We are currently consulting with Traditional Owners and communities that are potentially impacted by the alternative connection location of VNI West into WRL so we can be confident we understand all the local factors before making any decision. Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy, Essential Energy and Transgrid (Network Operators) each hold an operating licence. This will include extensive community and stakeholder consultation. In the National Energy Market, our operations are governed by a number of institutions. This summary is an aide only, and should not be relied upon by licence holders and other stakeholders as a substitute for thoroughly reading all relevant regulatory instruments. Early 2023, we will also be publishing a further consultation report on the outcomes of the options analysis and inviting written submissions prior to concluding the RIT-T. We are and will continue to engage with stakeholders to facilitate meaningful input from stakeholders and communities, and clearly explain the rationale and benefits of the project. State Grid's bid was cleared by the Foreign Investment Review Board but was eventually unsuccessful,[6] possibly because of its government and military connections. Transgrid has entered into an underwriting agreement with the Commonwealth Government to develop the Victoria to New South Wales Interconnector West (VNI West), a major transmission infrastructure project proposed to secure the electricity supply and boost sharing between the two states. In Victoria, the PADR proposed a connection to the Western Renewables Link (WRL) at a new terminal station north of Ballarat. The PADR and its attachments, and the July 2022 Project Update, can be accessed below in theResources section. Further formal consultation is proposed early 2023 before finalising the Project Assessment Conclusions Report. If you live on the central-east coast of New South Wales, your electricity distributor will be Ausgrid. The structures are either steel towers or poles made of steel, concrete or wood. <> Licence granted to the Ausgrid Operator Partnership, Licence - to be read in conjunction with the below variations, Minister's variation - Signed by the Minister on 4 December 2017, Minister's variation - Signed by the Minister on 5 February 2019, Minister's variation - Signed by the Minister on 23 September 2022. The RIT-T is a formal consultation process designed to: The RIT-T consultation process has three stages: Submissions on theProject Specification Consultation Reportclosed on 13 March 2020. 1 0 obj We are currently consulting with communities that may be potentially impacted by the alternative connection location of VNI West into WRL so we can be confident we understand all the local factors before making any decision. endobj [2][3] In September 2016 the New South Wales Government instead accepted a bid from an Australian-based consortium of AustralianSuper and IFM Investors, for a sum of $16 billion.[4]. No decision has been made on where best to connect VNI West into WRL, that will be decided by AVP and Transgrid through the RIT T process following further consultation in the new year. You can find the meter dimensions listed below. We are committed to working closely with local stakeholders, Traditional Owners, landholders and communities throughout the project area to understand how we can maximise benefits across the board. Who owns the electricity grid in New South Wales? [3], In December 2015, a consortium called NSW Electricity Networks was the successful bidder for a 99-year lease of Transgrid's transmission network[4] for $10.3 billion. The diagram below has been provided for illustrative purposes only to provide an indication of the potential broad areas of interest under investigation. Any difference between the reference price . This regulatory process ensures energy users avoid paying more than necessary for electricity through the transition to net zero emissions. Please use our comparison tool for a specific comparison in your area and to see other products in our database that may be available. In response, further analysis is currently being undertaken jointly by AVP and Transgrid to include consideration of alternate VNI West options, connecting to WRL at different points between Mt Prospect and Bulgana, in the next phase of the RIT-T. As part of this additional VNI West RIT-T analysis, we will be consulting with Traditional Owners, communities and local governments in the areas of interest. stream AusNet Services has been contracted by AEMO to delivery WRL and has been notified of our current VNI West investigation. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision. endobj Maps appearing in the VNI West PADR, and the 2022 ISP, are illustrative only. We acknowledge the traditional owners of this land and pay respect to Elders, past, present and emerging. VNI West will provide a vital new transmission line to link new renewable generators with the grid and ensure reliable, affordable power as Australia transitions to clean, low-cost renewables. Ausgrid was government-owned until December 2016 when it became majority-owned by private investor groups. Transgrid participates in the Australian Energy Regulator's (AER) revenue proposal process, where submissions of the transmission network service providers . 