We will be accepting applications to start in March/September 2023 and March 2024 from 4 January 2021. Restructuring and insolvency lawyers are necessary when a company, individual or other organisation is in financial difficulties. At Bright Network we use cookies and similar technologies to help deliver you the best possible experience. A recent matter involved advising Santander on the update of its EUR35 billion global covered bond programme, which is one of the key funding platforms for the bank. Those who impress are invited to an assessment centre , which takes place virtually and lasts between three and four hours. We may then re-open applications in Summer 2023. There are some disparities between teams in terms of how they operate, but that set-up is the general rule of thumb. Newbies can also turn to their supervisors for support: My supervisor is one of the best! Macfarlanes: Training Programme 2025. Some departments run an interview process, but it isn't a uniform policy. The Legal Cheek Firms Most List 2023 shows the firm offers around 45. We often have lunch out on the terraces, or we pop to a local restaurant. 31 May 2023. You should aim to apply for your legal training contract by May or June of your penultimate year at university - if you are a law student. 2025 Training Contract the application deadline is 30 June 2023. Definitely dont expect to be spoonfed: The firm-wide training has been useful, says one trainee, but on the job training has been more ad hoc and much less structured than I had expected., The work is usually very high quality with lots of opportunities to try new things. We will be accepting training contract applications to start in 2025 and 2026 from 9 January 2023. Meet the Lawyer | Kishen Vora - Ashurst | LawCareers.Net. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has naturally been dominating the news this week. Ashurst. Some are necessary to help our website work properly and can't be switched off, and some are optional but support Bright Network in building and running the service that we provide to you. As the conflict in Ukraine continues to escalate, many organisations have been stripping back their association, partnerships and operations in Russia. Linklaters is a magic circle law firm, and it gives such opportunity to very few people in the . We will be accepting applications for our 2022/2023 (one inwinter and onein the summer) from September 2022. Back in its recently refurbished London Fruit and Wool Exchange office, and now home to the firms global chair, Karen Davies, Ashurst takes on around 45 trainees each year. Its revenue jumped 12% to 798 million from 711 million last year, when its revenue rose 10% from 644 million. You willl need to upload a completed copy of our CV template (which can be found on our website) and answer the motivational questions. Trainees must complete one transactional seat (from the corporate, projects or real estate buckets) and one finance seat (global loans or global markets). The firm also likes newbies to complete a disputes seat, but there is the option to complete a short litigation course if trainees would rather focus on transactional matters. Year two . Sponsored by Sullivan & Cromwell LLP. Our work is challenging, and as a result we expect candidates to have achieved certain minimum levels of qualifications: It is said that there is a lot to read, but part of the task is to see how well people manage their time. 31/03/2023. Applications for our Training Contract open 1 December 2022 and will close 15 June 2023. Training Contract Deadlines You've done your homework, studied the stats, read up on practice areas, and compared the firms that've caught your eye - now, it's time to put your best foot and training contract application forward. Managing partner Paul Jenkins will hold the reins until at least 2026 and intends to play to the firms strengths across the sectors its well known for, including banking, energy, infrastructure, real estate, and the digital economy. Ashurst launches virtual NewLaw programme for students. Our people are our greatest asset and we bring together lawyers of the highest calibre with the technical knowledge, industry experience and regional know-how to provide the incisive advice clients need. To make an application please complete the online form, available here. Secondment probabilities are derived from the Legal Cheek Trainee and Junior Lawyer Survey 202223 of over 2,000 trainees and junior associates at the leading law firms in the UK. You can find out more in our privacy policy at any time by going to the link in our footer. Join us and you'll work alongside dynamic and committed professionals, tackle interesting challenges and have . International law firm Ashurst LLP sets new diversity targets, including the introduction of ethnicity targets in the UK, a global LGBTI+ target and new gender equality targets, to be met by 2026. Opinions on Ashursts WFH support veer between very stingy and certainly not enough to give you the same setup at home as at work to good tech laptops/headsets can connect anywhere so no desktops or phones to worry about. At least one seat will be in either our banking or securities and derivatives practice areas, and most trainees choose to do at least one other transactional seat. My partner is letting her friend sleep in her bed, am I overeacting? Ultimately, we want to help you become a thought leader with a reputation for clear, perceptive and influential advice a professional in whom governments and leading businesses the world over can place their trust. At least two of these seats will be completed in our core practice areas: M&A Financ Rolling deadline Add to tracker Trainee Associate Programme 22/23 The move comes as the education secretary Gavin Williamson confirmed yesterday that all A-Level results in England will be based on teacher-assessed grades, after it emerged almost 40% of results had been downgraded as part of a controversial standardisation model. To translate the jargon: Ashurst has a strong finance speciality built around a slightly gentler culture to a Magic Circle firm. More info Application details and method of selection Learn more about how to apply 2025 . Jun 2021 - Present1 year 10 months. 