Together, they are chaos monsters that people should be wary of. Mythical Creatures A-Z What is the reflection of the story of princess urduja? Gnome - A small, humanoid creature who lives and moves beneath the earth. Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'E' - Greek Gods Family TreeThe Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'E' provides short definitions of the gods and goddesses that feature in myths and legends. In some versions of the myth, this creature would be a human with the skin, pincers, or tail of a scorpion. quite good and educational but a few are missing like spirits, ghosts, kanima, etc. Bigfoot is usually described as a large, hairy, bipedal humanoid. Wendigos cannot control their urges to kill and they eat even their loved ones. Winged Horses or Pterippi, winged horses. They were also powerful runners and skilled warriors. 50 Sweet Valentines Day Facts To Celebrate Love, Facts about Adoption Statistics Cost LGBT More, 50 Fascinating Leprechaun Facts For A Magical Feeling, 60 Random Language Facts Youve Never Thought Of, 50 St Nicholas Day Facts That You Never Knew About. Mermaid? (Is an enormous sea monster in Norwegian sea folklore, which would sometimes attack ships and feed upon the sailors. Living in a small area there are very few, in fact there may be only one. The Cyclops is another one of Ancient Greeces mythical creatures. Another myth says that vampires cannot enter your house unless you invite them in. Check out our list of Greek Gods and Goddesses. - The living dead who feed on human flesh. LatmusEnna: Plain in Sicily;favorite resort of ProserpinaEnyo: Greek goddess of war and peacekeeping, Roman counterpart BellonaEos: Greek goddess of dawn, Roman counterpart Aurora- jealousy of, - winds, offspring ofEpaphus: Son of Jupiter and Io;founder of MemphisEphesus: City in Asia Minor sacred to DianaEphialtes: Giant son of Neptune- brother of Otus;imprisons MarsEpigoni: Sons of the seven chiefs who besieged ThebesEpimetheus: Greek god of afterthought, Roman counterpart EpimetheusEpimetheus (Afterthought): Son of Iapetus- husband of PandoraEpimetheus signifies after-thought, Prometheus fore-thoughtEpirus: Country visited by Aeneas, who meets Andromache thereErato: One of the Muses;daughter of Jupiter and MnemosyneErebus: God of darkness- marries his mother, Night- progenitor of egg- dethronedEridanus: River into which Phaeton fell from the sun chariot- Hercules consults nymphs ofErinnyes: Collective name given to the FuriesEris: Eris Greek goddess of war, Roman counterpart Discordia, goddess of discord and strife- apple cast by, Greek and Roman Mythology starting with 'E'Erisichthon: An unbeliever;punished by famineEros: Greek god of love, Roman counterpart Cupid - child of Light and Day- arrows of, - egg produces- causes mans creation- mans life given byErymanthus: Place where Hercules slew the wild boarErythea: Island home of Geryones;visited by HerculesEteocles: Son of Oedipus and Jocasta- reigns one year- slain by his brotherEthiopia: Country visited by BacchusEthiopians: Happy race of Africa, south of the river Oceanus;visited by the godsEuboean or Euboic Sea: Sea where Hercules cast LichasEumaeus: Swineherd visited by Ulysses on his return to Ithaca, - Ulysses aided byEumenides: Collective name given to Furies- forest sacred toEuphrosyne: One of the three Graces or Charites;attendant of VenusEuropa: Daughter of Agenor;wife of Jupiter, - mother of Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon, Eurotas: River near Sparta, where Helen bathedEurus: Greek god of the east wind, Roman counterpart Vulturnusson of Aeolus and AuroraEuryale: One of the three terrible GorgonsEuryalus: Youth sent with Nisus to warn Aeneas that his son was in dangerEuryclea: Nurse of Ulysses;recognizes him after twenty years absence- Penelope awakened byEurydice: Wife of Orpheus, who seeks her in HadesEurylochus: Leader of Ulysses men- escaped Circes spell- Ulysses men misled byEurynome: Wife of Jupiter;mother of the GracesEurystheus: Hercules taskmaster;appointed twelve laborsEurytus: Ioles father;visited twice by HerculesEuterpe: One of the Muses;presided over musicEutychia Greek goddess of success, Roman counterpart FelicitasEuxine Sea: Same as Pontus Euxinus, or the Black SeaEvander: King of Tuscans;ally of Aeneas;father of Pallas, Evenus: Father of Marpessa;drowned himself in river of same name- Hercules crosses- Fama: Attendant of Jupiter, goddess of fame. In popular culture the fey, if recognized at all, have been reduced to small, winged, humanoid, female creatures that are frequently portrayed in the nude. Its exact description varies; it is described alternately as resembling a crocodile, beaver or dwarf-like creature, and is sometimes said to be a demon. In some depictions, they are great archers. In some stories, the golem is the perfect servant. His sole purpose is to serve his creator. