Is she going to eat them? that goes, You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. The same could apply to some fictional characters who were supposed to be the good guys, but actually might not be. He was self-centred and constantly hurting people who were close to him. You cant have a healthy relationship without vulnerability. Then, when she discovers that her step-daughter, Snow White, has become "the fairest of them all," extreme jealousy and envy sends her into a murderous rage. The Good Witch is so dead set on demeaning the Wicked Witch in front of a crowd that, in a weird magic pissing contest, Glinda calls the Wicked Witch's power into question and throws out the threat that someone might drop a house on her, too. She's the most selfish character in the series. Scar from The Lion King grew up in the shadow of his older brother,Mufasa. From giving up her voice just to be with someone she hasnt met, to trying to trick him so theyd live happily ever after; these are just the tip of the iceberg. Personally, I feel that having a set of guidelines for fiction writers is long overdue - while the instances of suicides and self-harm are fictional, the emotions they elicit (and the potential impact on readers feeling these emotions) aren't. While we can argue issues of censorship/political correctness/not being an arsehole until the cows . Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. Suffice to say, good ol King Triton had every reason to be concerned! America's favorite literary rebel, The Catcher in the Rye's Holden Caulfield, has a special place in the hearts of readers. Rather than ostracize him, his community plays along with his delusion at the behest of his doctor, helping himcome to terms with prior trauma while at the same time becoming more introspective and tolerant as a whole. Cam spends the 18 months of her master's program coming to terms with his bipolar diagnosis and raising their two daughters. With Nicolas Cage in the role of Roy, a con artist with obsessive-compulsive disorder,audiences might expect him to bring some of his grandiose showboating to Matchstick Men. No solutions to the Grapes' problems are easy or applicable, and the movie handles the stigma about mental illness and obesity with raw integrity by acknowledging the necessity of strong familial bonds. Chuck always gets the sense that no one likes him and everyone is making fun of him. But obviously the disorder existed long before there was a name for it, and Doyle didn't have to know what the disorder was called in order to have known somebody with those quirks, and written them into his fictional detective. Vulnerability is really all about laying ourselves bare. And if this were IRL, he would probably be locked up in prison for preying on teenagers, rather than actually marrying them later on. OK, she's just a kid. (4) That choice deepens the tension and propels the story forward. We can show our inner selves without fear of being hurt or having personal information misused. The North would probably have run for their lives if she showed up like this. She was selfish, rude and manipulative, constantly messed with other peoples relationships and refused to support Marshall when he got the opportunity of a lifetime. Now watch Scarlett collapse into a puddle of melodrama when she is rejected by a man: It's worth watching just to see him give her a handful of soil in the middle of her crying fit. "I find it hard to trust other people . Not only is she messy with both her love life (who in their right mind chooses Big over Aidan?) 6 Things to Consider When Writing a Depressed Character Everyone says Big was a bad character, but seriously they both sucked so much they deserved each other. Believe it or not, lots of thebest cartoon characters on TVsuffer from mental illnesses. 20 Problematic Fictional Characters from Famous Movies & TV Shows But there are some key characteristics in the original Arthur Conan Doyle version that tend to crop up again and again, and they all indicate a severe case of Asperger's. He plays Melvin Udall, a best-selling author diagnosed with OCD, who performs obsessive rituals to combat his intrusively anxious thoughts. Whether the characters you relate to fly on broomsticks, survive high school with perfectly-timed sarcastic comments or pack a punch in an action flick, fictional characters can be so relatable because they capture real human emotions. After spending her teenage years being herded through multiple recovery programs for her eating disorder, Ellen (Lily Collins) doesn't see much point in trying to escape her anorexia, especially since every time she begins a new therapy she ends up weighing less than she did before she started. The loneliness, negative thoughts, and perpetual isolation will be immediately recognizable for anyone with a mental illness, as will the words, "The worst part of having a mental illness is that people expect you to behave as if you don't. Don't confuse this with schizophrenia -- we're not claiming the talking monster and sentient candlesticks are figments of her imagination. Sheimagines adrink that makes you shrink in size. The 80s was obviously the era of mean and inconsiderate teenage guys starring in high school-set movies. As we have pointed out before, her actions in The Wizard of Oz involve dropping a house on her rival, blaming it on a teenage child and then encouraging that teenager to assassinate the dead woman's last living relative. are the property of their respective owners. You cant have intimacy without