68%. This is conducted by two partners and takes the same format as the final interview direct training contract applicants complete on their interview day. This goes beyond just ticking a box: we want everyone to be themselves . The Discussion Paper sets out ideas, at a high level, on ways in which the asset management regulation regime can be modernised and tailored to better meet the needs of UK consumers and markets. Please note we may have a small number of places available for March 2025 still available. The data below was either provided to us directly by firms or taken from their websites. Direct Training Contract London 2025/2026, Latham & Watkins: Mergers & Acquisitions Virtual Experience Programme, Latham & Watkins: Emerging Companies Virtual Experience Programme, Latham & Watkins: White Collar Defense & Investigations Virtual Experience Programme, Clifford Chance: Global Virtual Internships, Herbert Smith Freehills: Trainee Associate Programme 22/23, White & Case LLP: Virtual Learning Programme, Shearman & Sterling: Training Contracts 2023/2024, Essential cookies to make this website work, Third party cookies used for personalised ads and content. This event is open to first year law and first/second year non-law students who are aiming to make a vacation scheme application in October 2023 with a view of starting a Training Contract in 2026. One enthused: We are super close as an intake of trainees we recently went to Wimbledon together on the weekend! A cheeky chinwag over lunch is another easy option for trainees, with the London office located in the heart of Spitalfields: The office is in a brand-new building and spread out over five floors. A training contract at Ashurst will move your mind beyond technical knowledge of the law. Since when do they do the Watson Glazer? The group recently advised the latter on a 930 million funding package for Frasers Group, which owns Sports Direct, House of Fraser, and Jack Wills. Global law firm Ashurst LLP is launching a virtual experience programme for students, as part of an initiative to promote access to careers in the NewLaw division of the firm. Overall, our sources were fans of the process: I didnt find it stressful I had spoken to the partners in all my teams and if there wasnt going to be space, they wouldnt lead you on in any way! In 2022, 35 of the firm's 39 qualifiers decided to apply for an NQ role with the firm, and in the end, 33 were retained. JA Kemp: Trainee Patent Attorney: Engineering & IT 2023. You will be given 7 days to complete the assessments, unfortunately we are unable to provide any extension to this timeline unless there are extenuating circumstances. Training contracts will commence in September 2025 and March 2026 and we may have a small number of places available for March 2025. If you have been unsuccessful with an application for one of our Vacation Schemes we would ask that you reapply again in the next recruitment window which will be September 2023 onwards. M&A work involves a fair amount of due diligence for trainees, while equity capital markets matters introduce newbies to the verification process: When a company goes through an IPO or a capital raise, everything has to be made public to the investors and cross-checked, so you verify a lot of details and it takes a long time, but personally I liked it!, rushing to submit a claim form so that we could enter a shorter trial scheme it was intense!, When it comes todisputes, Ashurst is known for its ability to represent financial institutions and corporates on a whole range of contractual spats and matters involving the recovery of assets across borders. 25 days holiday (plus bank holidays), staff restaurant, daily fruit breakfast. Sources told us that oil and gas disputes involving jurisdictions across Africa and the Middle East are common, and that arbitrations are faster paced than standard litigation. However, cases do run quickly elsewhere: On one procurement dispute the clients supplier stopped supplying them with a product, so we spent a very full-on two weeks rushing to submit a claim form so that we could enter a shorter trial scheme it was intense!, Relaxed, unique, and enjoyable were all words used by trainees to describe the firms culture. Salary. Moreover, the financial boost is fairly evenly spread, with a strong performance in all regions, particularly the UK, Australia and Continental Europe. All applications are reviewed after the deadline. While many set a minimum requirement of a 2:1 degree, extenuating circumstances may be taken into account. Meet Ashurst at MIPIM 2023 16 Feb 2023 Ashurst advises Goldman Sachs on the use of tokenisation platform (GS DAPTM) in the world's first tokenised green bond issued by a government under Hong Kong's Government Green Bond Programme Inclusion, Diversity & Belonging Modern Slavery Pro Bono Social Impact Sustainable business McLaren Group Partnership Every year, we holdtwo vacation schemes a single one-week scheme for final year students and graduates anda three-week summer scheme for final years and graduates of all degree disciplines as well as penultimate-year law students each designed to give you an intensive experience of our culture and the kind of work we do. Once you have submitted your online application you will receive an invitation from us to complete 3 psychometric assessments. Technology, media and telecommunications is one of the fastest-developing sectors of the legal market. Sponsored by Lewis Silkin. Intake . Here youll find a mix of financial institutions like Barclays and Credit Suisse and corporate issuers like bp on the client roster. The deadline for this is 31 March 2023. The first step to landing the job is completing an online application form. Employment lawyers work across all areas of employment law, including handling discrimination, staff restructuring and whistleblowing issues. March 2023. 31 May 2023. It was useful to see the way our clients work., the work is high-end and what I expected coming to a City firm., Name an area of financing and Ashursts global loans department will no doubt have it covered: the group handles the financing arrangements for all kinds of multi-jurisdictional transactions and projects, and advises on everything from leveraged finance to fund finance to sustainability finance.