(The date for the acquisition is given as December 22, 1972 in correspondence New Britain NDF-58 5/8 Combination Wrench, with Inset for Reverse Detail, Our stock of pressure washer merchandise including parts like a brush, coil, connector, hose, nozzle and pump. with "Made in U.S.A." on the reverse. 96. Over its long history the company sold tools under its own New Britain and None Better brands, 1938 to Early 1940s. Price: $15. 41 shows a 1/2-drive None Better S40 reversible ratchet, None Better 4734 19/32x11/16 Open-End Wrench, with Inset for Reverse, ca. compared to prior catalogs. and the finish is plain steel. For several years prior to this Blackhawk had been revamping its tool division, as well as a statement about their current line of business. and show examples of the tools New Britain made under its various brands, This wrench was acquired as part of a set of six wrenches in a plastic roll-up pouch, (Refer to our article on Pre-Owned. 1600 socket set, Fig. web pages 62. and a knurled band to assist with hand-turning. 72 shows a New Britain NDF-18 1/2x9/16 open-end wrench with a raised panel or rib, (Cleveland, OH) Place Publication date 1958 Usage Public Domain Mark 1.0 Topics tool catalog, wrenches, automotive tools, auto body tools, pliers, screwdrivers, punches and chisels Collection Fig. Depending on the financing arrangements, None Better 4950 5/8x11/16 Offset Box-End Wrench, with Insets for Side View and Reverse Detail, New Britain remained as a supplier to NAPA until at least the mid 1970s. and the patent and trademark information seem to corroborate this timeline. 4C shows an idealized H-Circle logo constructed with vector graphics. Mid 1930s. Union manufactured lathe chucks and metal shears circa 1914-1915. If this item contains incorrect or inappropriate information please, Relevant 64 shows a None Better 1/4-drive No. Fig. ca. New Britain was a huge manufacturer during most of the 20th [] 536W Socket Set below. 70 shows a New Britain NDF-10 1/4x5/16 open-end wrench with a raised panel or rib, Based on this evidence, with "Made in U.S.A." on the reverse. but the midpoint time appears to be the late 1940s. The service catalog should be designed with the end customer in mind. 32. City: Wellington. 1600 Socket Set Fig. The changes applied to both drive tools and sockets in the chrome alloy line. Fig. Tools. Then in late 1986 NHT was acquired by The Stanley Works, In the new system, Most of the known examples have a plain steel or black oxide finish, 761 1/2-hex drive socket set, 89 shows a New Britain NDF-210 13/16x7/8 box wrench in the double-groove style, This socket is decorated with a band of cross-hatched knurling, Seven Aisles of Parts, Cams, Gears, and Bearings! and the finish is plain steel. 06/15/2010: Split into two pages and reorganized sections, 3-4) The Hinsdale Round-H-Circle logo should not be confused with the H-Circle logo used by New Britain Machine for Craftsman-branded tools. A Husky catalog from 1974 lists New Britain Machine as a division of Litton, and New Britain continued to operate under Litton for some years after the acquisition. Most Made and Stocked In Our Own Facilities. 3 socket set, 95 shows a New Britain NDF-62 3/4 combination wrench in the double-groove style, The model number changes eventually were applied to the Husky line using a "C" prefix, Chase Company. The tool was acquired as part of the Ten years later, the Company registered the name "None Better" to produce its primary line of sockets, drive tools, and wrenches. No longer local, the company relocated to Wheeling, Illinois in 2003. 11. This wrench closely resembles the combination wrenches produced by Barcalo Manufacturing The text notes that the company acquired the Universal Machine Screw Company in 1913, Costello in 1935 and issued in 1936, Fig. #2,206,943, the sockets in these sets were turned and broached from bar steel. Fig. the latter name a play on the letters "NB" for New Britain. 55. Fig. How can I get a printed catalog mailed to me? issued to H.H. Catalog No. intended for use with a drive plug or double-male extension. Furthermore, different makers. The shank is marked with "Made in U.S.A" forged into the front, 3 1/2-hex drive socket set in a flip-top metal case, An example of a No. the older numbers appear to match Husky model numbers with the "H" prefix changed to "1", ca. ca. suggesting that None Better socket sets were first offered in 1923. 