Please do not call the police on BPOC for false allegations. A Black woman named Ijeoma Ukenta captured a white woman's bizarre meltdown at a Victoria's Secret store in New Jersey's Short Hills Mall. Nahila Bonfiglio reports on geek culture and gaming. She chased this woman around the store, lied to security, the police and most of all herself and to what this woman did. According to TMZ, Ukenta said she continued to film despite the womans advances and alleged threats in order to protect herself until police arrived. As it turned out, Elphick felt well enough to leave the mall and drive home without assistanceand local police opted to not pursue an investigation on Ukentas behalf. A bigoted liar, drama queen and loopty loop. Ukenta uploaded the videos of the adult tantrum, and the white woman has since been dubbed "Victoria's Secret Karen" across the internet. Emotional distress is severe when a reasonable person in the same position as the victim would be unable to manage or tolerate it, and the victims reaction is not unusual for that circumstance. She screamed hysterically, chased her and disrupted your store. VICTORIA SECRET KAREN VIDEO | THE BEST KAREN? Hers was through a GoFundMe campaign that a) detailed the ordeal, b) mentions how she was treated by law enforcement and c) her plans to take action against the obvious discrimination she experienced from those who were supposed to protect her. Grab this woman? The company said employees followed proper protocol. She is stopped by the display that Ukenta is partially concealed behind and quickly resumes her panicked phone call with police. Instead, Ms Elphick reported Ms Ukenta toa Victorias Secret employee for threatening her. She is crazy. reported that the incident started when Ukenta, 38, of Newark asked Elphick to move six feet away. Several viewers mocked her fainting, with one calling it the FAKEST faint I have seen in my life. Others compared the faint to Kindergarten school plays or a drunk slomo fake faint.. And she declined repeatedly. See what these people do? Her panick attack (tantrum) was fully documented. She sobs and shrieks from her position on the floor, screaming at Ukenta to stop recording me., After several minutes of crying and screaming at employees, customers, and Ukenta, the woman leans forward and lowers herself to the ground. A Black woman has fundraised more than $100,000 for legal fees, after a so-called "Victoria's Secret Karen" apparently charged at her and chased her around the store before calling police. In the fifth video of the saga, Ukenta displays what she says is the police report for the incident, and it says the Victoria's Secret staff corroborated Ukenta's version of the events. She pushed out those dangerous white woman tears to get sympathy from other white people and then she chased Ukenta around the store as if she were going to hit her. In fact, they were entirely dismissive of her claims against Elphick. Copyright 2023 LLC 2023-Infinity, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window). Michigan Student Killed by 14-Year-Old and 13-Year-Old Boys in Attempted Carjacking After Offering Them Ride to Home. Moment 'Victoria's Secret Karen' attacks black woman and - Metro Not the proudest moment in human achievement,Karen of Victoria SecretSince the video was posted and the incident Millburn police told New Jersey 101. The woman is the latest to succumb to Karen-ness in recent history. Millburn police shamed for not charging 'Karen' Abigail Elphick after It also documents the disregard, disrespect and dismissive way the Millburn police treated her in the store and at their station even after Elphick admits she was wrong but didnt want anyone to see her behavior and she be socially and professionally punished. Clips of the bizarre incident, uploaded to YouTube, showed a white woman apparently running. However, police refused to escort the white woman out of the New Jersey mall. She begins to chase Ukenta around the store, bellowing for her to get away from me as Ukenta flees between store displays and employees. 'Victoria's Secret Karen' attacks black woman; lands in legal trouble The next time the white woman is seen, after a short break in the video, shes back to shrieking and making demands of employees. #SHORTHILLSMALL #VICTORIASECRET, Karen Goes Crazy Part 3 (Security acts oblivious), Police acted like she was the victim #KAREN, I WAS KICKED OFF TIK TOK HOWEVER THEY SOMEONE ELSE POST MY VIDEOS , Murder Suspect Forced Woman to Drive 2,000 Miles, Cops Say. No state professional license comes up for Elphick in the New Jersey state database. