Cattle do way more damage then elk, but, you already knew that. Im new to Wyoming and whats interesting is I hear two stories. I do not feel bad about the over population of elk and what the elk do to their hay fields. We allow hunting but the elk leave and go up high in the timber and granite that has no access to get a elk out if you do get one. I live in northern Colorado and they have been spotted in Larimer and Jackson Counties. Ever wonder why their human population is so stagnant? We are located in the Laramie Mountain Range, 30 miles West of Wheatland, Wyoming. I have hunted in Wyoming a couple of times. And nowhere is there mention of allowing natures built in control system, wolves. Think they did the same in Idaho. Theyve toyed with using propane bombs to spook off the herds, and have left radios playing by haystacks. Move if you dont like it. Base the number of permits by a percentage related to the number of animals that Landowner deals with on their private property . I STILL HUNT IN WYO, BEING FROM PENNSYLVANIA, MANY YEARS AGO IT HAD THE SAME SITUATION WHERE GAME WOULD GATHER IN A SMALL HERD AND LATER BE A NUISANCE TWO OR THREE YEARS IN THAT SAME LOCATION (WE DIDNT HAVE WOLVES OR COYOTES). Until then, stop complaining and deal with the mess youre perpetuating landowners. Use your 15000 a hunter money for damages and quit crying about the elk. Very rough country. If the wolf populations were left alone instead of them being hunted would contribute to lowering the elk populations and get rid of the sick and older animals. Elk hunting in Utah and Wyoming, public and private land. My suggestion is to have two separate hunts. the huntress ranch wyoming - We rely on readers like you to keep our reporters in the field unearthing the stories that matter to you. Casper businessman Rick Bonander is an example of a landowner who bought up land in the Laramie Mountains so he, friends and family have somewhere to hunt. Wyoming politics and their Good Old Boy mentality of everything for resident ranchers nd to hell with anyone else. To Ranch and Farm in historical winter ranges of the game species must be shared with out any concern for the intruders, the game must come first. And the food prepared by Doris was absolutely fabulous., I can not tell you what this trip meant to me. The Ranch is a 20,000+ acre privately owned outfitting and cattle Ranch. Its a thing politicians used to do called bargaining. Today there is no way at age 73 can I evan think of paying the high cost of license . Included in all trophy hunts is the meat, the head and hide and the above-mentioned services. But none of this will be as benificial as Wolves. Bison Hunt Prices | Hi Mountain Bison & Buffalo Hunts Rawhide Creek Ranch | Hunts | Wyoming I have not seen flocks like that in many years. If I could place an order today, I would take 1000 head for southern Oregon, 500 cows, 200 yearlings and 300 bulls. There are people starving right here in America!! Part of the problem lies in the access no program. Wow, Sy, for a guy who profits off the back of the Wyoming taxpayer, that was a bizarre and laughable thing to say, but of course its all posturing for your rancher buddies. What would be the issue to relocate two or three thousand elk to areas like the Fremont Winema forest and the Craterlake National Park. Several commentors have advanced the idea of not paying the landowners for damages caused by publicly owned ungulates and predators if they dont allow the public to hunt on their private land. At a Teton County-ish value of $100,000 per acre the land value would be $2.30 a sq. So quit killing wolves and mountain lions, let them take care of some of the elk. First Class Hunts. The Chase family, friends, employees, and clients now hunt the NX bar. The Park County Sheriff's Office and Wyoming Game and Fish responded to the scene after receiving reports of bullets crossing the highway and traveling through Trout Creek Ranch. Our antelope hunts are held in southeastern Wyoming. Monday - Fri: 9:00am - 6:00pm. I know guys that have gone 5 years without drawing a tag. Dont let that happen there. Recommendations that emerged from the task force in the first year changed state law, granting Wyoming residents a higher percentage of moose, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, bison and grizzly bear hunting licenses. This doesnt stop to consider CWD which is spreading because of artificially inflated populations of elk and other deer for hunters. 