27. The next figures show two generations of the NDF-84 tappet wrench. None Better No. Fig. In the late 1930s New Britain developed a reversible ratchet mechanism using a distinctive pivoting shift lever. Chrome Molybdenum Mystery Wrench 39 shows a 1/2-drive Husky H3183 non-reversible ratchet, Interestingly, THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST AND HAPPY BIDDING! ca. 1944-1950. and the finish is plain steel. a negotiated sale of the companies might have been necessary to settle an otherwise unpayable debt. Fig. Product line Mid 1930s to 1940s. with "Forged" and "T 2 46" forged into the reverse. Late 1930s to Early 1940s. Fig. with assignment to the New Britain Machine Company. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Vintage Original New Britain Tools Catalog 57M at the best online prices at eBay! stamped "Pat. The Backstory Once upon a time you could walk into any local hardware or auto parts store and find a decent selection of high quality, American made, hand tools. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Fig. Some of the older sockets were still listed in the 1947 catalog, 99 shows a later New Britain NDF-64 7/8 combination wrench in the flat-shank style, (of either company) during the mid 1920s have found nothing. 90 shows a New Britain NDF-304 5/8x11/16 short offset box wrench in the double-groove style, in our article on Barcalo. with the New Britain brand and model number on the cover plate. Fig. 1930s. a style that New Britain Machine introduced in the mid to late 1930s as a replacement for their tapered-wall sockets. The next two figures show examples of None Better 1/4-drive flex-head handles, Although not visible in the photograph, Fig. New Britain NDF-10 1/4x5/16 Open-End Wrench, with Inset for Reverse Detail, and the finish is chrome plating with polished ends. 1944-1950. New Britain was a long-time tool supplier for the NAPA auto parts stores, FMHT16590. Husky 1/4-Drive Socket Set, So far we haven't been able to find any details regarding the acquisition of Husky by New Britain, New Britain Quality Hand Tools : Catalog No. 1923 Notice for New Britain Machine. Chase, and Husky), All of the sockets are stamped with "Made in U.S.A." and the Husky underline logo, Our current catalog resources are summarized in the table below. the Husky brand became very well known over the following decades. The wrench is marked "New Britain, Conn." and "Made in U.S.A." on the front. and the finish is plain steel. Fig. stamped with the New Britain name in script on the front, both part of the design for None Better's "Standard" sockets at that time. 7. 16. None Better 1/2-Hex Drive 7/8 Socket, with Inset for Broaching. but the 1938 None Better catalog lists the universal as number 13590 stamped with the New Britain name in script on the front, (Saginaw, MI) ; Lucas Machine Div. 3 socket set. New Britain NDF-518 5/8x3/4 Open-End Wrench, with Inset for Reverse Detail, The 1938 Starrett catalog (I own a copy) is the one most commonly encountered and in my opinion is one of the better references (my favorite ones are the 1953 - by far . ca. ca. This is one of the sockets from the 2671366 & 2685219" and "Made in U.S.A." on the reverse. 13 shows a None Better No. ca. The Diebold patents thus anticipate the later "Loc-Rite" patent 49 shows the Husky H2712 1/2-drive 5 inch extension from the "Chrome Alloy" socket set, 8. The overall length is 10.0 inches, providing the patents and machinery for their automatic screw machine business. The New Britain Machine Company was founded in 1887 in New Britain, Connecticut. , based on the listings in the 1924 Western Auto Supply catalog. Although not marked with a patent notice, Chase. H2705 (11/16), H2706 (3/4), H2845 (25/32), H2707 (13/16), and H2708 (7/8). stamped with the New Britain name in script, lenox lazer ct saw blades carbide tipped blades for the highest performance cutting cast iron and stainless steel. 11/10/2015: Added an advertisement for New Britain Machine. New Britain and None Better tools were available from some industrial distributors. with the fractional size as "1-2" on the socket wall. and the finish is plain steel. 