Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service, digital cable and digital audio broadcasting systems, and wireline video systems) must submit their annual Form One filings for calendar year 2022 in the online EAS Test Reporting System (ETRS) by no later than February 28, 2023. Sorry, it does not work like that. We were told broadcasters granted the privilege and given licenses, along with the publics trust, would create new and diverse programming options for listeners. Call us for a private discussion on how we can HELP YOU!! Price reduced to $790,000 - or 5 times Broadcast Cash Flow (National average is 7X BCF), TUCSON, AZ but 98% is all LOCAL programing live 2% syndicated (late night). Have a wonderful week. Abandoned Train Station. Until then, we keep serving our listeners and turning a small profit. Ive diversified, many years ago, and if radio disappeared tomorrow, you can only blame the guys who wanted to be exactly like the Big Fish. I was once contacted about a property that I had listed. Many new construction permits (CP) are coming on the market as a result of the recent FM allocations auctions. Of 40K pop written communications regarding silent stations, Special Temporary Authority ( )... Fire stationoriginally built in 1887is now a converted building with both commercial and space... Railway company town with more millionaires than any place of its size in America if this.! Alone is in process for your search vacant service station in gross a...: Voice Mail 617-306-7939 ~ Electronic Mail: radio.usa @ outlook.com total revenues just over $ billion. Cumulus have also been named by several online magazine sites as the third best town in the industry to... 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