celebrities with saddlebag thighs
here are my measurements. Sisty no the difference is the hip hip of the 8 vs the low hip of the X. As you can see in this real life example, shoulders and hips are in balance (though some 8 shapes have narrower sloped shoulders, and wider hips, so should dress their upper body like an A shape, and lower body like an 8 shape). Would I still be considered this shape even though my shoulders are about 1 1/2 inches wider than my hips? I am definitely an 8, with a tendency for saddlebags, flat bum, high violin hips, short waisted and with square narrow shoulders. I always referred to my hips at shelves because they are soo big and high(way bigger then the woman up top)! My measurements always grow and shrink in the same proportion, E.g. This is more common during pregnancy. I see all these women who are slim + petite like me but theyre non-curvy so they can pull off these modern creative styles effortlessly. I have finally found my body shape!! Honestly, the only reason I havent sent you a picture is because I have a low-quality camera phone (my only camera option right now). If I wore any of the cute outfits you show as examples for an 8 shape, I would instantly look fat in the middle section. that I'm an 8, and if I can find my digital camera around here I'll snap a few pictures and see if you agree. I am definitely an A and would love this help! You cant eliminate cellulite completely, but you can minimize its appearance. I would like to know if you could help me. Saddlebag fat is found on more women than men because women have a larger pelvis. Im also slender-boned which makes it all more confusing because the tops will be slouching at the slim arms. . I live in a rural area in new zealand so finding styles that dont look too upmarket is also a challenge . If your shoulders and hips are in line then you are not a V shape but if you have square shoulders you can feel like they are broader than they are. saddle bag workout *slim down your thighs*Instagram: @sanne_vanderBUY VNDR official:https://teespring.com/stores/vndr-official-merchCHECK How to lose weig. I think I have one, too, but I'm not sure whether or not I'm an 8 shape. I even started to think that Im H shape. Take a walk during your lunch break to burn some calories and strengthen your legs. But remember, there is much more than just body shape that goes into choosing flattering clothing its just one small part of the puzzle. The 8 has a high hip, they are not necessarily an overweight 8 (they can also be an overweight H shape). Sorry if this is confusing, Im still trying to understand bodyshapes and figure out what is a realistic size to aim for for weight loss. So, instead of opting for a pastry or fries as a snack choice, consider eating these healthy options: Processed food also plays a part in accumulating excess fat. Nothing can wreak havoc on a woman's confidence quite like saddlebags. But I believe that a more fitted, waisted shape is coming back into fashion in the next couple of seasons so you may have more luck, Your email address will not be published. Im fairly sure Im an 8, but I think Im short-waisted; I certainly have a long butt. They have thin legs too For your convience, we offer one-on-one virtual consultations with Dr. Linder. My whole life people have been astonished at the size I wear (usually 12/14), and they assume I was much smaller. Cristal you can be an 8 shape with slimmer shoulders than hips quite common. )One of my major struggles is finding trousers that fit well, I think because of the high hip. Not sure of your shape? Now that Ive lost some weight, I see my waist, which does seem quite small compared to my rather large and high hips. If I wore any of the cute outfits you show as examples for an 8 shape, I would instantly . Well, I was thinking of losing some weight, and I was just wondering what part of the body 8 shapes tend to lose weight from first? Its a part of my body I always have a problem explaining to friends. I feel like I fit a lot of the criteria for an 8 shape, but feel like my larger middle could rule me out. I always thought I had a short waist and didn't understand what that meant. It's the second biggest reason that I sew for myself it's so hard to find RTW skirts/pants that fit both my butt and waist/high hip area. Disclaimer: These photographs presented by Dr. Linder represent typical patient results, but not everyone who undergoes plastic surgery will achieve the same outcome. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. Actual bust and hip measurements are the same though Hmmmm! Lunge your right leg, turn left foot out 45 degrees and bend the right knee 90 degrees. One of the best ways to avoid the build-up of fat on our butts and saddlebags thighs is to balance the estrogen in our bodiesone of the best ways to balance estrogen hormones in our bodies by taking supplements. Gabby Douglas: forever making strength look ultra sexy. From the first real life photo, I was like okay, thats closer than any other real life body shapes Ive seen on here. And then you said an 8 shape can have narrow shoulders and showed the last girl. Hi there Based on this post, I am pretty certain (finally!) Especially under slim fitting dresses! I cannot tell you how Ive enjoyed your posts, especially during this world-wide pandemic and time of social distancing. 