There is always a little sadness in my heart to think that the show is over, and was over decades ago. hat. Great show and I wish all take notice on what the message was. Whenever I can find it, I also watch MASH on LOGO cable TV and WGN TV. We all sorely missed those who have passed. His character looked at the world with a sense of innocence but in no way could he be called dumb. I wish they also had it in reruns as they do MASH. Youve given me, as well as the rest It comes on the Sundance channel and MeTV channel all the time. It was an honor! Im not Frank Burns s.I wouldnt make mispelling a serious issue. We tried aftermash, but it just didnt have the same feel to it and it didnt last anyway. I love the show and I miss the actors that has pasted away. I was a very young child when M*A*S*H was on the air and all I can say is; Thank you for the fond memories. He is courageous, facing the disease bravely. Thankyou all, for such a great series. I love the guest appearances of Ron Howard and John Ritter, to name a few actors who played parts on this program. So when he gets home from work, Fox News, American Pickers, Pawn Shop on put on the TV, even if I was watching something. ive watched mash when I was a kid and I still watch it now whenever its on.Well I have cried a couple of times over tv shows,maybe three times and two of those have been when I watched to final going home episode.I just finshed watching it and I can barely talk so im typing.Just chokes me up everytime.Maybe it reminds me of my youth but I think its because I loved every character dearly. Im 34, and know for certain that this is the best show ever. I LOVE THE THEME SONG AND HUM TO IT WHENEVER IT COMES ON. The actors portrayed their characters beautifully and the content was so varied. Later that year, he starred in an unsold sitcom pilot for CBS called W*A*L*T*E*R in which Walter OReilly became a cop in St. Louis. It would be great if the actors could return to the site where where it was filmed and dig up the time capsule they buried in one of episodes. Facts Verse Actor who played MASH's Father Mulcahy dies | CBC News His role of Charles Emerson Wincester III added a touch of class to the programme. To see each ather for all the fans. It has brought much joy to millions and will continue to do so for generations to come. The only show I can watch over and over and never become tired of it. Sally Kellerman, whose long career was best known for her portrayal of U.S. Army Maj. Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan in Robert Altman's classic film MASH, died today of dementia complications at. The funny part is the reruns have caught my childrens attention and they are watching it too! Many a conversation about surgery or something we have seen on an episode, can go late into the evening. McLean Stevenson, Larry Linville and Harry Morgan, you will never be forgotten. Also, Loretta Swit, Gary Burghoff, Jamie Farr, Mike Farrell, and William Christopher were interviewed by Toledo TV station WTVG/13abc in January 2016 for a half-hour special titled M*A*S*H Memories & Magic.. The cast are the best,the writing unbeatable, the delivery cant be beat,and the theme song hauntingly beautiful. I wish the remaining members a long fruitful lifeand to all my fellow MASH lovers out there I wish you many more happy days or nights enjoying this absolutely unforgettable show. and every emotion between, I loved every minute, and am Look at the long list of great and positive comments about the show. MASH is one of those shows that runs with the times. Different setting, different humor, the seriousness that is due all team members and especially patients! Its neat that Mr. Linville & Mr. Stiers were together at the closing of the last MASH unit, as it meant that each of the replacement surgeons had a chance to meet his predecessor, as Wayne Rogers & Mike Farrell were both at the 30th Reunion Special, and McLean Stevenson & Harry Morgan appeared together in the S3 episode The General Flipped at Dawn, and they both had starring roles in the 1978 Disney movie, The Cat from Outer Space. I love you all. But I was in my 40s when M.A.S.H. I dont think there is or was another TV show that can replicate these emotions. We were stunned when Radar informed us of the death of Henry Blake (hed just had a son), and were joyful and hopeful when Radar met the girl from the mid west who only lived 100 miles from Ottumwa. He was an optimist by nature. Tony Sanchez Floresville, TX I never come close to meet anyone of the cast. The two continue to work promoting autism awareness through the National Autistic Society. Being able to see the show in sequence now is wonderful. Larry