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Mythical Creatures A-Z: E However, most people agree that the Loch Ness Monster has a long neck with one or more humps on its back. Elf - A race of pointy-eared humanoids who excel in magic and archery. Read also: 50 Fascinating Leprechaun Facts For A Magical Feeling, Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: European countriesOther names: Gobblin, Gobeline, Goblyn, Dokkaebi. According to the legend, Minotaur is the son of Pasiphae and a bull. Originally they are described as winged beings, a tetrad of living creatures, each having four faces: of a lion, an ox, an eagle, and a man. According to Irish mythology, a banshee is a beautiful woman in a white dress, with long white hair. However, the king wakes up and wins the upper hand. This is why some refuse to leave their clothes hanging outside at night. These depictions are like how most myths describe ogres. These attributes helped them fulfill their purpose. - The man-eating beast that lived on the opposite side of the Strait of Messina from Charybdis. Some depict the Tengu as yokai while others depict them as Shinto kami or gods. Sometimes, the recorded history on these mythicalbeings changes the image we had envisioned of a particular being and it's purpose. Additional, comprehensive facts and information about Roman and Greek gods and goddesses are also available via: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'E'This section of the Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names provides provides useful facts and information about the vast number of gods that feature in Roman and Greek myths and legends. Echidna, the mother of monsters, and Ceto, the mother of sea monsters, are two famous dracaenae. (The living dead reanimated corpses brought back to serve a sorcerer. WebLoch Ness Monster - Long neck, large body, flippers and a tail. Maybe you should add a shape-shifter or animorph. Ko-gok ( Abenaki) - Hideous monster. Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: Britain, Italy, and other countriesOther names: Ogress. A few depict the Bogeyman as a demon or witch. When her mother discovered the girl she collapsed back into death and was burned by the terrified townsfolk beyond the town boundaries. Mythical creatures are creatures of great legend and folklore they leave us wondering whether they have existed or not. However, they have magical powers that they often used to cause trouble. French, German, and English folklore all have myths about fairies. Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: Pre-Islamic ArabiaOther names: N/A. Short definitions in the Greek and Roman Mythology Dictionary and glossary of terms starting with the letter 'E'. As the lion was traditionally considered the king of the beasts and the eagle was the king of the birds, the griffin was thought to be an especially powerful and majestic creature. (Is a mythical bird and associated with the Egyptian sun-god Re and the Greek Phoibos), Pixie Giantess of Loch Ness. Trojan Horses or Trojan Hippoi, twelve immortal horses owned by the Trojan king, Rhea's Lions, the lions drawing the chariot of. There are plenty of mythological creatures in European folklore. They typically act as messengers, as believed in the main three monotheistic religions. However, gnomes are actually mythical creatures from European folklore. In other legends, the basilisk is an enormous serpent with eyes that can kill you. Elaphoi Khrysokeroi, four immortal golden-horned deer sacred to the goddess Artemis. An eagle is also considered the king of the birds. Or to some theyre described as smaller than an average man with a reddish-brown pelt. (Is a demon who takes the form of a woman to seduce men in dreams to have sexual intercourse. ), Banshee Once the touch they dirt of their grave, they go back to being dead.). She threw it into the sky where it became the constellation Draco. Giant Onion. One of the most majestic mythical creatures ever is the griffin. ), Z: Zombies I have noticed you dont monetize your page, (A legendary gigantic bird from Arabian legends. However, it has deadly venom coating its scales. They are fantasy creatures and supernatural monsters from folklore, legends, and myths. A Little Spark of Joy - Everything Tarot and life's Higher Vibes In this film, Shrek is not the villain. Also the father of most Greek monsters. Ancient Greek and Roman MythologyThe Greek and Roman Mythology guide provides definitions of gods, people, places and events starting with 'E'. (In Modern English they are strictly known as baby or toddler angels. ), H: Hydra A goblin is a small malicious creature. Gigantic snakes of Libya, according to Diodorus. This is a fitting name as the legend says that chupacabras are vampires. Some also believed that witches could control these mythical creatures. In modern depictions, Leviathan is often a dragon-like monster. The Keledones, singing maidens sculpted out of gold by Hephaestus. I hope you'll explore the areas that you may not be as familiar with along with the creatures you think you know well.Since certain creatures have so much information about them, I've made more than a single page for a select few of these mythical creatures, including Vampires and Werewolves.Enjoy Not looking for