7) rancher cries out for damages, gets paid handsomely by game and fish Heart Six Ranch would like to answer all of your questions! So, the buffalo are not free ranging in the true meaning . Ranchers need to stop complaining about too many elk when they wont let public hunters onto their land to hunt. Credit Solution Experts Incorporated offers quality business credit building services, which includes an easy step-by-step system designed for helping clients build their business credit effortlessly. I hope that some day we would be able to. Douglas, WY 82633 An example is the Park owned by the Texans in Muddy Mountain. The Solitude Ranch is known for . Price. We have managed the Ranch for trophy Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Elk, and Antelope for over 30 years. The fast and nimble elk or the slow and hefty domestic cattle?! I totally agree about the system wanting to kill off all our wolves, when they are the answer. LOWER THE LICENSE FEES FOR TWO YEARS AND OPEN UP LANDS TO RESPONSIBLE HUNTERS FOR STATE AND PUBLIC FEDERAL OWNERS OF LAND HUNTS. Wyoming Elk Hunts - Wagonhound Outfitters Mule Deer Hunts. The Cross C Ranch is a family owned and operated outfit. Address: 500 W. Walnut St., Rawlins, Wyoming. NX Bar Ranch - NXBar Sounds like yall could use some wolves in the area to balance it all out. Times change. Of course all this has to be approved by legislation. Wagonhound Outfitters Time to import some Grey Wolves to the Laramie Mountains. I think if ranchers dont want the Elk, allow the public access to public land. The early hunt is 100% wilderness so a guide is needed. 6.) More details are emerging about an unsafe hunting incident that took place near Wapiti on the 3600 block of the North Fork Highway in the early morning hours of November 30 th, 2022.. Forced access will not work with Wyoming ranchers. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY. All data is private and will not be shared with third parties. Elk outfitting hasnt been a moneymaker for Turtle Rock Ranch, he said, generating just a few thousand dollars in profit a year. Wyoming Hunting Packages. When booking a hunt, it is important for our hunters to be aware of upcoming application deadlines so . So much wrong here I dont even know where to begin. the huntress ranch wyoming - The new and current methods to hunt the elk, deer and antelope put excess and constant pressure on the game animals. In this video, I cover the Weatherby Mark V, Vortex Razor HD LHT, Spartan . ON Wyomings winter elk feed grounds, Game and Fish revenue funds are used to feed the elk meaning the nearby private landowners are not burdened with the cost of feeding them usually on their bottom land fields. Wyoming Antelope Hunting Archery and Rifle - The Werner Ranch Get ahold of your priorities! The desert elk hunt is based from the . WHAT? High Fence Hunting Ranch in Texas | Guaranteed Whitetail & Exotic Hunts More food, less hunting pressure, less predators! The Lodge and Spa at Three Forks Ranch, Wyoming: See 64 traveler reviews, 56 candid photos, and great deals for The Lodge and Spa at Three Forks Ranch, ranked #1 of 2 specialty lodging in Wyoming and rated 5 of 5 at Tripadvisor. I agree with Lou, incentivize the the ranchers to allow access. Beautiful country. This causes the game animals to form the big consolidated groups that we are see now. Ranchers had to save wildlife in the early 1920s and 30s because hunting wasnt been handles properly. Elk herds in Yellowstone were reduced from hundreds to dozens, and they are far more healthy than elk in the absence of predation. More by Mike Koshmrl, Your email address will not be published. I sure would like an opportunity to harvest a cow elk?! The Solitude Ranch has a reputation of sending hunters home with a Pope & Young caliber Whitetail deer or Mule deer. A picture is worth a thousand words. An area I used to hunt was burned 30 +/- years ago and the number of elk in the area grew exponentially. The native people of the Klamath, Modoc and Yahooskin eat and live off of elk and mule deer. As a rancher or landowner, If you charge for elk hunting then dont complain! Hunt Planner - Heart Six Guest Ranch Would this work in the Laramies? We are happy to assist you in obtaining any necessary permits. Skyline Outfitters, Wyoming They may not all move back but maybe enough to give ranchers relief. Ranch News; Contact; Subscribe. Guided or Unguided Wyoming Elk Hunts - Thunder Ridge Outfitter Along with their 5 children and dedicated employees they have built a successful business, from the ground up. Lets kill all the predators and then get subsidized for elk eating all the grass they want for cattle. Tyler Sims Outfitting offers some of the best archery antelope hunts around. Both sides need to compromise if they dont want to then all damage payments should stop. I was born in Colorado and have hunted for 54 years. In short the newer methods and products for hunting has and is training the animals to group more often and easier. Theres not an easy answer to this issue; however, nothing productive comes from insults without providing a solid idea on how to solve the problem. The basic question is why does the State of Wyoming have the right to graze the publics elk on private land without the landowners approval or involvement in determining the elk population numbers? Seems like G&F could do a better job of allowing more hunters in the area. 136,733 ratings12,545 reviews. You may wish also to look at the Wyoming Outfitters and Guides Association website at: Again dont over hunt the resource like here and respect the local