I am able to see the strategic opportunities outside of conventional group thinking. 37. Companies hire employees with a strategic mindset to help achieve long-term business goals. Job Performance Evaluation Form Page 1 Strategic planning manager performance appraisal You just clipped your first slide! As you can see, there are lots of areas to focus on when describing leadership, and while no one size will fit all companies or situations, any one of these outlined approachestaken as a whole or combined in part with otherswill help your organization reach its goal of inspiring employees to higher performance and communicating clearly the level of excellence that you demand and expect from your leaders. d. You humiliate peers on a regular basis. I have our best interests at heart and it shows in my strategic thinking and recommendations. This book helps to understand the connection between strategy and vision, strategy and creativity. John took us all to another level of strategic thinking. I am always leaning in, strategically thinking about what was best for me companies brand. No matter your level, you can demonstrate strategic thinking by executing an innovative project that shows that your understanding extends beyond your current function. We found our company to be very strong in strategic thinking and leadership. Demonstrates the ability to motivate and inspire their colleagues by [example] Is always happy to help their colleagues, even when things are tough for them. Allows for open and free discussions regardless of each person's position within the company but does not let one person dominate the session. You're someone others want to follow. Easily he gives meaning to the term, "strategic thinking" and the best way to see things through. These skills can range from communication, basic etiquette to active listening. This paper helps project managers step back from the trees to see the forest and lays the foundation for better strategic thinking within project teams, departments, and overall organizations through changing focus . Managers who receive feedback on their strengths are 8.9% more productive. While interpersonal skills come naturally to some people, for others, they can be cultivated with experience and knowledge. Not only is he strategic, but he never settles for less than the best. Strategic thinking enables a manager to know the effective factors in achieving objectives and . This is great for becoming an effective leader, as you focus on the development of others rather than your own. Additionally, he knows how to make strategic alliances with all the right players. 2022 Tous droits rservs. When given the opportunity he is capable of strategic thinking. A good vision will draw you forward, and define the larger undertaking that drives your activities. He thinks win for everyone, thinks broadly, and thinks big when he works. Simbline can help you write a feedback using phrases prepared for you. Fails to think before one plans and doesn't take the time or invest in tools to generate new insights, Makes a strategy a once a year activity instead of an ongoing conversation and does not care to monitor the already implemented strategies, Does not refresh the plans frequently to keep them from becoming stale and keep the energy energized on their execution, Defines goals that cannot be managed or measured throughout the layers of the company, Fails to make employees aware of the goals and therefore the employees do not understand what is expected of them, Develops plans that leave too much room for interpretation thus employees misinterpret the plans and miss the intended mark, Selects the wrong people for strategic planning instead of people who are able to analyze the current company's state and develop achievable future states, Develops a plan without aligning it with the budget thus makes it hard to transform the plan into action. Conducting performance reviews can be tricky, especially for managers. He gets things done and looking back his strategic insight was superb. Higher the sense of awareness, higher the chances of having better . To improve this, it's important that employers must practice the art of delivering constructive performance appraisal comments. In order for an employee performance appraisal to be effective, you need to have strategic objectives you would like to accomplish before starting the appraisal, according to management expert Josh Greenberg writing on the Performance Appraisals website. . Delegates and assigns work in a manner consistent with departmental workflow and company policy. What have you done to improve your ability to set the company's goals? b. b. Access more than 40 courses trusted by Fortune 500 companies. One of the first changes he made was to instruct his assistant to block out 30 minutes on his calendar before important meetings. He is very strategic, and therefore, forward-thinking. All rights reserved. Works hard to meet goals. Listens openly and encourages feedback while . The phrases are organized by the different skills, attributes and aspects of performance that are commonly covered in reviews. Supported [employee] with [task]/through [project] and willingly shared their expertise. d. "He needs to focus more on the details and nitty-gritty before handing over a project." We witnessed a lack of transparency and accountability in how you functioned. You remain constructive and open to ideas and compromise in situations where opposing ideas . You deliver urgent work without compromising on the details. Clients usually seek your guidance and expertise. Him strategic thinking makes for effective, successful results. In order to ensure collaboration, you need a healthy team environment. I am always thinking about strategic opportunities that can better an organization. Your leaders want to know what you think, and they view your worthiness for promotion through the lens of how ready you are to make bigger decisions. He knew that barely having time to collect his thoughts before going into meetings made him unprepared, less vocal, and less capable of synthesizing