vulnerability. Think again. His family's support has always kept him able to go through life without ever facing his mental illness, but after a severe manic episode hospitalizes him, he's forced to have a wake-up call. One-note characters will always fail to come to life on the page. She creates an emotional attachment to every object she finds, and this is another common problem among hoarders: they find sentimentality in random, worthless items. Ellen discovers ways to confront her deep-seated anxieties and embrace self-acceptance. How to write a character with abandonment issues? : r/writing - reddit It's hard to be normal when the town constantly follows you down the road, singing. Trust Issues - Kindle edition by James, Danielle. Literature & Fiction They feel, think, and behave like real people. The perceived dramatic nature of a mental illness has notoriously meant it's too often conveyed as a means to broadcast sentimentality or sensationalism. She is completely engrossed with being the most beautiful person in the kingdom. By fate or coincidence, when Alice Klieg (Kristen Wiig) decides to quit her medications cold turkey, she cashes in a winning lottery ticket. Or to put it more accurately those whose questionable behaviour didnt age well amid the current era of accountability. So, you know, hes that insufferable. And the fact that she did this after reading private entries from her moms diary and never bothered giving anyone a heads up! He's the most-portrayed fictional character in the world, running the gamut from Basil Rathbone playing a jolly English gentleman who fights Nazis to Robert Downey Jr.'s Victorian Rain Man/MMA fighter. This war talk's spoiling all the fun at every party this spring. Her books are available in five languages, are sourced by US universities, and are used by novelists, screenwriters, editors and psychologists around the world. Seriously, she spent most of the time just whining and depending on Troy. Among the problematic fictional characters weve listed so far, this dude is basically the epitome of white male privilege. Sure, the show presented her as a sympathetic underdog for a long time. To be honest, we skimmed this bit back in high school. If so, wed love to hear your own hot takes on our Facebook page! For instance, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders suggests that sufferers are amused by the emotional turmoil of others. This aspect of moral self-trust brings the role of empathy with fictional characters clearly into view. Mediocre? . bastard.". The courts recognized the actas an episode of bipolar mania, not as a crime of passion, and his long road to recovery begins. / Conceal, dont feel, dont let them know.. Lisa was a sociopath, characterized bya charismatic and manipulative nature she used to elicit close bonds from the patients around her. Two new books will soon join these: The Urban and Rural Thesaurus volumes, which help writers write stronger, more vivid imagery by profiling 225 Fictional settings and the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and textures associated with each. The Wicked Witch even tells Dorothy, "They're of no use to you," but Glinda convinces the girl never to take them off. It's true that the disorder wouldn't be recognized until 70 years after Doyle invented the character. In the wake of a patriarch's absence, an entire family, the Grapes, begin to reveal signs of mental illness to varying degrees, exacerbated by poverty and declining circumstances. Bigot - One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ. But looking back on it now, shes the epitome of the Toxic #GirlBoss with blatant disregard for her staffs feelings. She's never open-minded enough to consider other people's view points and the show tries to spin it to make her look like the victim. Attachment as told by your favourite fictional characters You cant have love without vulnerability. ", Elsa from Frozen is the sister with the magical powers. These uneven obsessions with random topics -- in Holmes' case, things like tobacco ashes and regional soil consistency -- are not signs of an enthusiast; they are symptoms of a disorder. The Diagnosis: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), What Is ADHD? Fictional characters with BPD are also often villainized instead of presented as people learning to exist with their illness. A lot of fiction gets more depressing when you realize that writers are usually writing about themselves, whether they admit it or not. This need for domination, coupled with Scar's APD, led to the brutal killing of Mufasa. While PTSD is generally associated with people who've experienced horrific events like war, any traumatic incident can cause it. Of course they get together at the end, because nothing says genuine romance like forcing someone to admit they're a virgin against their will and then taunting them about it. Even more important, many will feel compelled to act, either to intervene, to support, or to commiserate. One of the chief signs of antisocial personality disorder is the inability to understand the motivations and feelings of other people. Vulnerability is one of those fascinating topics I find hard to let go of, probably because in real life, we spend so much time avoiding it, and yet true happiness can only be achieved when we fully embrace it. Living in an era when women weren't considered their most attractive unless their mouths were shut, Scarlett was portrayed as a hard-workin', hard-drinkin', hard-screwin' Southern belle who wouldn't take