5 0 obj Transgrid is the manager and operator of the high voltage electricity transmission network in New South Wales and the Australian Capital . Transmission projects have long lead-times that require extensive community engagement, planning and construction activities. endobj The reading is then validated and sent to your electricity retailer who calculates your final bill. In order to assess all network and non-network options from a technical and economic perspective, we are using the Australian Energy Regulators Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T). The Review of limited merits appealconcluded: The Panel therefore recommends that a new, wholly administrative, review body, provisionally labelled the Australian Energy Appeals Authority (AEAA), take over all, or the great bulk of, energy sector review work currently undertaken by the ACT, and in particular that the AEAA take over review of NSP revenue/price determinations. (See p5 of document). That is, we persist on selling off the farm, to entities from countries that must think that we are idiotically free and easy. We understand the importance of building social licence for transmission projects through the RIT-T process and we are committed to working closely with communities to understand unique, local issues, and consider these issues as early as possible. Ausgrid does not operate as a general electrician service and can only assist with issues that relate to your network connection. This consultation will provide a number of different opportunities for community members to provide feedback in addition to our regular engagement with councils, governments, consumer representatives and industry. Route selection will be finalised after the regulatory test for this project is completed, and in close consultation with stakeholders and communities. And here we have just one more egregious example of how a financially out-of-control country responds to its massive foreign debt; we just keep converting debt into equity. Important environmental, social, and cultural matters will be assessed in detail and addressed through the subsequent state and federal government environmental and planning assessments and approvals processes to minimise impacts. Metering systems located at customer connection points in the network, usually at substations, record the amount of power being transmitted at that point and charge the customer accordingly. In response, AVP and Transgrid are investigating alternative locations in the Waubra/Lexton or Bulgana areas for connection of VNI West, which would still run via a terminal station in the area of Kerang. A December 2022 project update provides a summary regarding the PADR submission and assessment of feedback. Since December 2016, the Ausgrid network has been owned in joint partnership by the New South Wales Government, Australian Super and IFM Investors. endobj Major decisions, such as the location of the VNI West connection to WRL, consider engineering and economic factors. . If there are issues with the internal wiring at your property, this will require a licensed electrician to repair. This page was written and is regularly updated by Canstar Blues energy content producer, Kelseigh Wrigley. So right there we can see $2 bn going away. The AER argues that the Tribunal expressed concerns about the use of estimated econometric data to estimate Ausgrids costs, but made no finding that the estimates were materially inaccurate or unreliable. By leading the transition to a clean energy future, we aim to make a better power system for Australians. Our Community Partnerships Program benefits areas where our assets are located or under development. AusNet continues to investigate WRL project alternatives as part of the Environment Effects Statement (EES) and to evaluate the impact that any proposal to relocate the terminal station may have on the WRL project. A new 500kV transmission line will carry electricity to customers from new generation sources. [1], Transgrid began as the trading name of the Electricity Transmission Authority which was established on 1 February 1995 as a statutory authority under the Electricity Transmission Authority Act 1994, as part of the break-up of the Electricity Commission of New South Wales. This differs from the enterprise value of more than $20 billion for the . Transmission reliability and performance standard -applicable from 1 July 2018. The following chart is from the AERs final report. The network operates primarily at voltage levels of 500 kV, 330 kV, 220 kV and 132 kV. VNI West will harness cleaner, cheaper electricity from existing and future renewable energy zones in New South Wales and Victoria, significantly boosting the ability to share energy between states and unlock the full potential of Snowy 2.0s deep energy storage. A range of potential options have been considered through the RIT-T framework. The insulators provide the required insulation to stop electricity leaking into the structure and then onto the ground. endobj Hong Kongs Cheung Kong Infrastructure (CKI) and State Grid of China [SGC] already own considerable utility infrastructure in Australia, and CKI in particular has an excellent reputation as an operator. From 1 December 2017, any new or replacement meters for homes or small businesses will be smart meters, installed by your electricity retailers appointed provider, not Ausgrid. install a solar PV system at your property. 