Install. seers who regularly connect with the Akashic records. Earth is an evolving, stable, three-dimensional planet, with an equal balance of physical and angelic experiences. Debbie's Starseed Origins reading opened me up to an understanding of my Universal experience that I'd never had before. Starseed Reading - Misha Almira Rated 4.50 out of 5 $ 22.22; Extended Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins. a star cluster also known as Seven Sisters. Mediumship Development: How to Connect with the Other Side, Unleash Your Mind to Set Free Your Wild, Untamed Spirit, Are You Coming to Your Senses? Starseed marks, also know as starseed alignments, refer to celestial body aspects in birth charts, which indicates that you have starseed origins. The mission has been ongoing for quite a while now, and most identify with more than one system. But on the other hand, they also bring spiritual energies into the physical realm, too. She used these tools to channel information from the akashic records and built a large following of Theosophists, including some famous ones. Whether youre Starseed, Muslim, Lutheran, Japanese, Iranian, brown, red, tall, fat, wonderful, itchy, angry, or hilarious, your current you is a temporary construct that you continually co-created with your pre-birth guides, and the parents and cultures you chose for this life. So, a part of the Parallel soul is always in another place. The Arcturans are from Arcturus, found in the Bootes constellation. Starseed markings can also be alternatively sub-grouped into two main groups; Origin marks and Incarnation marks. When I email you with your origin results, it will tell you the race in which you originated. Hello! Negative values usually suggest more stressful or challenging influences in birth charts whilst positive numbers show more easy-flowing energy. Some Starseed may have the sole purpose of assisting human beings as healers or spiritual masters. Calculate your star chart with this helpful tool - and share with friends - it's free! 5K+ Downloads. With a background in psychology, astrology, and esoteric practice, her soulful guides are read by over 300,000 people every month. All Rights Reserved. Live it as if you are here, in the now. Can Sacred Geometry Produce Musical Harmony? Like other starseeds, Jake thinks he is a highly evolved soul from another planet. Aug 1, 2019 - In this video I will describe the Pleiadian starseed markings and how to use them to interpret your birth chart for your starseed origin and incarnations. This does not have to be a problem for the Parallel soul indeed it is a natural sideeffect of having ones consciousness anchored in another place, too. Mintakans are bringers of positive energies they are very compassionate and forgiving; they also see the best in others and they always see the silver lining in any cloud. When traditional titles and archetypes fail us, we hunt elsewhere, even into the stars. They can mostly be told apart by the attitude they take to life. You believe you encounter the Divine in all experiences. Mintakans are cheerleaders for other peoples potential they see what others could be. We are constructed in such ways that one thought can lead us into heaven, while another leads us into hell. 26 Virgo 41, 56. its unlikely for someone with a true starseed origin to have these markings in their chart, mainly due to stubbornness (though not impossible if supported by other markings!). Your Starseed journey starts here. Check out the links provided below! Archangel Jophiel: 4 Beautiful Ways to Connect [Ultimate Guide! Note: This reading is different from the Akashic reading in that you will receive information on your star lineage and star system of origin ONLY; it does not include any of the other soul information you would receive in an Akashic reading. Mars on the cusp of Leo, Jupiter on the cusp of Cancer. Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. Whether you are Starseed or from Jersey, your birthright is to invite intelligence, seek an expanded consciousness, and fully awaken at any moment. Physical Signs, Light Beings On Earth On Earth With Universal Love In Mind, Spiritual Meaning Of Working In A Dream 16 Symbolism of Fulfillment and Purpose, What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Millipede? Cayces readings are some of the best known. That might not chime with what you have heard about Lightworkers, but thats more to do with the language that is often used rather than the reality of the situation. Orion Starseeds. In fact, one of the pioneers of the idea was imprisoned 60 years before Angeli, for plotting a fascist uprising in the US. The first row shows your ascendant or rising sign e.g. Are you trying to discover your true Starseed origins? Neptune is the ruling planet of psychic abilities and intuition so any sign can appear here. M. You'll get two color charts and an MP3 of your starseed confirmation and extended reading emailed to you. 