shit from anyone. Christian tells her he's not a "flowers and hearts" kind of guy because of his past and is only into BDSM, and yet she's so desperate for him to love her that she submits to him. And stop by LinkSTORM to earn you degree in Fictional Character Psychology. Whether it's because she keeps it so well hidden from the other merpeople or because some problems are just too big for a crab and a fish to tackle, no one in the film ever addresses the fact that Ariel is a pathological hoarder. Cartoons are a fond childhood memoryuntil you really start to think about some of the animated heroes and villains. Schizoid personality disorder " is characterized by a long-standing pattern of detachment from social relationships," and a sufferer " often has difficulty emotions and does so typically in very restricted range, especially when communicating with others.". Even when he and Robin were together he lied to her under the guise of good intentions and romantic gestures. You've earned your first teardrop tattoo.". Representation is as important in fiction as it is in nonfiction, and it's good to see complex issues like depression, anxiety, and trauma increasingly being treated not only with . Or when she sent Aidan to help an injured Miranda? We're guessing not even Disney would dispute that one. Some of you have already heard of this, but for the benefit of those who havent: Janis is the real villain, not Regina George. Heattempts to control his condition for a chance ata relationship with a waitress at his favorite diner, but he's rude, arrogant, and entitled. The seclusion of the castle along with the nonhuman inhabitants and a relationship with a beast who isn't a sexual threat is like a dream for anyone with schizoid personality disorder. Alice from Alice in Wonderland clearly suffers from schizophrenia. Insteresting cases pop up when television actors portray a character for a long time. Personal story time: Miles Teller is one of my all-time celebrity crushes, and yet I still wanted to strangle this character throughout the movie. Fearing she will lose the part to a rival dancer,Nina undergoes a grueling training regiment, the result of which incites a terrifying metamorphosis. Unlike other teen movies featuring the polar extremes of bursting out into song or chronic drug addiction, ThePerks of Being a Wallflowerfocuses ona boy named CharlieKelmeckis (Logan Lerman) who's just trying to get through his teenage years while dealing with the overwhelming PTSD and anxiety that comes with trauma. This can come in many different forms, but some of the most common categories are: Prejudice. Appropriately used, this could reduce word count and speed the pace. According to the American Psychiatric Association, major depression "negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act." Holmes' hyper-keen observational skills, social mannerisms and overall personality have fueled Asperger's rumors everywhere from Holmes fan forums to Asperger's support forums. Somehow, we must help them move past their pain. The Evil Queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is the quintessential example of NPD. A fast-talking caffeine-dependent wordsmith, Marcy has never been one to shy away from sharing a good story or two. But okay, where do we even begin with this particular Disney princess? The public was gripped by the life of the Nobel Prize winner, who suddenly came to the horrific realization that many of the locations, events, and people that characterized his life never actually existed. When Milo (Bill Hader)attempts suicide, he reunites with his estranged twin sister Maggie (Kristen Wiig) in the hospital. I just hate him. Trust Issues - Ellywinkle Attachment mostly forms in the first year of life and there are four types; anxious, avoidant, secure and disorganized/fearful. Lists about your favorite characters that were drawn by hand or generated by computer. Cartoons have always included characters suffering from psychological problems, like how Winnie the Pooh represents mental illnesses. But its weird to think that your favorite silly, zany cartoon characters can suffer from those same afflictions. He never did his own homework despite knowing his so-called best mate was fighting the worst villain of all time, and always expected Harry and Hermione to carry him. Rebecca marks a change in that. Ariel has 20 corkscrews and she doesn't even know what they do. Janis, on the other hand, is the fake-woke type who would talk about social justice and then slut-shame someone in the same breath. Angela is also the co-founder of the popular site, Writers Helping Writers, as well as One Stop For Writers, an innovative online library built to help writers elevate their storytelling. Kids obsess over weird things: that's not unusual. Allow readers to see your character as fully-realized by showcasing what makes them laugh, cry, seethe, cower, and otherwise experience a wide array of emotions. A Beautiful Mind gave viewers a look at schizophrenia and Rain Man was one of the first films to explore autism. No wonder were so guarded with our feelings, careful about our personal information, and choosy about who we trust. In addition, her friendships with anthropomorphized teacups and footstools are stronger than any she's ever had with a human (outside of her father). Delighted to welcomeAngela AckermanofWriters Helping Writers&One Stop For Writers,writing coach, speaker, &co-author of manybestselling resources,including one of my all-time favourite fiction writing book series,which if