9 0 obj Transgrid participates in the Australian Energy Regulator's (AER) revenue proposal process, where submissions of the transmission network service providers (TNSP), the AER and other interested parties are used to set the maximum allowable revenue (MAR) for the TNSPs for a five-year period. New smart meters are supplied and installed by your retailers appointed provider, any questions surrounding your smart meter should be directed to your retailer. As always, check all details of any plan directly with the retailer before making a purchase decision. Ausgrid is an electricity distribution company which owns, maintains and operates the electrical networks supplying 1.8 million customers servicing more than 4 million people in Sydney, the Central Coast and Hunter regions of New South Wales, Australia. <> At this stage, the WRL EES will be submitted to the Victorian Government in early 2023. Ausgrid is an electricity distributor that operates across the central-east coast of New South Wales. Transgrid and AEMO Victorian Planning (AVP) have today published the Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR) for the Victoria New South Wales Interconnector (VNI) West project as part of the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T) process. AVP and Transgrid sought and encouraged feedback from stakeholders via submissions and consultations on the Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR), which was published in July 2022. However, if a decision is made to connect VNI West to an alternative WRL terminal station location, the submission of the WRL Environment Effect Statement may be further delayed. }d'==)S~?i We operate and manage the high voltage electricity transmission network in NSW and the ACT. VNI will help lower the cost of wholesale electricity across the National Electricity Market. Ausgrid, Evoenergy, and Essential Energy. Please use our comparison tool for a specific comparison in your area and to see other products in our database that may be available. The Ausgrid network covers over 22,000 square kilometres, spanning from Sydney to the Great Dividing Range. And also note ourlive generation widget,and theAPVI solar contribution. These leases resulted in some additional obligations for the three operators, including the following: - The Code of Practice for Authorised Network Operators, which relates to environmental impact assessments and compliance, is required as a licence condition. The PACR, including responses to feedback received, will be published in 2023. The actual route for any of the options has not yet been determined. Our core role is to connect electricity consumers to a safe, secure and reliable network through efficient maintenance, proficient operation of assets and prudent investment. This preferred option establishes the broad area of interest for the project, including locations for connecting the project into the existing network. Unfortunately we cannot provide dimensions for older models installed before 2004 due to the existence of a significant number of legacy models. Our database may not cover all deals in your area. The proposed expansion will address transmission network limitations. A transmission line transmits electricity across vast distances. For issue to all Ausgrid and Accredited Service Providers' staff involved with the design and installation of telecommunications cables in Ausgrid premises, and is for reference by field, technical and engineering staff. The safety and welfare of our people, delivery partners, and the broader community is our highest priority. This consultation will provide a number of different opportunities for community members to provide feedback in addition to our regular engagement with councils, governments, consumer representatives and industry. SGC also owns 60% of Jemena which owns another electricity distribution business in Victoria and most of the gas distribution in NSW. power poles) to undertake work on your property, To enquire about your electricity bill (contact your retailer e.g. We are also working with AusNet as investigations are underway into alternative locations for VNI West connections and its potential impact on WRL. See the December 2021 progress updatefor more details. Our network extends throughout NSW and the ACT, with connections to Queensland and Victoria. [2] The Authority was corporatised in December 1998, by the Energy Services Corporations Amendment (Transgrid Corporatisation) Act 1998, and Transgrid became the actual name of the corporation. The decision to look at alternative locations for the connection of VNI West to WRL was driven by feedback from the community and stakeholders, with particular concerns in relation to the compatibility of the proposed terminal station location with land use in the Ballarat Bendigo area. Its really worth looking at this chart for a minute. You can find the meter dimensions listed below. It is mainly responsible for maintaining the network of poles, wires and stations that make it possible for electricity to reach your home. This is front page news. Transgrid and AVP received 26 submissions during the PADR submission period (29 July 9 September 2022). Ausgrid should only be contacted in relation to the electricity supply at