people. View Gallery. I followed Jeffs advice, drew the tag, and then booked the hunt with Wagonhound for the opening day of rifle season and it couldn't have been better!. Publicly owned wild horses are rounded up in Wyoming by the BLM and outplaced onto private ranches where the landowner is paid over $60 per month to pasture the PUBLICLY OWNED HORSES. Please call or email us for more details. Lets see, Sy, if you want to talk about about the ranchers cattle that have decimated the range, forests and streams? We are currently dealing with a heard of approximately 1000 plus elk and its just out of control. Be carefull what you wish for. Basically, the Outfitter is a store keeper, yet we the people supply the wildlife on the shelf almost for free and pitch in shelf stockers (the Game & Fish) to make sure the Outfitter is fully stocked. Elk application deadline is January 31st. There is a ton of public land in Wyoming That simply cannot be accessed due to being landlocked or checkerboarded The access issues need to be solved and that will begin to help the situation of the overpopulation on private lands. It takes some time to be familiar with an area. I have zero sympathy for these ranchers. The landscape is impressive, with four creeks meandering through the grassy pasture bottoms providing grazing opportunities and wildlife habitat. 2019 Price list for big game hunts in Wyoming, Colorado and Iowa. Some camps you can drive your vehicle to and others we horseback you in. My wife and I would love to hunt elk but we cannot afford it. Outfitter: Jeff and Deb Smith Outfitter License #: BG-158 Forest Service #'s: WIN 497 - POW 521 - BLG 163 Visit Website Since we control the hunting on 100% of the 300,000 acre ranch we are able to create quality hunts dreams are made of! Good luck. In 2001 the ranch then sold again to Mack Energy who then removed almost all of the buffalo. We have exclusive hunting rights on over 32,000 acres of the areas best late season habitat. Once you pass the town of Kelly, turn right at the sign that says Kelly Warm Springs. Then they get the damage checks from government!! Right now the elk harbor on the private lands to avoid hunting pressure. We will spend one day setting up the camp and showing you . 9.) Gaining access to private land became more difficult as the guided/outfitted private hunts took over. It was the last of his ranch jobs. I am not trying to burn any bridges here and for our sake our livelihoods bring the Wolves back cause they Will only ensure the survival of the Elk and I know I like to Hunt. Stop killing off all of the natural predators like mountain lions, bears, wolves and coyotes. Martin's Cove: Mormon Trail Site - The Church of Jesus Christ of Browse our annual galleries and take a look at some of our most impressive hunts at Wagonhound! We are located on the Gros Ventre Road 28 miles northeast of Jackson, Wyoming. The outfitters are making money a the expense of the private landowners and taxpayers. This is a privilege for me. this articale could be retitled: In the Laramie Mountains, too many cows and an easy fix. Also, there are dogs who have been bred to keep the wolves away from cattle. with the help of the new elites moving in. As a Wyoming taxpayer and donator to many wildlife causes, I dont appreciate the fact that Outfitters even exist in our state. When it comes to private land the only three viable choices increased landowner tags, trap to relocate and sharp shooter reduction. Fixing up fences used to take a day or two. This is a man-made problem. The public backlash over that was so extraordinary the talk of bringing back wolves began then and there. The Wolves are an endemic predator essentially. Hunters and ranchers both being difficult , disrespectful and down right mean. When one landowner gives an easement to another adjacent landowner to cross his property, the dollar numbers are again in the tens of thousands. You suggest that the publics wildlife are, its up to the rancher to fence out the elk. Some lands could be opened up with just an access easement . Here easy fix. Allen's Diamond 4 Ranch has been a professionally licensed Wyoming Hunting Outfitter since 1973. TO DO THAT THE HUNTERS MUST BE FULLY ENGAGE IN THAT SCENARIO 100% IN HUNTING SEASONS ON ALL LEVELS. 3) ranchers overgraze public land to the point that theres no feed, cover or habitat for native species 512-966-2735 Email Us. Many more hunters get to go for free. If your not rich you wont hunt. that was the old generation the beautiful people. Introduced wolves are a big part of it. Increase damage control tags and put some meat in the freezer. Example, Game and Fish has entered into long term hunting and fishing access agreements with numerous landowners along the Big Horn River in Hot Springs County; typically, they are 100 feet wide along the river bank. We cannot blast our way out of Elk overpopulation with long rifles alone. Allow electronic calls, baiting, flying the area up to the day of your hunt, and many more ways to control the population! were