and sharing his knowledge. This area of strategic thinking looks at ways to use resources, staff and technology. He likes to take a traditional and risk-averse approach to things over a creative one. He is always thinking strategically, two or three steps ahead of the pack. vision and strategic thinking appraisal comments. e. "You are equal in your treatment to everyone and communicate with your peers respectfully. I am an intuitive and an agile business person who is always thinking about the next strategic step. " You are fair and treat everyone in the office as an equal. Strategic Orientation is a focus on the big picture, an attention to defining the future direction of the enterprise, and in using this definition to direct and guide the efforts of all in the organization. By analyzing an employee's ethics and morals assists in preventing the spread of demotivating and inappropriate workplace behavior. Evaluation comments can include suggestions for improvement, observations . Regardless of what he takes on, he brings strategic thinking to the table. And because he thinks strategically, he never fails to exceed expectation. "When given any kind of feedback, you dont take it in a positive manner." Productivity appraisal comment samples. Focusing too much on positive comments makes employees feel like they have nothing more to improve on. 3. Tims journey to demonstrating strategic thinking took him longer than he had expected, but over time, his boss, peers, and team noticed the changes and viewed them positively. EMPLOYMENT '16-'19: Indiana University; . (Source- Clutch). The rating scale for Performance Planning and Review is made up of five factors: Poor, Needs Improvement, Meets Requirements, Exceeds Requirements, and Outstanding. All performance feedback phrases for critical thinking: 100+ Performance Evaluation Comments for Attitude, Training Ability, Critical Thinking. I am a strategic and forward thinking individual who is driven by success. Structures projects and assignments with clear goals and measurable outcomes so that team members can creatively individualize solutions. In order to advance in your career, you need to demonstrate them. 16 Jun June 16, 2022. vision and strategic thinking appraisal comments. 5. He is dedicated, always thinks out of the box and is strategic in his approach. In this role you really get to see his instincts and strategic thinking in action. "You have displayed a highly consistent level of performance in your work." Strategic thinking is simply an intentional and rational thought process that focuses on the analysis of critical factors and variables that will influence the long-term success of a business, a team, or an individual. There is even confusion among business and management experts. a. =strategic thinking - collecting, collating, and assembling disparate pieces of information to make decisions. SAMPLE PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS. "You communicate your ideas and vision clearly so others can understand it easily and quickly." Demonstrates a willingness to improve performance in the face of negative feedback 7. c. "Even when disagreeing with others, you do it gracefully and respectfully." John's approach to strategic challenges was equally strategic. d. "He replies to emails and calls in time.". I am strategic, and always looking at everything from all possible angles and scenarios. They know having a backup plan (or several) can help them pivot quickly when things don't go as planned. I am an outcome focused individual who thinks strategically for the good of an organisation. John is both creative and strategic in his thinking. Recognizes that proper delegation, communication, and the setting of priorities and goals help employees feel empowered and self-motivated. Investopedia defines interpersonal skills as "an employee's ability to work well with others while performing their job." Here are a few overall performance review comments to discuss employees' creativity. a. "You need to be more assertive and decisive when giving out directions." I am always thinking about who can make good strategic alliances within the groups. By . c. He works to be the best for the team and not be the best of the team. He is really good at strategic thinking and he never takes things as they are but always thinks of all possible improvements even if it's not on his duty list. Demonstrating that you think strategically about hiring and talent development is a surefire way to make your leaders notice you. I am able to see strategically, where most see only tactically. Well done! I am very forward thinking and uses that to my advantage for making strategic decisions for my department. c. You often come late to the office, causing scheduled meetings to start late. b. Manages with a conscience and places integrity, ethics, and trust above all else. I am always a highly reliable, strategically forward-thinking colleague. I am very strategic and knows how to get the most out of people. e. She often creates a communication gap and withholds information from her subordinates. c. He provides no recognition to a team members effort and hard work. "He is always hurrying in making his decisions without taking into account the full details of the problem." In other words, it's the qualities and behavior people use while interacting with others. I have a vision and knows how to be both strategic and tactical. I am unfailingly helpful, discreet, clear-thinking and strategic. However, they need guidance to reach their goals too. He's got the right blend of creativity and strategic thinking. You have a strong ability to listen to others and provide valuable insights framed in such a way as to be collaborative. You often find new and innovative solutions to a problem. He is always thinking about what our company could be doing to be more strategic. Think about the difference between NASA in the 1960s, when they - and the nation - were . He's always looking for new and better ways to reach prospects and thinks strategically. a. c. She lacks a sense of urgency. 