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 or 55 tends to show old soul, 13, 14 or 15 can indicate Avian origin, If Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Mars or Capricorn is strong in your chart (shows up 3 times or more), there is likely to be an, If Cancer or Scorpio are strong or are in a Sun placement, its likely a. Labeled as revolutionary by The Oprah Winfrey Network. galactic heritage is complicated and we access different star races as we activate different areas of our consciousness. Some of them have come to this planet for their benefit or to support a darker mission. Records are believed to be the repository of every thought, word, and deed of every living being, good, bad, and awful, in all times; past, present, future. Its also possible that these Starseeds are physical descendants of aliens from other worlds, who traveled to Earth to be our planets lightworkers. But, in my experience, 3+ single zodiac signs (e.g. Do you resonate with more than one of the above? All birth data provided by the client is solely for the use of the Akashic reading or birth chart, and is never shared, ever. or even "you are draco-pleiadian-andromedan!" People often overlook the journey for the destination. Our astrology website has a lot of Free Starseed Astrology Chart information. Am I a Starseed? - Medium What is a Starseed and What Does it Mean in Astrology? | Keen It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Starseed markings arent bodily markings as many believe, but instead they are key alignments and events that appear in your celestial birth chart. But nobody can tell you which one is more important. The collective purpose of the Hadarians as a group is to teach us about all the different aspects of Divine Love that we can experience on Earth such as connection, co-creation, community, grace and togetherness. 26. 2 or more retrogrades (symbolized by the big R), indicate general starseed origin. In the days after, I was researching Jake Angeli, the Qanon shaman, and discovered he ran something called the Starseed Academy. For more information, please see our Sometimes, intuition alone is all that is needed to confirm suspicions. Contemporary physicist. Other signs in Sun that could indicate past starseed origin include: Virgo, Aries, and Sagittarius. I dont tend to look much at the Sun sign when giving readings because theyre so general and dont tell us much about ourselves beyond surface-level personality. Akashic Records 101: Can We Access Our Akashic Records? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Star Seed Quiz / Test - Use this to Find Out Your Star Seed Origins. Now more than ever, those with Aquarius in their sun sign are likely to be the humanitarians, volunteers, and change-makers amongst us leading us forward to the Golden era of Aquarius, said to start around 2032. Its easy to become distracted by the latest spiritual systems or the most charismatic spiritual media stars. E.g. Let Debbie bridge the gap by helping you connect to your star origins and lineage. With Pluto, however, if you have Scorpio, Libra, or Sagittarius placements, youre more likely to resonate with being a indigo, rainbow or crystal child, all types of starseed children. Taurus in any of these placements is a true sign of being in tune with gut feelings and intuition. Thats why Ive linked to this handy resource which explains over 100 trines, squares, conjunctions etc to look for. Add to wishlist. Debbie is available for personal readings and class/workshop requests. . (Note that this includes emotional, physical, psychological or spiritual ways to heal. You are both, perhaps one more than the other. Types of Starseeds: Which Star System Do You Come From? The position of the Sun, Moon, planets, and even our north and south nodes can uncover many hidden secrets and revelations about our true soul origin. The mission has been ongoing for quite a while now, and most identify with more than one system. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Susan was born with spiritual gifts and is a master of many metaphysical techniques. Those placement signs apply to all the figures that show up in your natal chart i.e. Types of Starseeds are as follow: Starseed Test: check here Sirian starseed: Sirius is the multi-star system having more than one sun.Founded by Saoirse Clare . 2 or more retrogrades (symbolized by the big R), indicate general starseed origin, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 or 29 degrees in Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Cancer, or Capricorn is a strong indicator of, 32, 33, 34, or 35 in Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, Sagittarius, or Virgo can indicate a, Lots of 0s in any position could indicate Feline, Lyran, Anubis, or Annunaki origin. Maintained by Green Hat Web Solutions. p.s. Blavatsky claimed she learned of the records from Tibetan monks, or mahatmas who said the records could be found in the akasha, or akasa, the Sanskrit word for astral light, or the ether element in eastern belief systems. This means that they value connection above