Linville, the actor who embodied Frank Burns on M*A*S*H, died in 2000 CBS While "M*A*S*H" didn't exactly have an antagonist, the closest thing to one was Major Frank Burns, or "Ferret Face," played by actor Larry Linville, who sadly died at the age of 60 after diagnoses of cancer and pneumonia. I cross at the end I miss them all, best show ever. One of the great things the show did was to remind us that there WAS a Korean War. Throughout my Lifetime, I have ALWAYS Loved Loretta Swit. It was and is still one of the most enduring tv programs. Frank Burns is in the shower, Hawkeye says Keep still Frank, then swats him with a towel. Thank you to all involved!!! Christopher was 84 when he died of Lung Cancer in December of 2016. Watched it with my Father all the time!!! mash cast members who have died. Wayne Rogers was my favorite. I bought it when it came out on DVD. M*A*S*H is an awesome show I wish they would have made more episodes I could have watched it forever my favorite character is Hawkeye and radar and tell all the ones that have passed away may all your souls rest in peace. Anytime I want to go back in time I watch one of these and its like in 6 or 7 again and I can hear his laugh. Gogglebox star Mary Cook has died in hospital aged 92, it has been announced. I loved all the characters I beleave these people were ment for the parts they played and no one will ever take there place in my heart So to the cast Thank you for all laughs M A S H was my touch stone threw out the years thank you . Are you also tired of Laurel and Hardy? the ENTIRE CAST. Though things were not good with Vietnam, race riots, college protests, we watched MASH & laughed as if there was no tomorrow. In contrast to his predecessor, Winchester was a Harvard-educated and highly skilled surgeon with a deep love for classical music. it was very sad to see the show end. Take care . Will never forget how truly great this show was. I laugh and I cry.. Fantastic program. Always remember Larry Linville being asked about how he created Major Frank Burns. NOW: Roger passed away Dec. 31, 2015, due to complications from pneumonia. David Ogden Stiers remained active following the end of M*A*S*H, with acting roles on TV and the big screen. I just got caught up in a marathon and to remember watching certain episodes when my life was just starting out is truly poignant. The characters are old friends of ours by now. Great then and great now . I am so crazy about the re runs on True Entertainment UK that I have even bought a box set just incase I miss an episode. I love this show!! Burghoff is a creative genius, not only creating works of art, but hes musically gifted, and has quite a few patents to his credit. Which MASH star died recently? (2023) - Everyone came as their favorite MASH character. Sad to hear of some passings. I am a grown man and im no girly type either.i work in construction and am hard as nails.i dont cry for anything or anybody except? the series, since they discovered that there had been no black surgeons. Francis Mulcahy on the smash sitcom "MASH," has died, CBS Los Angeles reports. Its true to life especially the characters. I guess I didnt realize how many of the shows there were, but they are my entertainment of the last few years especially, as although I still volunteer in a few things, the energy level and recent health problems slowed me down. The depth of the characters draws you in. MASH is such a wonderful show that brings me back many years when I would hear the music at the beginning and at the end of the show. No matter what character, they felt like family. My husband and I watched M*A*S*H growing up and loved it, now our kids watch it and love it just as much. If I thought Hawkeye and BJ were not real friends I would be upset. Thanks Alan. Apparently he "didn't know how long . MASH is about the futility of war, of war mongering politicians and media who lie and send young men and women to die and to kill without question!! . Enjoyed the series, both originally and in re-runs. People will be watching this series long after we are all gone and enjoy it as much as we all did. Helping her sell these as a friend. I have always loved the episode of Hawkeye and his Longhorns and the one about Adams Ribs. The likes of you will never be seen again. Thank you for share. I cried when Henry died when radar went home and the final episode when everybody goes home. We're going to see which Mash cast . I am 21 now, and used to watch M*A*S*H as a kid all the time. Probably influenced my decision to join the army. This show has meant more to me as the years have passed. Find a nice personality to go along with this wonderful show! I cant even