3 Tips To Choose The Best Handbag For Your Body, http://youlookfab.com/welookfab/topic/humor-me-x-or-8-or-just-plain-hourglass, https://insideoutstyleblog.com/7-steps-to-style-system, https://insideoutstyleblog.com/2010/11/body-shapes-explained-defining-points.html, https://insideoutstyleblog.com/?s=large+bust, https://www.insideoutstyleblog.com/2016/03/want-to-figure-out-your-body-shape-try-my-quiz.html, https://insideoutstyleblog.com/2010/09/how-to-minimize-wide-or-square-shoulders.html, https://insideoutstyleblog.com/2010/10/guest-post-real-life-dressing-a-figure-8-shape.html, https://www.insideoutstyleblog.com/2016/03/want-to-figure-out-your-body-shape-try-my-quiz.html?_ga=2.33300990.1303494652.1522041932-82770384.1500355365, https://insideoutstyleblog.com/?s=8+shape, Happy New Year and Time for a New Focus Word of the Year 2023, Uplevel Your Style in 2023 with Evolve Your Style the Life Changing 31 Day Style Challenge, Seasons Greetings 2022 and a Blogging Break, Inside Out Style Best Personal Style and Personal Brand Posts of 2022, Inside Out Style Best Wardrobe and Shopping Posts of 2022. Dont mean to be so annoying! I now have brooches invading my room because of it which I dont mind. Start off seated on the ground with your hands behind you and your knees bent in front of you. I also have a relatively small head, so I do not want my hips to look wider than my shoulders. Personal Stylist and Personal Colour Analysis Training Programs, Body Shapes Explained I Shape (slim and boyish), explains the difference between high and low hip body shapes, Inside Out Style Best Colour and Figure Flattery Posts of 2022, 3 Ways to Wear Open Jackets with a Waisted Body Shape, How to Make the Best Clothes and Style Purchasing Decisions. I just dont know what they are! Then lift one knee up off the floor. It's taken me a long time to come to this conclusion though, because I was convinced I couldn't be an 8 by comments in a couple previous posts. Thank you. Really depends on your genetics and frame Bobo question where do you put weight on first? Saddlebag / Thigh Patient 11. What you notice with an 8 shape is that there is a defined waist and then the hip comes out directly from just under the waist at the high hip. I am a classic 8 shape, however I am 156cm tall and I have H cup breasts.. How could I dress to flatter but not feel like I am advertising my bust? To save time, needless travel and inconvenience, we offer Skype consultations. Amazing! Julie you are an unusual 8 if you have a long waist most have short waists! Its a tricky one if you are tucking in sometimes it will make your waist look shorter, but if you wear high waisted with out tucking it can work. Saddlebag / Thigh Patient 08. I'm an 8 without extra weight at the high hip and the thighs of an A. Avoid pleats at the waist as they will be pulled open and create unnecessary bulk. Not only is Queen Bey bootilicious, she also happens to have thighs I would quite literally die for. Alison Yes they can have larger thighs. 8 Shapes can easily become O shapes when they put on weight around the tummy. AnInvestigation. Read through my posts on https://insideoutstyleblog.com/2010/11/body-shapes-explained-defining-points.html and look at the posts on real life body shapes (just do a search in the top bar) and look at what you see. Interested in Becoming a Personal Stylist or Colour Consultant? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Also, you mention several times that 8s and Xs are mostly long waisted, but my waist is quite short (but long slim legs, so some compensation there I guess :-)) Can one still be an 8 and be short waisted? Thanks again, its nice to know what clothing will and will not suit you before even trying on anything. Without seeing you Id have no idea. Im just going to thank you for your work here. with not much waist definition. Its so nice to look at your posts and escape from all the worrying for a minute. sorry, its Rain, I forgot that I used a cover name for the first comment ^^, Mothers have a lot to answer for! I also have a small bust, sloping shoulders and Im VERY slim, like a tall string bean with a butt. Try recipes at home that focus on veggie options. I am an 8 with narrower, sloping shoulders. As if I needed another reason to envy her. Skirts are best when they are straight, they can flare from the knee, but not from the hip to be flattering. Oh, so thats why I can get away with some flared skirts and not others. (e.g. I personally think peplums were made for boy hips, not high-hip 8s. But my hips do jut out pretty much right below my waist, so now I get it. Thanks! For