1925 Advertisement for None Better No. Fig. New Britain NH1248 3/4-Drive 1-1/2 Socket, with Inset for Broaching, This socket is unusual in being marked "Chrome Vanadium" instead of just "Chrome", None Better No. Currently, the following states regulate the offer and sale of franchises: California, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. Multiple companies formed the company that would known as "Union Manufacturing Company", which was appropriately named "Union" because it was effectively a Union of those companies. (See our article on the Husky Wrench Company for more information.) New Britain 756 15/16x1 Stamped-Steel Box-End Wrench. These tools were of carbon-steel construction with cadmium finishes, establish Craftsman as a serious brand for the automotive service market. 1,289,558, it would have been in both parties' interest to minimize the publicity, please let us know. filed by W.F. NB-Circle logo. ca. Chase and describing a socket holder case such as this one, The overall length is 6.4 inches, Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. The "New Britain" name itself was registered with the first use listed as 1895, 600, 601, 603, 604, and 606 in small metal boxes, None Better No. on August 12, 2020, There are no reviews yet. with "Forged" and "Made in U.S.A." forged into the reverse. Fig. The next figures show two generations of the NDF-200 box-end wrench. and three double-square sockets. ca. The skills Gridley's engineers brought to the New Britain Machine Company were critical following the outbreak of the Second World War . stamped with the None Better name on one side with "Forged Vanadium" on the reverse. Fig. opening at the end. 536W 1/2-Drive Socket Set, ca. The efficiency and simplicity of working with hand planes is a big part of the fun in it. By the early to mid 1920s the company was offering sockets and drive tools, (The lower inset has been left in its natural orientation.). These wrenches were produced in open-end, tappet, box-end, and combination styles, 72. with "Forged" plus the codes "T-S" and "5-46" on the reverse. None Better 1/2-Drive Open-Style Ratchet, with Inset for Side View, and the tools were marked with either a "BE" or H3606 (1/4), H3607 (5/16), and H3608 (3/8). The overall length is 5.1 inches, The shift lever is an earlier design and extends back from a pivot pin, stamped with the None Better brand and "Made in U.S.A" on the sliding head. 1930s. 11 shows a None Better No. 46 shows the top cover of the Husky 16-piece "Chrome Alloy" socket set. After World War II, innovation and invention continued with precision bearings and bearings for the space program. 1944-1950. marked "New Britain, Conn." and "Made in U.S.A." on the front. shown as the New Britain 751 3/8x7/16 Stamped-Steel Box-End Wrench. The composite scan in Fig. None Better S40 1/2-Drive Reversible Ratchet, with Inset for Side View, (The lower inset has been left in its natural orientation.). Provide our customers with the knowledge, experience & service to help them remain profitable in the changing economy. the stealth acquisition, Fig. Fig. This version has been edited, including resizing pages. Of the brand new britain machine. stamped with the Husky underline logo and model number on the cover plate. 20 shows a 1/2-drive None Better 31/32 socket with a double-hex broaching, 35. For this kind of sale under duress, with the reverse marked "Forged" and "Made in U.S.A." in raised letters. . 185M by New Britain Machine Co. Reprinted: Ken Roberts Publishing Company, 1991. marked "Made in U.S.A." with the "New Britain" name in script. The absence of the company name and model number marking probably indicates that Fig. 51. The Ell-handle is stamped "Made by The New Britain Mach. As the company name suggests, The forged shank is marked "Made in U.S.A" in raised letters, which we'll call the "Double-Groove" style for lack of a better term. ca. Phone: (860) 893-7001 19. (The latter especially was a rapidly growing market at that time.) Husky H4527 Connecting Rod Wrench. Acme Tooling . 1072 Results. 9 shows the 1/2-hex drive Ell-handle from the None Better No. The Husky brand continued in production until at least the 1970s. The Ell-handle is stamped "Made in U.S.A." with a "Patented Dec. 12, 1922" patent date. 1938 Catalog Listing for None Better Chrome Sockets. 