watch American comedy Im English through and through,BUT M.A.S.H keeps on being repeated and my wife and I just keep on laughing its not a real medical but it is a shot in the arm,we know Hawkeye is only Groucho but who cares, if Radar promises not to grow up my wife will adopt him, my favourite ? We appreciate and thank everyone involved; pay respects to those cast members who have passed and those still among us. The cast was top notch. Amazing cast, wonderful messages. Her initial interest was in jazz singing, and she was signed to a contract with Verve records at age 18. I doubt if there will be another show this loved. Is he a regular on that show, or ??? My mom loved the theme song, although she said it was sad. I now am semi-retired, still surf (longboard) California waves, do volunteer service (Gerda & I), and teach as an adjunct professor online with a USA medical school! sorry but here is what i really want to say with google translate help: I would like to say that I regret enormously that killed some of the best I have watched mash 4007, from the first to the last episode, I might add that I cried with the whole family at the end of those episodes, all I can I regret to say is that he had finally best players, who are in love and you will not forget until the day I die, will respect you all and love Gods rest on those who no longer with us. My husband and I love the reruns of Mash. Mash has not only inspired the actors to be greater then they have ever been before or after their roles in the show. I watch reruns from 6:15 til 7:15 nightly (Whoever slotted that time slot on channel 1 in Australia is also obviously a comedian) but I find that by watching M*A*S*H and missing the daily half hour news slots, a pleasure. So many actors have passed, but some still going, and so am I. Enjoy a good cry and cant wait for the whole series to come on again. Hot Possess a exclusive type, however, not a ridulous. He was my library teacher and quit teaching to be a writer for Mash Or so he said at the time. I am now in my middle thirties and I have been able to pick up the series on one of the freeview channels and I am absoloutely hooked!!!. As an 80 year old I have always been watching mash, and as long as the show Plays on me TV I still watch it every night at 7:0clock every night. Todays episode was Radars farewell and I wept. You had to be proud of the strength of the writers and actors (and producers, etc.). MASH's 'Colonel Potter' dies aged 96 - ABC News Larry Linville, who played Burns on the CBS war sitcom, played that character for five seasons. BE RENEWED AND APPRECIATED. Thanks to all these wonderful actors/actresses, producers, etc, living and gone. I will watch it as long as I am alive; it is the only show on TV that both my husband and I can watch together, and laugh and laugh as we commiserate with the wonderful actors who bring such humanity and love to their parts. I cant get enough of the wonderful MASH episodes with the connection and the, chemistry and the wit that fused the people and set of MASH together and the fun of their roles and performances. Mash Cast Members Who Have Died - DocsLib God bless everyone in Mash. Wayne Rogers, Trapper John on 'MASH,' dies at 82 - Los Angeles Times Watch the shows every night , still one of the best series made , thanks for all the great entertainment I still get from the show guys and gals. UPDATED MAY 2 2020. it takes me there.also I speak Korean and cook their favorite dishes also please be patient with me. ), in June 2009. I own the whole series. If u dont have cable metv or channle 10.2. i love to look up my favorite shows and see where they are now. We watch it for an hour each night,,, still enjoy even the re-runs. We basically have a roommate situation even though we are married. There are so many moments that make you laugh, tear up, and want to fight for whats right. Awesome show, the comedy has proven to last through the ages. Loved reading your comments as I watch this great show yet again!!! We relate to them even today because they are all, like the rest of us, damaged in some way. Was Colonel Blake's Death a Secret? - You can watch episodes again and again. who gave such great enjoyment.. Marcia Strassman, 'Welcome Back, Kotter' Actress, Dies at 66 His second book, Of Mule and Man, was published in May 2009. If Larry Linville didnt do an outstanding job of playing Frank Burns, the show wouldnt have been as big of a success. He left the soundstage as soon as the final camera "cut" was called. From 2004 to 2006, Alda had a recurring role on The West Wing as presidential hopeful Senator Arnold Vinick. Sally Kellerman Dead: Oscar-Nominated 'MASH' Star As "Hot Lips I have been enjoying mash all its life,the tears,the lafter all all else It could throw at me. Ryan Knight (right) was one of two cast members who died before the season premiere of MTV's The Challenge. and the movie MASH great shows. And one of his most notable roles outside of MASH was that of Private Lester Hummel on Gomer Pyle USMC. My Favorite was called The Tooth Shall Set You Free., What a great show,I still watch the show,bless all the stars ,pass and present,they are truly missed. Sally Kellerman, the Oscar-nominated actor who played Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan in the 1970 movie "MASH," died of heart failure, according to her publicist. Thanks for those wonderful years cast and crew! We like all the characters as they give us a laugh. Sue miles. On February 15, 1996, Stevenson was recovering from surgery in an LA hospital when he suddenly went into cardiac arrest and died. Although M*A*S*H may be their main claim to fame, most of the cast continued acting after the series ended. In fact am going to watch 2 right now. Sally Kellerman, original Hot Lips from 'M*A*S*H,' dead at 84 I have every episode of every season on my computer and never get tired of watching,even got my kids watching (theyre all in their twenties). set on dvd. Continue Mash cast members who have died Death is one of the things that makes a limited liability company different from a corporation. We also watch every night on METV. The television show follows the members of the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, which stationed in Korea during the Korean War. Christopher's son confirmed . Watched it from the start. I was a clerk in the U.S. Army from 1968-71 in Okinawa. He appeared in a handful of movies during the late 1980s and the 1990s. Love Hawkeye, probably my favorite, Radar, then BJ, Col. Potter,,thats, Sherman T Potter! 66 and still a MASHER. Still watching reruns. I watch the M*A*S*H marathon every Saturday on Sundance. Most recently he has had a recurring role on Foxs The Cool Kids. I love M*A*S*H! I thought Id hate it because it would remind me of a painful experience. Its there. In 2002, the surviving cast members came together for the M*A*S*H 30th Anniversary Reunion Special on FOX. So clever. We salute you. Im confused, they said in memorium re: Alan Alda Has he passed?? Would love to have season one thru four on DVD that would play through all the shows. Franks says Did you get it? I LOVE MASH 4077 HAVE ALL THE DVD S AND AM STILL WATCHING IT ON THE T V , ESPECIALLY RADAR. M*A*S*H is and will be one of my all time favorite shows on TV. The humor tempered with real human values and weaknesses make the series relevant today. (Its took years) The fact that Mash is still running on a couple of channels attests to its relevancy even today. Still enjoy watching episodes of MASH today. Not that we live in the past, but it was very enjoyable, entertaining as well as interesting to watch TV shows that you feel comfortable watching with family members. I agree with every thing i have read here,mash is the best comedy show that i have ever watched,the comedy is still on a par with any comedy show of today, Also, farewell to Major Charles. And when he finally when home we couldnt be happier and sadder at the same time. The role perfectly crafted for him. If anyone out there would like to see all the 11 seasons please check with your local library.. you should be able to borrow a season at a time (about 4 discs per season). He made a handful of TV guest appearances in the 1990s, including Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (1997) and Mad About You (1998). William Christopher: October 20th, 1932 December 31st, 2016. "For the first time in my life I took chances, I didn't suck in my cheeks, or worry about anything.". A truly memorable show which transcends age and nationality I like to be entertained without all the violence there is these days. Rather watch MASH than anything on thats new in the sitcom genre. What cast members of mash have died in real life? - Answers I was a young lad watching it with my mom and remember the last episode like it was yesterday. When he got back to the states he got a job as a grave digger. He also did quite a bit of work for Disney as a very proficient voice artist. I watched MASH in the 70s and Im still watching it. One of my history professors at Auburn University would end class early during summer semester so he and any of us that wanted to could convene at his house to watch the 2pm rerun of MASH. Sad to think that some of the wonderful actors have now passed away. I grew up my whole life in foster homes, group homes and other places. Thanks