all else and see this as the path to ascension for Earth. Having Leo or Virgo in these signs symbolizes against being a starseed i.e. Included in this reading is the new Ebook "Stargates" This is an important book because it covers the information everyone needs to know when they begin to open to working with myself and your starseed information. find your starseed origin. : r/starseeds - reddit Pisces is a fairly unreliable indicator in these positions it needs to be supported by other markings. many of us may be predominantly of a galactic heritage we have barely, or more likely never, even heard of. starseed traits, characteristics, & types: what is a starseed? Hadarians as a soul group bring Divine Love, in two different ways: they radiate and give love in their personal interactions with others when they are incarnated here. Starseeds-Discover your Origin. A Starseed may have a more expanded soul and, therefore, can appreciate and align with the nature of other worlds. Most starseeds simply have an inner knowing that their soul didnt originate here on Earth. (45 min 5 card reading, including channeling of downloads/messages that are then emailed to you in one email. The Pleiades stars, for example, are a cluster of stars known since ancient times. It blows my mind every time, as everyone has unique combinations of galactic energy. Approx. mine is in virgo at 1914. The advanced technologies allowed them to build their home from the ground up again. Could you please review what you said about 32, 34, 35 degrees of cancer, Virgo, tutus etc. Imagine the distances we have yet to travel. In this post, were looking at maybe the past 4-5 incarnations (which can still span hundreds or thousands of years). The second row shows your second house, third row third house etc. If there is one category in particular where you agreed with most statements, this may well be your primary soul group of origin. His Personality Cards is a powerful oracle helpful in life, love, and relationships. Please understand that your soul originated in Orion, but most starseeds have incarnated into several different races before coming to earth and you can also be pleiadian. Ive never really seen any *true* pattern with north node placements. for further reading. You can find out a lot more about this group in my book. Starseed Origins - Find Your Home - Cosmic Minds I have a grand trine fire with Neptune(sag), Aries(Sun/Merc exact 21 degree conjunct retro), Leo(Saturn). Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins $ 77.77; Mini Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins. The Lyrans from Lyra are the most aligned with the physical world. Venus in Taurus opposed Scorpio Uranus. SoulPurposeAstro. Her experience in all things spiritual helps to bring a full understanding of self and soul to her private clients and readers. Some of the questions repeat themselves or are a bit similar. No matter where youve come from and no matter who you are, you can open yourself to the expanded collective consciousness that pervades all matter and non-matter. I have done astrology since about 8-10yo, mathematics, computer programmer since 1996, artist, musician and I have music apps up on the Android store since 2016. Join 14,000+ beautiful souls, and receive my award-winning 5-day starseed awakening course for free! Starseed marking types. I had a client recommend this lady for Starseed origins. Looking to the stars can be fun, but looking within is where youll find the gold. Explorations of the akashic field were also a major focus of the writings and work of Edgar Cayce. Ascendant Signs: Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo, and Sagittarius, 3rd House: Uranus (*very common), Neptune, Chiron, 6th House: Neptune (*BIG indicator), Saturn, or Uranus, 7th House: Pluto, Mercury, Moon, Venus, or North Node, 8th House: South Node, Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, 9th House: Mars (*very common), Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto, 11th House: Jupiter (*very common), Sun (*BIG indicator), Uranus, Mars. How to develop your intuitive abilities & communicate with your Spirit Guides, How to Develop your Intuitive Abilities & Communicate with your Spirit Guides, Hadarians as a soul group bring Divine Love, in two different ways: they radiate and give love in their personal interactions with others when they are incarnated here. The first chart shows you what youre most likely already comfortable with; your sun, moon, and rising (ascendant) sign, along with all your other planetary positions. You can find out more about this group in my book. Mission Realmers These souls have their origins in the angelic realm. Hope that helps! Could it be that the number of stars, galaxies, planets, and realms is dynamic, and therefore, incalculable? This is reflected in his Akasha Paradigm which he relates to human evolutionary processes. While most Starseeds appear to have come to Earth to teach and heal its citizens, not all Starseeds are intent on helping us evolve.