36. Is capable of distinguished performance in a higher-level position. He is second to none in strategic thinking and he is visionary to stay ahead of the competition. These goals can relate to your performance or ongoing projects. Provides an appropriate amount of structure, direction, and feedback to ensure a high level of group performance. State everything objectively and clearly. "He seems to find it difficult to express his emotions and feelings, which often causes misunderstandings." She tries to take credit for the work done by her team. Strategic planning vs. strategic thinking. John is forward-thinking, innovative, and strategic. I am great at strategic thinking and knows harvesting ideas from different functions. I found him to be well prepared, strategic in his thinking. ", a. Included are a selection of effective tools and methods on how to develop a strategic thinking. He was always professional in his approach and strategic in his thinking. d. "You play favorites and are biased in your judgments." You always come in on time, follow your schedule and adhere to your designated lunch break time. He was one of the most strategic that got me thinking out of the box right away. In corporates, both big and small, where pressure is insurmountable, employees often have a hard time finishing work in time. Strategic thinking is an intentional process easily lost amid the pressures of operational decision-making and tactical leadership. He is very strategic, and therefore, forward-thinking. Empowers teams to embrace change opportunities. ". I have strategic thinking, being straightforward and driving, logic and reasonable. I am strategic, entrepreneurial and someone who makes things happen. 4. c. "The quality of your work has been unsatisfactory lately." They brainstorm ideas in order to arrive at a decision and generate these ideas together. She delays her responses to clients without giving them any reason for her delay. I effectively communicate with all levels of our organization by maintaining contact with department heads and corporate meetings consistently. "You always come in on time, follow your schedule and adhere to your designated lunch break time.". Boldly suggesting value-added changes was a welcome shift to both Tim and his colleagues. He is known for his objectivity, strategic thinking and organizational leadership. I am able to pivot my priorities and come up with new ideas based on changes in a project requirement Encourages the key people to interact with the employees and customers about their perception of the company future and brings those views to the table. d. He replies to emails and calls in time., a. 68% of employees who receive accurate and consistent feedback feel fulfilled in their jobs. I am strategic, and innovative - always thinking about how to approach things differently to see better results. We will review Describe a time when you have cooperated in the planning of a project. Always works to achieve the best results. The quality and quantity of work put in by an employee against the expectations set by the employer is the measurement of his/her productivity. All employees can assess their strengths and weaknesses, evaluate . To get in touch, reach out to editor@vantagecircle.com, We safeguard your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Has reached the level for promotional consideration. c. "She does not take the time to develop and sustain positive and beneficial relationships." 5k+ Downloads d. You have a unique imagination and have come up with some of the most creative ideas weve ever seen., a. Cause, he has the strategic capacity to see things before anyone else. In X duration, L&D penetration in my team is at Y%. He is strategic in his thinking and very pragmatic in his execution. Earn badges to share on LinkedIn and your resume. It combines the highest quality content with a unique des. d. You are too afraid of taking risks on a creative solution. Strategic planning is the process of developing a blueprint for the work you will do against that direction. Take the initiative on new projects that show how your understanding extends beyond your current function. I am one of the few people, who can combine fast actions with strategic thinking. Engages team in setting specific, measurable goals as well as concrete outcomes. He not only thinks strategically, he fosters that kind of thinking in others. John thinks strategically and in his experience always adds more value than expected. John has always been ahead of the curve, he is proactive and very strategic. John really impresses me with him strategic thinking. Employees in managerial positions are people who are always looking after others, i.e., their team members. The strategic thinking self-appraisal comments examples can help you to sum up performance review in your current job position. This series of blog posts from authors Paul Falcone and Winston Tans The Performance Appraisal Tool Kit: Redesigning Your Performance Review Template to Drive Individual and Organizational Change (AMACOM 2013) will help you redefine leadership by raising the proverbial performance bar and avoiding grade inflation. To suspend critical judgment in an effort to think more creatively, Liedtka proposes a strategic thinking model of interrelated attributes: 1. I am a strategic thinker that is not bound by "current" thinking. If so, then try ratcheting up your expectations using some or all of the following samples . When teams work together, they can reach solutions faster. Strategic Thinking Desired learning outcomes An increased interest in, and awareness of, trends conveyed in information and interactions with students, staff and stakeholders An ability to identify "big picture themes" in information specific to various media, observations and experience, and casual conversation A capacity to gauge and . Performance Review Phrases for Training Skills Part 1 Performance Review Phrases for Attitude Part 2 Performance Review Phrases for Critical Thinking Part 3 Performance Review Examples: Additional Resources Part 4 Performance evaluation comments are a way to provide feedback to employees about their work performance. . I was very much impressed with his strategic thinking. Morbi eu nulla vehicula, sagittis tortor id, fermentum nunc. He's clear-thinking, strategic, and confident in his decisions. How does your current position affect the overall goals of your company? and retains your top employees. 