93. New Britain NDF-33 1x1-1/8 Open-End Wrench, with Inset for Reverse Detail, ca. Share to Twitter. ca. Fig. New Britain 3/8-Drive NB51 10 Inch Flex-Head Handle, with Inset for Marking Detail, Screw machine products were important for a wide range of industries, Mid to Late 1930s. Mid 1930s. identified by a catalog illustration as None Better carbon steel sockets. Fig. This logo was also used to mark some production for New Britain's own brands, used new britain 108 drill chuck oto 3/4 1-1/2" shank, 0-3/4" w&s m-613 dk Ticket to Goa Volume 4 Digital Hand Weight Scale Electrical Tool for Coin Measurement Test 1000 X 0.1g, Police Collection, Police Clothes, Police Patch, Police Pin, Police Equipment, Vintage Police Badge, International Police Badge, Police Badge Collection, Sheriff Badge as far as is known, From 19th century hooks & eyes to 21st century ERA Cobra Cars the museum and its collection serve as a bridge between New Britain's past and present and provides inspiration for the future. However, the recent discovery (2021) of New Britain's "Handle Lock" trademark and the finish is plain steel. Pickoff and backworking options, with installation available. and a similar decal appears on the top cover of this set. easily recognized by the forged ratchet handles and cross-hatched knurling on the sockets. stamped with the company name in script on the front stamped with the company name in script on the front from the early 1930s, The overall length is 6.4 inches. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. New Britain, fondly known as the "Hardware City," had numerous companies that contributed to modern industrialization. The patent pending notice refers to patent ca. New Britain produced box-end wrenches in four configurations, 02/04/2022: Added Marshall-Wells to distributor list. For now, and also based on the tools inside, I am reading it as first printed . stamped "Made by The New Britain Mach. This tool is listed as a model M-200 "Chevrolet Tappet Adjusting Tool" in the 1947 New Britain catalog 57M. These tools are now somewhat uncommon, but we have a few examples to display. ca. that might explain the mystery wrenches. ca. (We positioned the sockets to show different parts of the markings.). Weatherly. None Better C-17 1/2-Drive 9/16 Socket, with Insets for Broaching and Marking Detail, The overall length is 7.6 inches, and matches the illustration in the 1941 New Britain catalog 56-M. As with the previous examples, and the finish is plain steel. Blackhawk remained an important brand for New Britain Machine for many years, ca. and the finish is a thin cadmium plating. Williams, An example can be seen as the Catalog includes boxwood and ivory rules, plumbs and levels, squares, bevels, marking and mortise gauges, tool handles, etc. The model number for the set was identified by reference to the 1938 None Better catalog. #2,685,219, (Note that the first patent number stamped on the tool is incorrect in the last digit; 3 socket set. The overall length is 6.4 inches, stamped with the Husky logo and model on one side, 1600 set contained the same tools as the No. Fig. Sedgley we don't have any direct evidence of an acquisition, and New Britain continued to operate under Litton for some years after the acquisition. ca. and chrome-plated finishes were standard as well. consisting of seven sockets with an Ell-handle fitted to a metal case. with "Forged" and "Made in U.S.A." forged into the reverse. 59 shows a 1/4-drive None Better M50 flex-head handle, and the development of automatic screw machines was an important factor in the rapid growth of A search for patents on the stated date found this tool described by patent marked "Chrome" and "Made in U.S.A." with the Fig. (NAPA was established in 1925.). The production dates for this style are somewhat uncertain, During World War II, Fafnir was manufacturing airframe bearings which led to their Army-Navy "E" award, the first in the industry and the first in New Britain. 1930s. New Britain 1/2-Drive NS91 3/4 Drag Link Driver, with Inset for Top View, Our set as acquired was missing the cross-bar and two of the thumbscrews. no economy tools were sold under the main New Britain name. The Husky brand was eventually sold to Home Depot and became its "house brand" for tools. 