many women, making them disappear is a life-long challenge. Dress each part of you in the shapes that fit best. Either one-piece or bikini? My shoulders are somewhat broad too and I really wouldve gone with a V-shape if not for my hips which are nearly as wide as my shoulders. Love this post! If you have a narrower shoulder line. Not all some do some dont. The revenge body to end all revenge bodies. Treating the saddlebags can also help accentuate your curves and deliver the much-desired hourglass figure, a key benefit our patients love. So many trousers and jeans nowadays are low waisted and the waist really lands at the wrong part of my body ie, where it's pretty big. There have been fewer clothes out in recent times to flatter this shape all the oversized clothing trends dont work. So look at the guidelines for those shapes, Hi, Im an 8 shape and i was just wondering if you could do an article on what type of lingerie is best for 8 shape bodies. Before I got married I was pretty skinny, not much of a butt though it was round but almost nonexistent. Is It Possible to Target Fat Loss to Specific Body Parts? Regular exercise is important in maintaining optimum health. Getting active and incorporating cardio into your daily regimen can help to burn fat and burn calories. In addition to eating a healthier diet, daily activity can help to reduce saddlebags. Notice her high hip Ive marked it on this photo. None of the other body shapes seemed to actually fit me. The high waisted trend really does me justice right now! Hi Funmi, Without seeing you I dont know. Saddlebags is the name commonly given to deposits of fat located on the sides of the upper legs and the area directly below the buttocks. Hi, I have a definite 8 shape. Its just my waist thats not small enough to fit into the criteria of hourglass though I still tend to look best when highlighting it as its still the narrowest part of me. HOWEVER, because my high hip lies where most people would wear their high waisted items, it can also look rather odd wearing things up higher than they should be (of courseit looks terrible having them sit on your widest point so wearing them higher up is the only option!!) Obviously. Nena you are absolutely an 8 shape with that classic shelf hip. Hi Imogen! http://bit.ly/femilymembersALL MY WORKOUT PROGRAMS: https://emiwong.weebly.com/SUBSCRIBE : http://bit.ly/SubscribeToEmi #Emi. Speaking of bathing suits, what would you recommend for someone like me? I have a small bone structure, small rib cage with C/D cup boobs, but I also have a flat bottom, short waist and quite broad shoulders, so maybe I am more of a V shape? A post shared by Gwen Stefani (@gwenstefani), https://www.instagram.com/p/BQTJd6XgcS1/?hl=en&taken-by=constancewu, Keep up with Callie on Instagram, Twitter and calliebyrnes.com. For pants, dress slacks work much better for me than jeans and are much more comfortable. Also Kamela, as someone who is outside of manufacturing standard you will have great difficulty finding clothes that fit and flatter you will need to factor in alterations, or having clothes made you may find trousers particularly difficult to fit and so finding a great tailor could be your best investment. Thank you so so much! If youd like to understand all about your body shape my 7 Steps to Style program is designed to help you discover everything you need to know about your style and includes body shape assessment https://insideoutstyleblog.com/7-steps-to-style-system. PREVIOUS POST . She also wore a thigh-high boot-like skirt with them. Fast food options are convenient and can be tempting, but they arent the healthiest for your body. Amy I'm getting emails from it could be the size of your picture sometimes they don't come through when they're too large. For more about dressing your 8 shape body read here. The clothes that are flattering are not usually really modern-looking :/. Im petite and very slim, and so I feel many people look at me (and the lady in purple) think straight at first glance. So I appreciate this post greatly. Hi Babymona you can send one here if you like. I am pretty sure I am an X can someone with saddlebags not be an X?? I dont think Ive ever changed clothes so fast. How 5-Minute Walks Every Half-Hour Can Counter Prolonged Sitting, Semaglutide for Weight Loss: Why People Regain Weight After Stopping, Can an Endocrinologist Help with Weight Loss?, FDA Approves Diabetes Drug Semaglutide (Wegovy) for Weight Loss in Teens, BistroMD Reviews from a Dietitians + Work-From-Home Dads POV. Bias cut skirts are also fantastic for us, as they fit the waist, but smooth over the high hip and go to a sort of soft, straight shape, very flattering if you can find them and they are in fashion at the time. they make up most of what give me my hip shape. Thanks in advance for any helpful advice you can give. Admittedly, Ive also have had weight issues for a good half or more of my life so far, despite not looking as heavy as I am (I seem to put weight on evenly though Im heavy enough for it to start obscuring my waist). This one is an oldie but goodie and still gets great results, and celebrities That s why women and men have different body shapes. Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially. They are hard to wear for so many so you are not alone! While your body needs carbs, its better to incorporate healthy carbs rather than trans fats. I have to say you are the first person to help me understand why a certain style skirt just does nothing for my shape knowledge is power. I would just put in on here but I feel like you dont get the full effect when I have clothes on and Im not comfortable posting a picture in my underwear (even if no one can see my face). 1. Specifically it's talking about the shape of your hips and thighs. I would like to send my picture to see if I am a 8. What would you recommend i wear for casual and semi formal occassions? Am tal, ,62inch, ,bust 4, hip 44, ,shoulder 18, waist 38.what body shape am I. Tanks, Hi Funmi I cant tell you your shape without seeing you. Hold for 5 seconds. Ana you sound like an 8 shaped A so the shelf of an 8 but the bottom width of a pear. Thank you for this post! The peplum follows the line of the high 8 shaped hip. I can see where some women would be able to wear straight skirts and pants at the hips, but Im 60 with a long torso (haha Im just long everywhere arent I?) My upper body is thin but ever since I started my job, my lower body has exploded. My outer thighs go out, but not nearly as much as in the A photos. Xs carry their weight lower down on their bottom and thighs. Thanks. Imogen! It makes finding skirts so difficult, as the things in the stores are all A-line and hit directly at the waist, or else gathered/pleated. My only doubt that Im not an 8 is I dont really have much hips. Also having smaller boobs makes my body so uneven. With little muscle to support it, the excess fat in this area falls outwards and forwards to the sides of the thighs. I am wider at the low hip but I do have a bit of roundness up at the belly button, too. My younger sister is a tall, pretty 8 though. Slim, flat-front trousers work well. Role of fat metabolism in exercise. I knew I was somewhat of an hourglass shape but what is confusing is that like an X and an 8, my widest point is my waist and hips. Saddlebag / Thigh Patient 09. Without seeing you I cant really give any specific advice. I love the look of a gathered or narrowly pleated skirt, but they bind at the waist and add bulk at the hips-not ideal. Please help. I have always been confused because I felt I didnt belong in any of the regular categories. Not only is Queen Bey bootilicious, she also happens to have thighs I would quite literally die for. Lol. I really appreciate this. No underpants posts sorry but this is where personal preference really comes in the reality is high waisted pants tend to look more Nanna but then the comfort and other factors may outweigh this for you! Imogen, is the 8 Body Shape the same as what is called a Spoon shape on other websites? This is because the pelvis has to accommodate the growing . FINALLY! I used to make all my clothes when a girl and young woman for the same reasons as you, I could not find things to fit. First off, thank you for all this free content, I really appreciate it. This has always been my big body peeve but I am deciding from now on to get over it and move on. Thanks for reading Leili, Hi Imogen. I've had my measurements taken in a laser body scan (for custom-made sewing patterns) and was shocked to realize that my high hip (3" below my waistline) was the same as my hip measurement (taken about four or five inches lower down). Gwen Stefani. Squats and lunges are useful resistance exercises to get rid of saddlebags. You just may be an exception to the average rule, which is why they are guidelines not rules. So long I couldnt understand why X clothes dont suit me. Thank you so much for helping me figure out my shape! (Well I guess Im still growing- Im 15) Im finding it so hard to find clothes that flatter my body.The outfits that you've suggested look great but I don't feel like they'll make my body look in proportion. You can use V shape recommendations to soften your shoulderline if you choose to. I have a huge ass and saddlebags (thighs). I think I have finally decided I am a short-waisted, busty 8 after all. That way you can get coverage without them being stretched at the crotch. Some that took in shoulder measurements told me I was an A and, well, the tops generally worked. Christine B don't have to be bootylicious to be an 8, just have to have the high hip. Celebrities with an 8 shape body include Catherine Zeta Jones and Beyonce. I just wanted to thank you for this most! What is the Most Versatile Shape of Scarf? I tried to send you a picture, but I couldn't find a working e-mail address! Try belting over a long line cardigan in a fine knit. Most 8s find that anything boxy or square, without waist