your home. Whether its value for money, new incentives, deals on gas or solar, Kelseigh is keen to help customers put money back in their pockets. AVP and Transgrid are currentlyinvestigating alternative connection points into WRL, looking at an areas around Waubra/Lexton and Bulgana. Please see the review page for details of the review. Sad that our essential services have been become the plaything of corporate interests and so much is wasted legal and financial arguments of how to share the spoils as opposed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supplying power. Smart meters are remotely read by your retailers appointed metering data provider, these meters record your energy in the same way as interval meters, that is, recording how much electricity is used every 30 minutes. excludes TransGrid's part of transmission costs, whereas the 52.8% share attributed to 'regulated networks' in . You can also contact this distributor to request a pole inspection, tree trimming or to receive historic data from your meter. WRL is in the preparatory stage of the Environment Effects Statement (EES) and is therefore yet to receive the required environmental and planning approvals. Here is some general information about when you should and should not contact Ausgrid: Bill-payers living on the New South Wales central-east coast can contact Ausgrid for a number of services including electricity connections, projects and maintenance in the area, pricing and tariff information, rooftop solar installations and faulty connections or outages. This work is part of the RIT-T framework for VNI West. While visual amenity impacts and bushfire risk are reduced, undergrounding raises its own suite of issues: for example, disturbance to flora and fauna, and archaeological sites, and increased impact on land use (the land above an underground power line may not be able to be used for some farming activity). There are three major underlying issues in contention and we not expressing the legal language or points but what we perceive as the underlying common sense issues: At first we didnt think the AER stood much of a chance in the appeal. If not, you can select your property on the map to report an outage. The network consists of more than 49,000 kilometres of overhead and underground powerlines, with more than 31,000 distribution substations. AVP and Transgrid have already commenced engagement with a number of Traditional Owner groups and other key regional stakeholders, including councils and community groups through the RIT-T process to build understanding of unique, local issues. Subscribe to receive all major news and updates. To be read in conjunction with below variation. container:'body', This is why we are taking this step of consulting with potentially impacted communities so we can be confident we understand all the local factors before making any decision. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> We have provided links to each network operator's licence (and any subsequent variations) below. The difference in revenue between TransGrid's revised proposal and our final decision is mostly driven by our forecast of capital expenditure (capex). The residents, after many urgent appeals to Ausgrid's COO Trevor Armstrong and the chairman Roger Massey-Green, had been given no other option to notify local MP's, the media, the Environmental Protection Authority and other authorities to get action against Ausgrid. This includes a number of major urban areas such as Cronulla, Newcastle and the Hunter region. This enabled Transgrid and AVP to undertake refreshed market modelling as part of the RIT-T process and align with the 2022 Integrated System Plan (ISP) optimal development path and consider the impacts of: See the April 2022 project update for more details. The project is also expected to support regional employment and economic growth in some capacity across the LGAs where the project is sited. The difference per year between what Ausgrid wanted going forward (green line) and what the AER allowed (purple line). tariff options for energy customers in New South Wales, cheapest electricity prices in New South Wales, three electricity distributors in New South Wales. Interval meters are all electronic. These guys already own lots of the assets. Get up to 3 free, no obligation quotes from highly-qualified installers. Transgrid's Telecommunications network is one of the largest optical fibre network in Australia, with the majority of the network's Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) strung above the electricity transmission network. On 11 August 2016 the Federal Government intervened to block the proposal, citing national security concerns regarding foreign ownership of critical infrastructure. [1] It was formed in 2011 from the previously state-owned energy retailer/distributor, EnergyAustralia, when the retail division of the company, along with the EnergyAustralia brand, was sold by the Government of New South Wales, and the remainder renamed Ausgrid. placement: 'auto', The PSCR seeks feedback and advice on the identified need for new transmission infrastructure. There are four stages of electricity supply in New South Wales generation, transmission, distribution and retail. difference to bushfire risk between overground and underground transmission lines and no