We will be a more adaptive and connected Coast Guard that generates sustained readiness, resilience and capability. FAQ Health and Safety Health and Safety FAQ. Legacy sites will remain until the old servers are decommissioned in early 2023. Units, commands, and other interestedstakeholders are not authorized to contact the CGF directly.8. . Adm. John Mauger, First Coast Guard District Commander, and Gary Ivany, Assistant Commissioner of the Canadian Coast Guard Atlantic Region in Boston, Massachusetts, on Dec. 13, 2022. Trade and Interstate commerce were starting to flourish but so were other areas such as smuggling and incidents at sea. The remaining 300 sites will remain in the old portal for now, to give more time for the migration team to validate and for those site owners to determine if the content is still relevant and worth migrating. Submissions from field unitsare due to the designated MWR Director by September 1, 2021;late submissions will not be considered. For current Coast Guard Directives, please visit: The Office of Information Management (CG-61) Only the most recent 25 messages will be displayed for each topic on the CG Public Web The General Message Archive is located on an internal agency website and provides the links to archived General Messages ranging back to 1998. The United States Coast Guard( UGCG) was established in 1790 by Alexander Hamilton as a profit marine service with the charge of guarding and guarding the American people, promoting public security, and guarding the nation from all maritime pitfalls. Users will be able to quickly access the new portal through their Coast Guard workstation, DoD365 Online, and eventually from government-approved mobile devices. (Photo credit: Twitter/@USCG). #alaska https://t.co/81Xwcj2Zo6, Fair winds and following seas, Chief Stewart. c. Requests must be limited to items of value between a totalminimum of $1,000 and a total maximum of $25,000. Dr. D. M. Navarro, Acting Assistant Commandant for HumanResources (CG-1), sends.9. SOLICITATION MESSAGE. USCG Members must sign in with their Common Access Card (CAC) by clicking Sign in with Smart Card. It is governed by the Department of Homeland Security during peacetime. Exhibit Center plays key role in telling Coast Guards story. An interactive, color-coded map will show which office covers a particular geographic region. The 1st, 5th, 7th, 8th, and 9th districts serve the Atlantic and the 11th, 13th, 14th, and 17th serve the Pacific. Alerts will not be migrated and will need to be recreated on SharePoint. When Jackson Midgett struggled to get fit for boot camp, Master Chief Petty Officer Aaron Turbett got creative and stepped in. The ShipmateFund Request List will be a two year list that will be revalidatedon the second year to ensure the list stays current. The Coast Guard will retire public files stored on the legacy servers, April 15, 2022. In 1967, the Coast Guard was transferred to the Department of Transportation, and in 2003 to the Department of Homeland Security. To date, roughly 50 site collections have already relocated to CGPortal Online, and about 900 more site collections with 2,000 sub-sites will join them over the course of this year. An official website of the United States government, Assistant Commandant for Human Resources (CG-1), Civilian Human Resources, Diversity and Leadership Directorate (CG-12), Assistant Commandant for Engineering & Logistics (CG-4), Shore Infrastructure Logistic Center (SILC), Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation, The Office of Information Management (CG-61), Assistant Commandant for Acquisitions (CG-9), Surface Acquisitions Logistics Center (SALC), Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, RPM-1 - Reserve Component Category Management Branch, Reserve Personnel Career Counseling (RPCC), RPM-3 - Reserve Personnel Services Branch, ALCGRSV 059/21 -Reserve Junior Enlisted (E6 and Below) Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Kickoff Announcement, ALCGRSV 058/21 -Reserve CWO and Senior Enlisted (E7-E9) Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Kickoff Announcement, ALCGRSV 057/21 -Reserve LieutenantCommander to Ensign Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Kickoff Announcement, ALCGRSV 056/21 -Reserve Captain and Commander Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Kickoff Announcement, ALCGRSV 055/21 -AY22 Reserve Personnel Career Counseling (RPCC) System, ALCGRSV 054/21 -AY22 Reserve Personnel Management Roadshow Solicitation, ALCGRSV 017/21 -Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Reserve Component Manager Officer Assignments Kick Off Timelines, Communications and Outreach, ALCGPSC 047/22 - AY22 Reserve Commander Assignment Panel Results - Final, ALCGPSC 046/22 - AY22 Reserve Captain Assignment Panel Results - Final, ALCGPSC 042/22 - AY22 Command