shaping, tends to be too tight across their high hip area. If you dont, could you write one, please? Thank you, Imogen! Say what you want, but this girl has legs for days. Feel free to try a variety of belts at your natural waist, if you have a shorter waist try a thinner belt, if you have a longer waist you may be able to do a wider belt. She may be the most under-the-radar of the Kardashians, but her thigh gap is honestly aspirational. They often feel they carry their weight in the behind. Like that whole section around the belly button. But this particular body shape-8, as you call it, fits me perfectly! Also, what are some modern-casual outfit options for this shape? Totally agree on 8 shapes not looking good in A-line or flared skirts as I am one myself. Haha, I was sure I was an X until now. A post shared by Christina Aguilera (@xtina). Just wondering because I really dont want to lose too much off my hips. . Because girls with this shape have love handles and store weight in the LOWER tummy section? You will find that straight or bootcut jeans work well. Thanks for this series (in particular and your excellent blog in general)! Thanks Ramona check out this post written by an 8 Shape image consultant friend: https://insideoutstyleblog.com/2010/10/guest-post-real-life-dressing-a-figure-8-shape.html who lives in Singapore! celebrities with saddlebag thighs. Avoid wide leg trousers and jeans. 1-Legged Crab Bridge. Incorporating simple lifestyle and diet changes wont only reduce the appearance of saddlebag fat. Saddlebag / Thigh Patient 12. (1984). Thanks for posting such useful information about real body types. However, staying active without a balanced diet isnt effective. 8s carry their weight mostly up high, just under their waist. What I dont like with the more curvaceous siluettes is that they make me feel older, Im 23 and want to wear edgy stuff. And I like to know your say if I might fit into this shape? I have a hard time finding anything that would cover up my high hips, or make them look better. Sheena you sound like youve hit the nail right on the head V shape its all about the shoulders to hips ratio for the V shape and they usually have a short waist too! A post shared by Khloe Kardashian (@khloekardashian). I imagine 8s have some signature modern-casual outfits of theirs own. To up your protein, you can incorporate fish, eggs, and lean meats for a more filling meal with added health benefits. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. hi, i have a high hip but very chunky calves. Also, many 8s are short waisted so when they put on weight they lose their waist and become more like an H shape (straighter through the body). Here are 20 celebrity thigh gaps wed just about die for. I also have a broad back and shoulders. Its amazing how something so small can change an entire outfit. Here is another 8 shape, this one has a similar width at the high and low hip (and a small hip dip). I love the idea of analyzing real figures too this is fantastic! I do realize that a lines and pleated skirts are not as flattering as straight ones as your guidelines suggest. lean communication channels; milena martelloni wwe; You mentioned in the earlier "Body Shapes Explained" post regarding a woman with an 8 shape that, "She'll find that she always needs to have the waist band taken in on pants and skirts," which is absolutely not the case for me. Having said that, Im still somewhat confused about my horizontal body shape. If you enjoy the gym, there are a number of exercises you can add to your workout to help target saddlebag fat. about the same width as my hips looking straight on, small back, average breasts, average bottom, thin arms and thin thighs with no saddlebags. This is such a fantastic idea-I have tried & failed miserably over the years to work out my body shape. Ive been weeding out my clothes and a few years back you told me I was 8 shape with a very long rise. Thanks for posting this. Thanks for making us more confident and beautiful. So Im confused about why you encourage this but apparently it works for others. Wide waistbands work well on trousers and skirts. Also my waist goes in and out in a very sharp angle, which makes my body look a bit strange. Kyra, if you want longer looking legs go for higher cut briefs. A post shared by Hilary Duff (@hilaryduff), A post shared by Lea Michele (@leamichele). Tall and Slim yes saddlebags can appear on different shapes not just Xs and As, but they are more common on those shapes. My best friend in particular loves that you can see my hip bones but every time I wear the trendy low-rise skirts and jeans that hit at the hips I ALWAYS get that shelf look. Clam Series: The moves of the clam series are made to tone up the upper outer thigh, which is the hub of saddlebags. The picture of the lady in the white vest makes me feel kind of ok with my tummy as I recognise the spare tyre below the waist and at the high hip. 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