significant difference to operational costs. Social and environmental issues are key considerations for a range of community and stakeholders in the assessment of any major infrastructure project, including major transmission projects. Transgrid runs over 13,000 kilometres of transmission wires in . In 2016, the New South Wales Government offered the effective sale of a 50.4% stake in Ausgrid, through a 99-year lease. <> We are collaborating with local governments, Traditional Owners, Registered Aboriginal Parties, the Australian Energy Infrastructure Commission, and other key representative organisations to inform and guide our engagement activities and to build broader community awareness of the project. Learn about our other projects which secure ongoing supply for energy customers. Strengthening the grid to deliver affordable, reliable and clean energy to customers. The non-confidential submissions are available to read on the AEMO website. Here are the Origin Energy plans on our database for NSW. Our approach centres on transparency, accessibility, inclusiveness and communication. While you should only need to contact Ausgrid on rare occasions, it is worth keeping these numbers handy just in case you spot a fallen power line or anything goes wrong with your power supply. VNI West is currently at an early project stage called the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T). Meters measure how much gas or electricity is being used at your service address. This agreement will enable Transgrid to plan with confidence and maximise the opportunity to deliver the project aligned with the RIT-T process. AusNet has prioritised reaching out to landholders between Mount Prospect and Bulgana, who may potentially host the WRL infrastructure, and those surrounding landholders who may potentially be impacted by any changes. Automation systems, telecommunication systems and metering systems are all part of our digital infrastructure. If you would like to speak to someone at Ausgrid directly, the number you should call depends on what youre after. AusNet has and continues to investigate project alternatives as part of the EES. html: true, This engagement will provide opportunities for all stakeholders to provide feedback and insights in relation to the potential alternative locations for the terminal station. A lot of work is currently underway to understand the specific land use and community issues for each of the potential connection points to inform that decision. [citation needed], "Treasurer blocks sale of Ausgrid to Chinese, Hong Kong bidders", "Treasurer Scott Morrison blocks sale of Ausgrid to foreign bidders", "Ausgrid sale: Baird Government sells half to Australian firms for $16 billion", "Police intervene in stand-off between Ausgrid and angry Penhurst residents", "March of the tall grey poles has residents fuming", Electricity Commission of New South Wales, EnergyAustralia (state government enterprise), Sydney County Council (Sydney Electricity), List of power stations in New South Wales, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ausgrid&oldid=1111334623, Government-owned companies of New South Wales, Electric power distribution network operators in Australia, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Richard Gross (CEO) We recognise the vital role that stakeholders, including Traditional Owners, community and landowners, have in the planning and delivery of major transmission infrastructure projects. This standard applies to the rating of 132kV, 66kV and 33kV cables, to LV and 11kV cables that Implementing our Reconciliation Action Plan contributes to creating a more equitable future. 6 0 obj Canstar Blue's website terms and conditions apply. Can I choose a different energy distributor other than Ausgrid? It is the first of a three stage RIT-T process. JFIF JExif MM * 2 :( XICC_PROFILE HLino mntrRGB XYZ 1 acspMSFT IEC sRGB -HP cprt P 3desc lwtpt bkpt rXYZ gXYZ , bXYZ @ dmnd T pdmdd vued L view $lumi meas $tech 0 rTRC. We are responsible for reading your meter and sending the data to your electricity retailer. The safety and welfare of our people, delivery partners, and the broader community is our highest priority. Licence granted to the Endeavour Energy Network Operator Partnership, Licence - to be read in conjunction with below variation. Ausgrid undertook the rapid replacement of its fleet of vehicles. 13 0 obj For another comparison we can look at what was paid for Transgrid as recently as last year. This will provide meaningful opportunity for stakeholder and community engagement on values, opportunities and constraints before a final decision on connection location is made at the time the RIT-T is concluded, and the Project Assessment Conclusions Report (PACR) is published. For energy customers from your meter and sending the data to your network connection a inspection... Transmission ( RIT-T ) on 11 August 2016 the Federal Government intervened to the. Transmission line will carry electricity to reach your home the PSCR seeks feedback and advice on the coast. Which secure ongoing supply for energy customers may be available meter and what is the difference between ausgrid and transgrid the data to electricity! Is mainly responsible for reading your meter meter and sending the data your. 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