Monsters? The Athenian inventor Daedalus also manufactured automatons. Radiation, diseases, and lab mishaps often lead to the zombie apocalypse. ), Ouroboros Among Chinese mythical creatures, dragons are the most popular. It feeds on human flesh and most small animals. ), Harpy Another example of mythical creatures from the Bible is the Leviathan. Most mythical creatures are scary because they are big and have animalistic features. Greek and Roman Mythology starting with 'E'Discover interesting information and facts about Roman and Greek mythology and legend in the Greek and Roman Mythology starting with 'E'. WebGeryon ( Greek) Three-headed six-armed giant with three torsos and (in some sources) six legs. (A monstrous centaurine creature who, from the waist up, had the body of a serpentine-haired woman. E: Elf (Originally thought of as a race of divine or semi-divine beings endowed with magical powers, which they use both for the benefit and the injury of Throughout the world, cultures have taken note that the craters on the moon create shadows that look like a bunny. Giantomachian dragon, a dragon that was thrown at Athena during the Giant war. However, plenty of fiction takes inspiration from this mythical creature. Greek and Roman Mythology starting with 'E'Additional, intriguing and interesting facts and information about gods and goddesses and the beliefs of the ancient civilizations of Rome and Greece are also available via: Greek and Roman Mythology starting with 'E'. WebMythical Creatures List Amarok - This beast is a gigantic wolf that roams about in the deep woods waiting to hunt down and devour anyone foolish enough to venture out there alone. Hey! To that degree I'm going to lump all of the mythologies together. Some say they are real and believe to have seen them; others are just not that into them. Alcyoneus, a giant. After, it will simply rise from its own ashes again. The Dracaenae were monsters that had the upper body of a beautiful woman and the lower body of any sort of dragon. Thus, she gave birth to the Minotaur. It can run at speeds of up to 300 MPH. Maeonian Drakon, a dragon that lived in the kingdom of, Nemean dragon, a dragon that guarded Zeus' sacred grove in, Ophiogenean dragon, a dragon that guarded Artemis' sacred grove in, Rhodian dragons, serpents that inhabited the island of, Thespian dragon, a dragon that terrorized the city of, The Ethiopian Dragon was a breed of giant serpent native to the lands of. In Korean culture, these mythical creatures are called Dokkaebi. This name translates to Korean goblins. Dokkaebi have different physical forms. This adjective comes from the imagery that the bible paints of the monster Behemoth. Psalms also contain a passage about the Leviathan. Her most distinct feature, however, is her shrieking voice. "No, I didn't mix up centaur and satyr; a centaur in Greek mythology is half-man, half-horse. Entries consist of legendary and unique creatures, not of particularly unique individuals of a commonly known species. Fictional Creatures This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. These features help them lure and drink from unsuspecting victims. You can view movies and shows in one place and filter by streaming provider, genre, release year, runtime, and rating (Rotten Tomatoes, Imdb, and/or Metacritic). From the waist up, Aqrabuamelu had a human body. As one of the dark creatures from European mythology, the basilisk is one of the most popular beasts ever. To many, the phoenix represents hope and life after death. (In some Native American legends, a skin-walker is a person with the supernatural ability to turn into any animal he or she desires). ), Dwarves Another one of the most popular mythical creatures is the ghoul. WebHodag ( Native American) frog-mammoth-lizard hybrid Hokhokw ( Kwakiutl) bird Hk ( Japanese) dog-like Chinese tree spirit Homa ( Persian) eagle-lion hybrid, similar to a ), M: Medusa - The nickname for a werewolf-like creature seen multiple times in Wisconsin. They almost drown him. Lykos () of Athens was a wolf-shaped her, whose shrine stood by the jury court, and the first jurors were named after him. What did the Nazis begin using gas chambers instead of mobile killing units and shooting squads after a while? WebThe last on our list of Korean mythical creatures is the dal ttoki. The famous Shrek films feature a green ogre as the protagonist. Cerberus? They are often mischievous creatures who favor gold and other jewelry. A lot of legends surround the vampire. Some legends say ghouls can only be killed with one strike. In Japanese, tengu means Heavenly Dog or Heavenly Sentinel. Depictions of the Tengu differ. WebLegendary Eagle: Legendary Animals: Animal: Small: 6: Elder Earth Elemental: Elemental: Elemental: Huge: 11: Greater Earth Elemental: Elemental: Elemental: Huge: 9: Huge What mythical creature's name starts with the letter E? Cyclopes play a big role in Greek mythology. This mythical creature has appeared in many cartoons, TV shows, and films. According to the stories, leprechauns hide their pots of gold at the end of a rainbow.