fed up with your strangle hold on the Game and Fish dept. $35,000,000. Or to many Cows? This Wyoming Ranch Is Home To the Largest Privately-Owned Bison Herd That reform enjoyed unanimous support while it was being studied at the task-force level. Thats just the start of Turtle Rock Ranchs elk problems. Their exceptional work ethic, attention to . It is happening in the Shirley Mountains as well. BONUS : since the Laramie Mountains were the first place in Wyoming that Chronic Wasting Disease was diagnosed , wolves will efficiently deal with the spread of CWD by culling the effected ungulate , forthwith. Montana, Idaho and WY wolves have proven to make the issue of elk harboring even worse. Thats not to say Wagonhound Ranch-outfitted elk hunters only kill a few animals. Wyoming Hunting at Skyline Outfitters. Its our sacred right to abuse the natural resources to extinction and then complain about it. For some reason the elk have a habit of tugging on the tarps with their mouth and flipping them into the air. LinkedIn +1 . * No personal attacks, profanity, discriminatory language or threats. I would pony up $7 for a 3 ft.wide crossing, either purchase or public easement, on that infinitely small piece of private land. The state agency reimbursed them more than $70,000. Sage Peak Outfitters in Montana offers private land guided Elk hunts, Whitetail and Mule Deer Hunts, and Antelope Montana hunts on highly coveted private hunting ranches. We all know its the ranchers, theyre never happy and expect everything to be in their control. Inside, however, the recently refurbished Wyoming cabins feature every modern amenity you could wish for, along with an array of luxurious accents. Ive gone out some days and not seen an elk.. Elk are owned by the people of Wyoming. Then the elk are fed during winter, again preventing natural attrition, and putting elk in close proximity in a small area. Im not any happier about this than they are, however this is what happens:/. P.O. The wolves are the natural hunters of elk and there is a natural balance when they are not persecuted. . If the weather cooperates, these hunts can be the best Wyoming has . 30 miles West of Wheatland, Wyoming. Solitude Ranch & Outfitters, LLC | Devils Tower WY - Facebook Archery, muzzleloader, and rifle hunting . Wyoming's Top Limited Entry Elk Units - So do elk. Im actually curious to see if nature could restore the balance on the Turtle Rock Ranch, which looks terribly overgrazed either by cattle or elk, or both. Instead they will harbor year round. If the ranchers want to curb the elk problem, they can allow access. In Montana, efforts to increase landowner licenses were met with a firestorm of opposition and failed. Thread starter backsmasher23; Start date Jul 14, 2015; Jul 14, 2015 #1 B. backsmasher23 Member. Theres plenty of low income families in America that could use the meat. To top all of this absurdity off, Outfitter Gilliland is also on the Wyoming Wildlife taskforce. The federal government will hire professional hunters AGAIN! Even though the server responded OK, it is possible the submission was not processed. Why cant the distressed land owners and wyoming game and fish open their eyes a little bit, this issue is going to need more than just one fix. While on a hunt with us you will be with an experienced professional guide who will work to make your Wyoming hunt one that will not be surpassed by any other. Inside Kanye West's $14 Million Wyoming Ranch: PHOTOS - Business Insider Increase the cooperation between public and private, etc. So Now, ranchers are complaining because the elk are eating their pastures and public land fodder. Owners Helen LaKelly Hunt and Harville Hendrix did a major renovation and expansion of the 1880s-era home beginning in 1993 with builder Sharon Woods and architect John Arrison, but the footprints . I personally know of several areas that have been hunted by the four generations of my family that are either closed or switched from public access to walk in areas. Every once in a while we run across a couple, but never the big flocks. I dont think setting off bombs will do. There is to much red tape hunting elk in area 7! Instead they contract with a outfitter and cherry pics a few animals off their land for a big payout to the rancher. It isnt my job to pay for damages incurred by wildlife Im not allowed to be a part of managing. If you have too many Montana will take them since fishing game introduced the wolf to our state, now we hunt the last of the Mohicans. In Episode 1 of MeatEater Season 10, I took country music star Luke Combs out for a Wyoming antelope hunt. Retreats. With respect to crossing private land to access hunting on sizeable blocks of public land, someone such as Game and Fish or the County Commissioners or a hunting advocacy group would need to purchase an easement for interesting money; that is, $50,000 or up. We just need to expand the program and incentives. The option we should all push, that was not mentioned at all: Expand and increase funding to Access YES.