"Vision competitions give us the opportunity to be more experimental than we would be in the office. They also give us an opportunity to playfully exercise our design skills and develop effective methods of collaboration and communication.". "I think architecture competitions provide chance for me to explore new things and challenge myself. I try to study bridge architectural aesthetics through self-study, investigation and project practice. "We can think out of the box and try different kinds of concepts and new experiments. We see it as a chance to refine and practice the skills we have and through this find our purpose and identity in the way we think and design.". ", "I participate in architecture vision competitions mainly to challenge myself. They are also fun and a challenge because you always have a new task or topic to deal with over a certain period of time. Yoona Ahn and Peter Salim from United States! "For us, taking part in architectural vision competition is a big chance for experimentation with space and structure, an opportunity to celebrate the design process and to face unusual topics.". ", Vancouver Affordable Housing Challenge competition, "In the competition we can explore our creative thinking with certain themes that are prepared, and also we can see the different approaches from other participants in solving the same problems. Antonin Yuji Maeno, Andrea Levorato and Simon Colombat from France! "By taking part in design competition, we accept a challenge and opportunity to provide out of the box ideas for organisations looking for innovative solutions. ", RED SQUARE TOLERANCE PAVILION competition. HassanChang Yuan Max Hsu from United States! Competitions require us to think and work fast, while retaining a sense of art direction.". In most cases the topics are very interesting and most of the time there are no limits for your ideas and thoughts. "Because I have found them a great opportunity to express the way to make architecture on a human scale, through the vindication of previous concepts. Alyona Tryhub, Nataliya Stukonog, Kateryna Vasylevska and Oleksandra Zavada from Ukraine! Mats Kemppe and Kristina Masyt from Norway! Aidan Doyle and Sarah Wan from United States! "I enjoy the creative freedom that these competitions allow. In densely built-up areas, most individual buildings are omitted and an area tint is shown. Bogi Kovcs, Anna Gassner and Zsolt Krausz from Hungary! A brief is the key that opens up and constrains our imagination.". We feel that competitions allow us to think in new ways, examine our process and explore alternative means of graphic communication. Located in Flanders, Belgium, the Vlooyberg Tower is a staircase that literally leads to nowhere. Write "compass" before "rose" on the board. Projects that emerge through many concerns and discussions help the further growth of participants and demonstrate their potential for development. "We think that competitions are a stimulating exercise for creativity, a way of responding to the needs of people and the environment in total freedom. Brandon Haarer, Fiorela Lesaj, Adam Dean and Solomon Reynolds from the United States! Cardinal Directions and Maps | National Geographic Society ", "Competitions allow me to explore broader architectural concepts beyond the limitations of the office routine. Topographic Map Symbols | U.S. Geological Survey I enjoy that. We felt that architectural competitions force you to continuously make decisions that are tangible, which can get lost in academic projects. Rolando Rodriguez-Leal, Natalia Wrzask, Jose Luis Mulas and Paola Barrenechea from United KIngdom! Competitions motivate us to strive to become better at what we do, competing with architects from all over the world.". In particular, our team thought that the existing way of working and domestic space intensifies the problems of the current capitalist society. ", "Participating in architectural competitions takes us out of the daily routine and gives us the opportunity to play in new fields that cannot be experienced much in the world of practical work. Lucia Kalogjera and Maja Genc Kalogjera from Croatia! Beln Moreno Pedrejn, Oriana lvarez Braiz and Luis Miguel De Jess Dos Ramos from Spain! "Through competitions you are able to express yourself in a very raw and creative way straight from your soul. This is good opportunity to get to know yourself and to look at the surrounding whole. Competitions allow us to test and stretch rules to achieve a better solution in the context. We try to always challenge ourselves to go further than the most obvious answer to the questions asked. ", "It is an opportunity to challenge yourself and to stimulate creativity, especially because you can explore different concepts and scenarios. Competitions are carte blanche for dreams.". We participated in this competition to think about how our society should change beyond how the relationship between two programs should change in the future.". Student addresses why protecting speech of an unpopular view is important. Adrian Dullin, Marine Charles and Amaury Lecerf from France! Participating in contests brings up such important qualities for