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. A woman filmed a fellow customer allegedly harassing her in a Victorias Secret store. Online, the woman's actions have morphed into a viral meme, and she has been given the nickname "Victoria's Secret Karen.". Victoria's Secret Karen Abusing Her White Privilege So, I see everyone asking me for an update. This is me and I do not have children. Karen buries her face in her hands when she realizes that her actions have been captured on tape, sinking down to crouch on the floor near the Victorias Secret checkout line. Oh my God. 3 min read Ijeoma Ukenta captured the bizarre incident in which. Victoria's Secret shopper filmed allegedly lunging at customer - news The Daily Dot has reached out to Ukenta and Millburn police. No charges have been filed following a viral video showing a woman's seeming meltdown inside the Victoria's Secret at the Mall at Short Hills in July. They are calling her the "Get Her Away From Me" Karen and "Victorias Secret" Karen, but her real name is Abigail Elphick. She can be seen on tape yelling at Ukenta, complaining about being recorded and chasing her around the store in an apparent attempt to force her to stop filming. One that I have for my Garden which was my original account and another 1 that I created after they deleted my main account. Im happy I did record because even the officers stated that I only showed him the video of her laying on the floor when I showed him. Shes trying to say I started videotaping her causing her to have a panic attack, at which time she followed me to try to get me to stop recording., So, Im filing the complaint against the two officers that responded. Social media users are claiming that Abigail Elphick, who became dubbed as "Victoria's Secret Karen" on social media after a viral video showed her having a mental breakdown following a confrontation with a black woman at a Millburn, New Jersey, mall, walked away from the incident without any consequences because she's the daughter of a police lieutenant. "Associate and customer safety is our top priority and . The cop, identified as Vishal, was seen coughing second before collapsing Hooper was a language teacher at Howard Middle School in Orlando. Incorrect. As Ukenta notes, however, This is to protect me, once the law gets here, who they going to believe, her white ass or my Black ass?. Feel free to call the agency tomorrow and Ill be more than happy to verify my identity., READ NEXT: Murder Suspect Forced Woman to Drive 2,000 Miles, Cops Say, Abigail Elphick, Victorias Secret Karen: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know, Copyright 2023 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. The only reason the attack stopped is that she realized she was being recorded. This is how Black people be dying. New Jersey was the site of a performance worthy of a gold medal, Emmy . Ms Ukenta began filming mid-way through the altercation, and later posted the footage on YouTube, in a series called Karen Goes Crazy. "[The decedent] is survived by the love of his life, his wife Kimberley (nee Chaddon) Elphick, of Cedar Grove; his three loved children: Andrew D. Elphick of Mahwah, Abigail Elphick of Florham Park and Tara Elphick of Louisiana; five dear siblings: Mark Elphick, Arthur Elphick, William Elphick, Susan Spitler and Shirley Schilare; and four loved grandchildren," the obituary read. Victims might also sue police officers when negligent acts caused emotional distress, rather than those that are intentional or reckless. She tried to run and hit. Elphick then crouches down, holding her head in her hands crying and claims, No I didnt. She says, I dont want to be recorded., Ukenta says to other customers and workers, Did you see that? Eventually, both the mall security guards and the police arrive, and the woman appears to leave the mall. These dupes are the price of the iconic sweater, but still as sleek as a slicked-back bun and hoops. Im worried about me. I love walking outside, shopping, going out to eat at restaurants! The other woman lost her mind over being taped and the fact that there was evidence that she did wrong in the first place. Abigail Elphick is the New Jersey woman dubbed the "Victoria's Secret Karen." The video further shows that despite the victim asking for law enforcement, the only support came for the aggressor. Young Indian Cop Collapses, Dies Suddenly While Exercising at Gym; Heart Attack Caused by Covid-19 Vaccine? The Victoria's Secret Karen, Explained Elphick, a teacher's aide by profession, is seen approaching Ijeoma Ukenta, who is of Nigerian origin, and try to hit her phone out of her hand in the video footage shot by Ukenta before breaking down in hysterics and crying as she realizes she is being filmed, as previously reported. Abigail Elphick was dubbed as the 'Victoria's Secret Karen' and 'Get her away from me Karen' after she was seen attacking Ijeoma Ukenta, a Black woman. After the initial scuffle, the woman appears to chase Ukenta around the store while alleging that Ukenta "threatened her." Victoria's Secret 'Karen' attacks Black woman, has meltdown after she's He is often seen on the field before Kansas City Chiefs games and was on the . The latest example of this trend is Abigail Elphick, a white woman who was filmed chasing Ijeoma Ukenta, a Black woman, through Victoria's Secret.The incident has gone viral, in part because of the videos . . Fact-Check | Double Toasted - Today at Double Toasted we discuss what we call THE BEST KAREN. 