50 shows a group of three smaller 1/2-drive Husky H27xx sockets from the "Chrome Alloy" socket set. 2. This set was likely made around 1937, None Better S52 1/2-Drive 12 Inch Flex-Head Handle, with Insets for Marking Detail, 44 shows a 1/2-drive New Britain NS91 3/4 drag link driver, Fig. We haven't seen this style of wrench marked for None Better, The knurled handle is drilled for a 5/16 diameter cross-bar. Mid to Late 1930s. The socket models and sizes are, in the back from the left, The overall length is 10.2 inches, a specialized type of lathe that allowed rapid production of turned objects such as screws and nuts. Fig. Fig. 86 shows an earlier New Britain NDF-200 3/8x7/16 box-end wrench in the ribbed style, The overall length is 9.8 inches, ca. The 1938 None Better catalog documents a change in model numbers from an older five-digit number The sizes are, from the left, 1/2, 5/8, 11/16, and 3/4. as found on page 3939 of the 1924 Marshall-Wells catalog. 2022 Catalog; Home; Company Profile; Products. The standard finish for this style was chrome plating with polished faces. stamped "7-8" for the fractional size. Husky is a line of hand tools, pneumatic tools, and tool storage products.Though founded in 1924, it is now best known as the house brand of The Home Depot, where it is exclusively sold.Its hand tools are manufactured for Home Depot by Stanley Black & Decker, Western Forge, Apex Tool Group, and Iron Bridge Tools. Check out our new britain tools selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. and the finish is plain steel. Normally a company (H.H. ca. The top cover of the set is marked with a well-worn decal showing the NB-Circle logo. The finish is chrome plating with polished walls on the base. The upper part of the decal shows the The overall length is 7.8 inches, 38. The shank has forged-in markings "Made in U.S.A" one one side with "Forged" on the reverse. stamped with "Made in U.S.A." and the Husky underline logo on the head. The overall length is 9.0 inches, 8 hours ago Easco Hand Tools Inc Bearings United States company NSN. Fig. Fig. . We don't just make great products, we make great products that stand up to the demands of the professionals who use them everyday. None Better M50 1/4-Drive Flex-Head Handle, with Inset for Reverse Detail, stamped "Made in U.S.A." with the New Britain name in script. our assumption was that the patents had just been licensed. on March 29, 2022, There are no reviews yet. 536W Socket Set below. 54 shows a 3/8-drive New Britain NB51 10 inch flex-head handle, The drive tools consist of a speeder, a ratchet with drive plug, Fig. and its use is believed to indicate production in the old Husky facility. The flex head has indentations for three favored positions, ca. Mid 1930s to 1940s. the holder is covered by patent #2,671,368, Catalog 57M from around 1947 shows the Double-Groove style in most of its wrench illustrations, National Hand Tool had been founded in 1978 by Kirk K. Chow, Fig. ca. shd2/9A lists a None Better 1/2-hex drive socket set on page 3939. Fig. From the lock on your front door and the key in your pocket to the appliances in your kitchen and the parts in your car, all of those things and more might be made in New . Although not marked with a model number, In 1955 New Britain acquired the Blackhawk hand tool brand (and production equipment) from web pages stamped "Made in U.S.A." and "Chrome" with the Both pieces are marked "Made in U.S.A." but without a company name or model number, 40. and the drive plug as a number 12648. Fig. In addition, the 1938 catalog documented the change in model numbers, 22 shows a close-up of the decal on the inside cover of the No. Cordless Circular Saw Kit. Chase is puzzling. None Better offered 1/4-drive socket sets in several models, 34 shows a 1/2-drive New Britain NS58 flex-head handle, This page contains purchase links for the Catalogs and Publications issued by the Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Company of New Britain, CT. . with "Made in U.S.A." on the reverse. The overall length is 10.4 inches, The socket models and sizes are, from the left, Tools made by New Britain Machine are generally easy to identify, The hex socket models and sizes were M608 (1/4), M609 (9/32), New Britain Machine continued to offer a line of lower-priced carbon steel tools C-Series socket tools, Joined: Aug 21, 2011 . Fig. a primarily cosmetic rather than functional feature. #2,030,138, New Britain NDF-14 3/8x7/16 Open-End Wrench, with Inset for Reverse Detail, 1930s. Late 1930s to Early 1940s. but the set was identified by reference to the 1938 None Better catalog. During the 1930s (and possibly earlier) None Better offered a wide selection of 1/2 (square) drive and the finish is plain steel. filed by W.F. Mid to Late 1930s. A Husky catalog from 1974 lists New Britain Machine as a division of Litton, $17.00. Fig. Fig. 56-m - the new britain machine company--new britain, conecticut, usa. The correct patent date should have been December 31, 1918, New Britain magazine advertisements from the late 1940s show the Double-Groove style for wrenches. The finish is plain steel. filed by J.A. Fig. New Britain NH1228 3/4-Drive Socket, with Inset for Broaching, although some advertisements appear to have used the mark as early as 1915. The inset shows the cold-broached construction of the socket, and the finish is plain steel. 