5. An employees work ethic involves everything from coming in time, working diligently, being honest to respecting everyone in the workplace. She is never late to a meeting." He has strategic thinking and passion which you need both to change dynamically. In order to advance in your career, you need to demonstrate them. Find out how to shape a culture that attracts, engages, I am able to balance strategic thinking with knowing what's possible. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Strategic management focuses on integrating management, marketing, finance and accounting, production and operations, research and development, and information systems to achieve organizational success., Optimizing for tomorrow the trends of today is the purpose of strategic management., Even though useful, strategic planning has . John's strategic thinking was the driving force in our department. Make a commitment to improve. He thinks strategically, but can also drill down to the details. a. Just a half hour, once or twice a week, would allow him to shape his point of view on important issues. He is very strategic in his thinking, yet also very pragmatic when it comes to execution. He is very strategic in his thinking and coaching. Can you describe the techniques or methods that you have used to develop a strategic plan for your company or department? This made him more focused, more strategic and definitely more successful. He is very sharp and thinks strategically. I am also very strategic and has always created value for me stakeholders. What is Strategic Thinking? Create a peer to peer review using performance evaluation phrases, Create a LinkedIn recommendation using right phrases to profile, Make a job-worthy resume summary that gets you hired faster, Build your personalized self-assessment comments, Build an interview questions list that can facilitate you, Create a CV summary using right phrases to resume, Create your job performance self-review using self-evaluation phrases, Questions that can assist you in your job search or the hiring process, Strategic Planner Self-Evaluation Example Phrases, Comments List For Structural Designer Self-Appraisal, Strategic Consultant: Self-Assessment Feedback Comments, Top Self-Appraisal Comments About Student Advisor, Positive Stage Hand Self-Evaluation Phrases, Supply Manager Self-Review Example Comments, The Best Staffing Recruiter Self-Evaluation Examples, Support Engineer Phrases For Your Self-Review, Job Performance: Self-Appraisal Comments For Staff Engineer, Support Manager Self-Evaluation Performance Review Examples, Self-Appraisal Form: Good Staff Attorney Words For Your, An Employee Self-Assessment Phrases For Support Specialist, Interview Questions Strategic Thinking Phrases, Linkedin Recommendation Strategic Thinking Phrases, Performance Review Strategic Thinking Phrases. However, strategic thinking is different. You repeatedly exceed your lunch break time that interferes with your work schedule. Leaders want to know what you think, and they view . By asking yourself, Do people know where I stand? you can sharpen your ability to demonstrate this skill. Do not, but focus on the results you achieved. Communication appraisal comments, if delivered correctly, can greatly improve an employee's communication skills. Innovation performance review comments for outstanding creativity. 38. It assures them that you arent making decisions in a vacuum but are considering how other departments might be affected or how the outside world will respond. There are three key benefits to having a clearly defined and focused vision. But, if conducted properly, attendance appraisal processes can prove to be very useful. 2023 American Management Association. Strategic . You need to tailor your customer service to suit individual customers needs. It is an essential part to building your strategic foundation and developing a . Ho hum . Your team members respect and appreciate you. Furthermore, conduct your reviews in a regular and timely fashion. In his book Fifteen Things Common to Great Achievers, author Israelmore Ayivor shared, "A dream is the frame or portrait or a construction or focus of one's vision by means of perception, based on what he or she knows and settles within via strategic thinking." He thinks not only about the problem at hand, but also at the more strategic implications. John thinks more strategically than the people who are hired for that purpose. 2. vision, strategic objectives, and strategy. b. Strategic Thinking: Key to Corporate Survival Benjamin B. Tregoe and John W. Zimmerman, "Strategic Thinking: Key to Corporate Survival," Management Review 68, no. You are usually unable to calculate the time required to complete a task and therefore end up missing deadlines. He knows exactly the clients needs and how to solve them with an strategic thinking. All Rights Reserved. b. What goals have you set for your career? senior leader who has the wisdom and vision to create and execute plans and make consequential decisions in the . He thinks out-of-the box, is a strategic thinker and always thinks in solutions, rather than in problems. I have always demonstrated excellent strategic thinking when assessing opportunities. I am strategically strong and has the ability to push thinking forward. Finds creative ways of working toward consensus. I am a strategic asset who thinks about more than my areas of responsibility. "She meets all company standards for attendance and punctuality.". John is methodical and strategic in his thinking and execution. Problem-solving is the skill of defining a problem to determine its cause, identify it, prioritize and select alternative solutions to implement in solving the problems and reviving relationships., a.