'Victoria's Secret Karen' Has Tantrum After Lashing Out - Complex Then, when Ukenta requested that Elphick be removed from the mall for her own safety, the officer responding to the scene told her it wasnt possiblewhile other officers had a very civil conversation with Elphick, who continued to weaponize her white woman tears. Victoria's Secret (@VictoriasSecret) July 13, 2021 Ukenta has since filed a complaint against the responding police officers and the mall security for not making her feel protected. Footage of a woman dubbed "Victoria's Secret Karen" appearing to have a breakdown after claims she tried to charge at a black woman who was shopping in the store at the time has emerged online. Black Musicians Are Not A Monolith: An Interview with Bartees Strange. We are dedicated to continuing this critical conversation and demonstrating our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion through our actions and our words.. In the viral video, the blonde woman causing a scene in the middle of a Millburn, New Jersey, lingerie store began sobbing and wailing on the floor after Ukenta began recording. So egregious was this act, that even the popular lingerie company released a statement.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'allhiphop_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',887,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-allhiphop_com-medrectangle-4-0'); Associate and Customer safety is our top priority, and we are committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all. Miss Elphick seemed to acknowledge that she was wrong, saying she was concerned about losing her job and apartment if the video posted online. Why is Ijeoma Ukenta's GoFundMe trending? | The US Sun What The 'Victoria's Secret Karen' Situation Can Teach Us About The "We never want a single customer to feel uncomfortable or unwelcome at The Mall at Short Hills. However, store management corroborated Ukentas accountand Elphick admitted that her fear was losing her job and apartment as a result of her panic attack being recorded. And you know what? Earlier this week, reported that a deranged white woman, now referred to as the Victorias Secret Karen, attacked a Nigerian-American Muslim woman named Ijeoma Ukenta in the Short Hills Mall. According to Millburn police records, two women shopping at Victorias Secret in Short Hills Mall had a heated "confrontational dispute" on July 11. Sleek spring sweatersThese dupes are the price of the iconic sweater, but still as sleek as a slicked-back bun and hoops. Im also filing a complaint against the mall security. . In spite of the histrionics, perhaps the most infuriating part of the footage is when another white shopper at the register asks why Ukenta doesnt just walk away from heras if Elphick is entitled to stay and disturb the peace and Ukenta is the interloper for simply filming to protect herselfor get her free panties. Do you think her videos prove this? Oh my God. I am at the police station. Ukenta kept repeating that she was worried the police would believe Elphick if she claimed Ukenta attacked her, when the video shows Elphick charging at Ukenta, and Ukenta doing nothing but recording the scene. She backs off as Ukenta says, Oh my God. She takes a swipe at her, which Ukenta appears to dodge, before realizing she is being recorded. Victoria's Secret issued a statement saying the video was disturbing, and they have launched a full investigation. Ukenta also read directly from one of the officers report. She finally stated that she was going home, and I asked if she would be OK to drive and she says she was. On Tuesday (July 13), the company said it has launched a full investigation into the incident. A white woman has been captured on viral video attacking a black woman at a Victoria's Secret outlet in Short Hills Mall, NJ only for her to turn around and blame the victim upon . Continue with Recommended Cookies. I was assaulted and harassed by a white woman and nothing was done by security nor the police. At a minimum, I feel that Abigail, Victoria's Secret, The Short Hills Mall and its security, as well as the Millburn Police Department all, owe Ijeoma an apology. That realization seemingly plays out over the womans face, beginning with shock and gradually working its way into concern, panic, and then sudden tears. An officer can be seen encouraging Ukenta to leave and claiming that he has no legal authority to force the white woman to leave. I have the police report, which is somewhat true, but really, really long. The second video starts with Elphick lying on the ground, screaming and kicking her feet. Apparently not at the Short Hills Mall in New Jersey, where Ijeoma Ukenta went to cash in her coupon for a free panty at the mall's Victoria's Secret storebut ended up in the midst of a viral "Karen" incident, instead. Make sure you Comment, Like, Share, Subscribe & Hit the Bell to be Notified when. Ukenta, who is black, claimed the aggressor was the other woman, whose attitude seemed to instantly change and who started to play the part of the victim once Ukentas camera started rolling. ", She continues: "Im looking to hire me an excellent attorney who can help me bring light to this wrong.". Im happy I did record And mind you, they took her statement first because she called the police and she completely lied.. There's a reason no charges were pressed against her. It also mentioned P.O. She claims that Ukenta was threatening her and demands to know why passersbys arent defending her. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Viral Footage Shows 'Victoria's Secret Karen' Having Tantrum After Lashing Out at Black Woman. My name is Abby Elphick, she wrote. The 25-year-old woman was seen on video charging at a Black woman, Ijeoma Ukenta, and then claiming to be the victim. The 25-year-old woman was seen on. And she declined repeatedly. Another "Karen" incident is going viral after a white woman was shown screaming on the floor of a New Jersey Victoria's Secret store and even chasing the Black woman filming the incident.. A series of videos uploaded to YouTube Saturday (July 10) starts with Ijeoma Ukenta, who identified herself as the woman recording, pulling away from a white woman who came at her with a raised hand, as if . She also called the police. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. I never thought nothing like this would happen to me. "I'm looking to hire me an excellent attorney who can help me bring light to this wrong.". Just checked my tv remote and it has NUMBERS! She also read directly from the resulting police report, noting that Karen admitted to police that she was in the wrong. Ijeoma Ukenta/YouTubeAbigail Elphick in a screenshot from the viral video. by Aswad Walker July 15, 2021. Print. It referred to it as an "altercation between our customers" and called the video "unsettling." Parts 3 and 4 coming soon. Several videos recorded by Ukenta have since gone viral, identifying this attacker as Abigail Elphick and showcasing an apparent race-based bias from the responding officers from the Short Hills Mall security and Millburn Police Department. Wailing repeatedly that she didnt attempt to strike anyonedespite there being multiple witnesses and a recording of her doing just thatKaren tries to shift the narrative in her favor. I was kicked off a tiktok for posting what happened to me and they let someone else post and get millions and millions of views however they deleted 2 of my accounts. Thanks for contacting us. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. I asked her several times if she was alright and if she needed an ambulance. I mean n-i-g-g-e-r., Black News and Black Views with a Whole Lotta Attitude. I was diagnosed with chronic constipation and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. We may earn a commission from links on this page. The police report was not an entirely accurate recording of what occurred, given that Elphick was the one to initially call the police. Im traumatized, Ukenta wrote on Twitter. Im looking to hire me an excellent attorney who can help me bring light to this wrong., Watch The Latest Episode Of The Rewind - Hosted By JusNik, Chris Rock Will Address Oscars In Netflix Special, Chaka Khan Calls Out Mary J. Bliges Vocals, In Case You Didnt Know: Black Women Firsts In 2023, Chaka Khan Gives Honest Opinions On Fellow Female Singers, Reality Star Tim Norman Sentenced To Life In Prison, I want to be on TV, Wendy Williams Plans To Return To Daytime Television, Janet Jacksons Nephew Feels Her Performances Are Degrading To Women. I advised her that Miss Ukenta has a right to videotape. Whats most telling is that no officer asked Ukenta about her own emotional wellbeing following the incident. Elphick posted a short biography on a site matching people who have a colostomy. But wait, theres more! The police lieutenant, named Kim Elphick, added, Also, this incident occurred in the Short Hills Mall which is covered by Millburn Police Department. A woman who appeared ready to lash out at another shopper before starting to scream when she realised she was being filmed in a "panic attack" has been dubbed a 'Victoria's Secret Karen . Short Hills, NJ mall 'Karen' What's happened to women in video? Woman raises $100,000 after sharing video of 'Victoria's Secret Karen It is unclear what occurred before Ukenta began filming the viral encounter, but what she managed to capture has the internet up in arms. Karen thinks that Victoria's Secret is tracking people through their bra. This lady chasing me. Her initial goal was $20,000 but supporters have raised more than $100,000 already. Abigail Elphick, the Victoria's Secret Karen, is truly innocent We've received your submission. A Black woman has fundraised more than $100,000 for legal fees, after a so-called Victorias Secret Karen apparently charged at her and chased her around the store before calling police. Since the incident, the clip has, in fact, gone viral. The extent of emotional harm required for a successful lawsuit depends on the jurisdiction, but in negligence, the officer must owe a duty of care to the victim such as a special relationship with the plaintiff that distinguishes it from general police responsibility to the public.. What happened to Abigail Elphick, the Victorias Secret "Karen"? Abigail Elphick Cedar Grove, NJ woman aka Victoria's Secret Karen attacks black woman, calls cops on her. Ukenta started a GoFundMe seeking assistance with her impending legal fees.