youve been in your writers garret for the last few years, are soinvaluable, youll wonder how you ever managed without. What Is Major Depressive Disorder? One of most telling signs of histrionic personality disorder, on the other hand, is Scarlett's need to constantly be the center of attention and her wild overreaction to every problem she faces. Don't even get me started on how badly she treated Aidan when he forgave her again and again. When we trust someone, we want to open ourselves to them because doing so signifies a high level of self-acceptance. Andy Serkis is not an animal! But this guys record is hard to beat: multiple attempts at forcing himself on women, manipulation, and even trying to sell his girlfriend for a hotel. When shy Lars Lindstrom (a very against type Ryan Gosling) finally gets a girlfriend his family is overjoyed until they find out it's a lifesize plastic blow-up doll. Sure, he was the President, but lets be real she was way too good for him. He bullies Dwight, treats Karen like shit and messes with Pam for half of season three to punish her for turning him down at the end of season two. He began as a gifted professional musician who suddenly finds himself homeless when he's plagued by the onset of schizophrenia. Scott's battle with depression, anxiety, and ADD are shown realistically in his issues around impulse control, executive dysfunction, and various neurosis. "That's the only reason you're not a side dish right now.". She impulsively purchases a talk show, where she's able to share her opinions with the world, while her borderline personality disorder creeps back into her life. Changing a characters mind about vulnerability is not easy, nor something that can happen quickly. Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice. Personally, Im a fan of both the musical and the movie adaptation. Disturbed, Elsa locks herself away and refuses to face the world out of fear of hurting more people. It also encourages us to look at the world in a different way and to see the relatable side of things. You may be surprised that thiscomic charactersuffers from APD. People have common worries and fears. In one of the most critically acclaimed performances of her career, Natalie Portman portrays Nina Sayers, a star ballerina in the midst of heavy competition for the lead role in the popular ballet Swan Lake. US residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. Kayleena has been raised on Star Wars and Indiana Jones from the crib. What Is Schizophrenia? Throughout The Wizard of Oz, Glinda never gives any reason for murdering the witches other than that they're ugly and different and therefore -- according to good ole-fashioned Dust Bowl logic -- completely evil. Having lost much of their resources, his wife (Zoe Saldana) attends Columbia University to get a better degree, and with it a better job. Belle is pursued throughout the film by Gaston, who wants to marry her, and while her staunch refusal to entertain any of his advances only because he is handsome seems admirable, she is more likely exemplifying the quintessential behavior of someone who has no interest in sex at all. And to top it all off, he was a terrible friend who was either constantly competing with them or trying to date them. Or, as the Yale Child Study Center puts it, Asperger's sufferers show "a narrow range of capacities for memorizing lists or trivial information, calendar calculation, visual-spatial skills such as drawing, or musical skills involving a perfect pitch or playing a piece of music after hearing it only once. diverting attention away from intimacy issues (Edelstein & Gillath, 2008), . Wisdom, Wellness and Writing for Conscious Creatives. Even rudimentary? Characters with a hard exterior may try to act tough, but when they see someone going through a situation that triggers emotional memories of their own past wounds, they cant help but empathise. No, Glinda is by no means good. RELATED: 10 Forgotten Keanu Reeves Roles You Need To Go Back & Watch. Eowyn from the Lord of the Rings Series. Fiction is a reflection of the real world, especially when it comes to our characters. Sometimes it can be a powerful way to find out what the characters are really feeling, and in turn how to move the story forward, building from that place. #27: MAKE THEM SWEAT. Required fields are marked *. Though BPD is portrayed using humor in the movie, it accurately works to falsify the burgeoning myth that people with her condition are doomed to be self-destructive and self-involved. Are there any other problematic fictional characters that you believe should be on this list? Throughout her journey, Alice seestalking animals anda hookah-smoking caterpillar. Doing two good things doesn't excuse his white male privilege and the the literal 500 screw-ups he made. content enquiries. Growing up and watching it again made me realise how much of a twat he was. At the end of the day, I still believe in possible character development and redemption, no matter how long overdue. That said, weve re-examined some of the most popular fictional characters from movies and TV shows and whether or not they were actually decent enough human beings. Glinda then takes the dead woman's slippers -- the only keepsake by which the Wicked Witch might remember her sister -- and forces Dorothy to wear them. The fact that Glinda is the one who helps Dorothy get home in the end is almost sickening, given the mortal danger she put the girl through (not to mention the two deaths that are now on Dorothy's hands as a result).