the architect, such as the ability to quickly switch from one task to another and the ability to complete work on time.". Speculative design helps architects and urbanists to question norms. Together, through the crucible of vision competitions, we can explore break-throughs ideas for not just for architecture and design, but also for policy, place, and living.". The value we find in participating in these competitions is that it builds our vision, challenges us to think of design issues that we do not work with everyday, and brings more and more ideas into our firms oeuvre. For the agency, this has always made it possible to freely explore fields of ideas and to shape new concepts. ", "Architecture competitions give us the chance to explore forms, contexts, materials, or languages different from those that we encounter in our day-to-day work. For larger buildings, the actual shapes are mapped. "We believe that this kind of gesture makes reality better. "Architecture competitions offer a chance at some kind of success but also help bolster my portfolio and keep me stimulated. It also allows me to confront new topics and specific contexts. In the best case, obviously, the project also gets built.". "They help us grow and see the wider world. Mariana Merlo Zurinaga, David Acevedo and Diego Estrada from Puerto Rico! Doni Hallko andDebora Di Francesco from Italy! Giovanni Fruttaldo, Kimberly Carlisle and Noah Lemus from United States! Competitions offer a rare opportunity to showcase and experiment with ideas and architectural expression without restrictions. To develop an idea and take it though until the end without losing it during the trip, is very easy in this type of competition and it attracts us especially. "After having successfully completed student projects together we decided to bring our work to the next level.". ", "We want to practice beyond our limits, have fun, and tell stories by using architecture and design. Eveline Lam and Dave Holborn from Canada! Landmark symbol: C. 10. Shuangyun Chen, Stefano Agliati, Raul Martinez Medina from Netherlands! Dorota Szlachcic, Mariusz Szlachcic, Julia Kisielewska and Wojciech Klapcia [ArC2] from Poland! ", "Participating in the competition has allowed me to pursue a brief which I was passionate about, this made the design process extremely rewarding as I was able to draw upon many areas of interest to formulate my design. Gustava Grntuch and Jakob Fischer from Germany! Bastiaan Muilwijk and Paul Ouwerkerk from Netherlands! Alessia Falcini and Christelle Maalouf from Italy! Lastly, you get to see many like-minded individuals projects, which has to be inspirational for every designer.". They provide a middle space between academia and practice, where the unavoidably competitive nature of the profession is channelled positively into a collective intellectual output.". This website uses cookies for enhancing the user experience and tracking usage statistics. "We participate in architecture competitions for the thrill of it. Iqbal Ziaul Haq, Nur Saddia Maulinda, Bahrumsyah Bila Sahil and Rahman Akbar Sayekti from Indonesia! It gives us the freedom to venture into our very own obsessions. "Competitions are usually a great opportunity to develop new ideas, to dream big or small, and to develop yourself as an architect. "BOLDR participates in competitions in order to elevate the profession, communicate ideas, and inspire our own practice. Participation in competitions allows us to be involved in the new history of architecture and to be in the context of its development.". Nowadays, we have an unique chance to compare our level to participants. As an architecture student, I want to prove myself and measure my designing level through worldwide competition. ". It is a rewarding opportunity to face a challenge and develop new design perspectives as a result.". "I wasn't entirely satisfied with my academic projects, and so external competitions were both a way of improving my skills in designing, and also served as an act of redemption to prove myself. Virginia Pozzi and Alessandro Minotti from Italy! Competitions in architecture are an excellent method to test out strategies, explore individual interests, and exercise more creative flexibility. The value of the observed response is y 4 = 2.1. "I believe participating in architecture competitions should be an integral part of architecture, it's an exercise in the most important topics that we face or will face as a society and thus should be the ones that get the most attention and work. "Architecture competitions are an excellent provocation for creative exploration. I find it particularly meaningful to tackle architectural design competitions, as they provide an opportunity to test my skills and creativity in a competitive environment. There are many other competitors, and it is necessary to find something unique, which is worthy to base the design upon. The knowledge gained by constantly refining and tweaking ideas, and how to present them, proves to be useful in my academic and professional work every day. Interpreting the colored lines, areas, and other symbols is the first step in using topographic maps.