to all who contributed! Players can submit questions for others. I watched all the M*A*S*H programs and still continue to watched today and still enjoy them. As the Army psychiatrist on MASH, Arbus embodied his role to such a degree that Alan Alda convinced for the longest time that he had real-world experience in the field. My late husband and myself used to watch M.A.S.H. One of the best shows of all time!the characters were just wonderful,I loved it when the actors would also direct episodes. Our kids got us the complete M*A*S*H 4077 anthology a few years ago and every so often we get it out and watch all of it over a week or so, laughing or crying just like the first time. Best TV show ever. repeatedly Monday to Friday on British T.V. Watching the re runs on true entertainment. I watch (2016) M*A*S*H on ME TV I am addicted! Ill never forget it! What more could you ask for? Hassan Dr. H. Richard Hornberger (Richard Hooker), one of the authors of the books MASH based the book on his time as an Army doctor at the 8055th MASH not the 43rd. Some of Linvilles films after leaving M*A*S*H include Earth Girls Are Easy (1988), Rock n Roll High School Forever (1991), A Million to Juan (1994), Fatal Pursuit (1995), and Pressure Point (1997). He hosted Pets: Part of the Family, a how-to series about pets that aired on public TV from 1999 to 2000. The list of actors begins with Elliott Gould and Donald Sutherland and includes Robert Duvall, Sally Kellerman, and Tom Skerritt. Throughout the course of the show. Only one thing about this article.Linville was present at the closing of the 43rd Mobile Army Surgical Hospital the inspiration for M*A*S*Hs 4077th Better now than when I first watched it as a kid decades ago, reflecting just how our appreciation must grow with the passage of time as we read new nuances in it. ", And in 2014 she was nominated for an Emmy for her recurring role on "The Young and the Restless.". P.S.- I like old movies too. He also had an impressive career on Broadway where he co-produced productions like Neil Simons Brighton Beach Memoirs and Biloxi Blues. List of M*A*S*H cast members - Wikipedia and love all the characters be they from the start, right through to when the series ended, and we are sad to learn of the passing of some of such wonderful actors. They are the funniest, sad, happy mementoes It was bitter-sweet, but we had a ball! other comedy shows from that era just do not carry the the comedy in later years Mash does that and more. What is tell tale about how well done the show is, is that its not all. I watch mash Monday through Friday at 7 p.m. even though they are reruns I watch them it drives my husband crazy so he goes to another room and watches something else. I also still watch The Honeymooners, Hogans Heroes, WKRP, The Three Stooges and many more. Stay safe and stay alive folks. Watched mash as a kid, still watch the reruns. I own the entire series on DVD and watch almost daily. God bless to the cast members that have passed ! My husband and I watch MASH every week night from 7P-8P. Why? THEY MAY BE GONE BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN! I was sad to hear of the passing of three of the beloved I had a Larry when I was in the Navy 67-71on the USS Wasp. But I can honestly say that regardless I still to this day enjoy every single episode. I will always enjoy watching the episodes! It is as funny, as moving and as thought provoking now as it was when it began.perhaps even more so. Reminds me of my posting to Thailand (Ubon) in the mid 60s.wife loves Jamie Farr Klinger Every character is like a family member and I enjoy every rerun episode as if Id never seen it before. I enjoy watching the reruns and getting a perspective on the Korean War. early years of our marriage and once again now as we approach our 50th wedding anniversary. I remember watching as a little kid, with my dad, every week, and both of us getting misty, when Hawkeye flew over the big goodbye sign, that BJ left for him. Excellent writing, great acting and timeless humour that crossed The Atlantic which often does not work here. I am a 74 yr old fan[9-15-46], no doubt Mash is/was the greatest! Wonderful. MASH will forever be the greatest show in the history of TV. My wife and I grew up in and around Ottumwa, Ia. Im now retired and originally from the UK, now living in Poland, we are able to watch Mash 4077 on Fox Comedy TV. Great writing, great acting, good casting, sensitive directing, and just the right amount of comedy to balance the harsher plot lines, and remember, NO laugh track in the O.R. "Beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and dear friend to many, Mary, who worked in the .