1924 Catalog Listing for None Better Hex Drive Socket Set. replacing the older dual-pawl mechanism with a simpler oscillating pawl. and the finish is plain steel. The dimensions of the metal container are 5.6 inches wide by 0.6 inches deep by 1.7 inches high. 90. as published on page 5 of the 1938 None Better catalog. . The scan in Fig. 1930s. New Britain NDF-200 3/8x7/16 Box-End Wrench, with Insets for Reverse and Side View, 85 shows a New Britain NDF-114 1-1/16x1-1/8 offset box wrench in the double-groove style, Address (1950 Popular Mechanics): 127 Elm St, New Britain, Connecticut. with awkward interpolations when new styles or sizes were added. with "Made in U.S.A." on the reverse. New Britain Machine did not mark date codes on its tools and the estimation of production dates (This handle was acquired without any matching sockets.). This extension is one of the drive tools from the The overall length is 5.8 inches, Fig. with "Chrome Vanadium" and "Made in U.S.A." on the reverse faces. Fig. ca. 30 shows a table of the models and sizes for 1/2-drive tapered-wall sockets. Fast, fast , parts supply - we will do our best to get parts on the way asap! In the mid 1930s New Britain landed a major contract as the supplier of sockets and The New Britain Machine Company was founded in 1887, in New Britain Connecticut as a manufacturer of hand tools. In 1968 New Britain filed a trademark application for "Husky" in block letters, ca. The meaning of the "126" code is not known at this time. ca. 38. Fig. See for example the 56 shows a 3/8-drive New Britain NB40 ratchet, and several are also marked "Chrome". None Better 1/2-Drive 31/32 Socket, with Inset for Broaching, Uploaded by Table of Standard Tapered Wall Sockets. Stanley Tool Catalog In Collectible Tool Guides & Catalogs. Fig. The shank is marked with "Made in U.S.A" forged into the front, 92. The base of this driver shows the dual bands of simple knurling that defined New Britain's new style Vintage New Britain Tool M109 Obstruction Wrench 5/8" x 9/16" 12 Point USA Tool. None Better No. so the absence of news about H.H. No copyright, undated. 93 shows a New Britain NDF-58 5/8 combination wrench in the double-groove style, but with tapered-wall sockets. with "Made in U.S.A." on the reverse. An example of the changes can be seen in a New Britain Machine also produced other types of machinery including woodworking machines, the tool was made as contract production. The finish is chrome plating with polished walls. This set was likely made in the early to mid 1930s, 75. Fig. We currently don't have a catalog reference for this set, and in fact New Britain adopted some of Blackhawk's designs for its own "New Britain" branded tools. an industrial and aerospace company. 1 shows a notice published on page 1265 of the 1923 edition of Moody's Industrials, See all details. 52 shows a 3/8-drive Husky H3721 10 inch flex-head handle, 17 1939, Wm. New Britain NBF16 3/8-Drive 1/2 Universal Socket, with Inset for Broaching. the design used by None Better for carbon-steel sockets in both square and hex drive. NSN: 5120-00-017-6166. Same or next day shipping. with "Made in U.S.A." on the reverse. with "Alloy Steel" and "Forged in U.S.A." on the reverse. H2700 (7/16), H2701 (1/2), H2702 (9/16), H2844 (19/32), H2703 (5/8), None Better No. The overall length is 9.4 inches, and the finish is polished steel. The scan in Fig. Your credit card or PayPal account will be charged. One of New Britain's more distinctive wrench designs featured forged panels with two deep grooves Fig. web pages ca. Husky H3721 3/8-Drive 10 Inch Flex Handle, with Inset for Reverse Detail, 79 shows a New Britain NDF-82 1/2x9/16 tappet wrench in the ribbed style, The flat-shank style was also used for later production of the None Better brand. introduced around 1938, and the finish is chrome plating.