Senior Enlisted Leader Assignments (Gold/Silver Badge), ALCGPSC 036/22 - Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Reserve Commander Assignment Panel Results, ALCGPSC 032/22 - Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Reserve Captain Assignment Panel Results, ALCGRSV 031/22 - Off-Season Assignment Solicitation for Multiple Positions at Port Security Unit (PSU) 309, Port Clinton, OH, ALCGRSV 029/22 -Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Reserve Assignment Opportunities for Junior Officer, Chief Warrant Officer, and Senior Enlisted Personnel, ALCGRSV 025/22 - Reserve Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Final Report, ALCGRSV 016/22 - Reserve Officer Off-Season Assignment Solicitations, ALCGRSV 002/22 -Reserve Commander Off-Season Assignment Solicitations, ALCGRSV 074/21 -Reserve Component Manager (RCM) Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Shopping Lists Update - 3, ALCGRSV 073/21 -ReserveComponent Manager (RCM) Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Shopping Lists Update - 2, ALCGRSV 072/21 -Reserve Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Captain and Commander Shopping Lists Update - 2, ALCGRSV 068/21 -Reserve Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Captain and Commander Shopping Lists Update - 1, ALCGRSV 067/21 -Reserve Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Captain and Commander Shopping Lists, ALCGRSV 062/21 -Reserve Component Manager (RCM) Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Shopping Lists Update - 1, ALCGRSV 044/21 -Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Reserve Component Manager Initial Shopping Lists, AY22 Reserve CDR OFF SEASON Assignment Solicitations, AY22 Reserve Training Petty Officer OFF SEASON Solicitation, AY22 Reserve Chief Petty Officer Academy OFF SEASON Solicitation, AY22 Junior Officer OFF SEASON Shopping List, AY22 Chief Warrant Officer OFF SEASON Shopping List, AY22 Senior Enlisted OFF SEASON Shopping List, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. Therefore, the observation of this day is deemed as respect to the Coast Guards who work round the clock to serve the population of the United States. The Bridges Family, Lloyd, and his sons Beau and Jeff all served in the Coast Guard or the Coast Guard Reserve. Rear. "Semper Paratus" is our guide, Our fame, our glory too, To fight to save or fight and die! If you have an alert set up for page changes on the current portal, you will need to reconfigure them in CG Portal Online. von Paulsens New Years Day aviation rescue near Miami Beau Bridges, known for The Fabulous Baker Boys, Norma Rae, and Bloodline, enlisted in the Coast Guard Reserve in 1959 and served for eight years. The Peace With Women Fellowship continues to grow and has included participants from 17 different countries. 8/26/2021. By Adm. Linda Fagan, Coast Guard Commandant, message to the workforce. NTR, also known as Anna, is among the biggest stars of the South film industry. Send any initial recommendations to, Custom forms designed using Microsoft Infopath 2013 and custom workflows created using Designer 2010 and 2013. Happy Birthday US Coast Guard August 04, 2022 Companions, In 1790 the new country realized it needed a way to enforce laws in the vicinity of coastal seas and lakes and tributaries of these United States. Once available, site collections will have the ability to associate with one of five hubs: Atlantic Area, Pacific Area, Mission Support (DCMS), Operations (DCO), and Direct Support. US Coast Guard Day is marked every year around America. The Coast Guard has its beginning with the founding of the United States Revenue Cutter Service on August 4th, 1790, which is the official Coast Guard birthday. Coast Guard-Wide Migration to DOD365 - SITREP 11 (CAC required). So will we. Captain Blake L. Novak. Once sites are migrated, expect a modern look and feel with improved performance. CGPortal is the Coast Guards collection of intranet sites, meaning they are not accessible to anyone outside of the organization. And before you ask yes, the search function will work better. The 22-day Fellowship convenes in Washington, DC in late October 2022 and encompasses travels across the country as well as visits to various prominent locations in Canada before concluding in Halifax in mid-November. , joined the Coast Guard Reserve in 1967 and served for eight years. This intranet space is moving to the DoD365 SharePoint online environment. In order to align with the CGF's request to consolidate byDistrict, designated MWR Directors at Bases Alameda, Boston,Cleveland, Honolulu, Kodiak, New Orleans, Miami Beach, Portsmouthand Seattle will receive, consolidate, and prioritize requestsfrom all Coast Guard units in their geographic AORs, including,but not limited to Sectors, Districts, Areas, and HQ units. Also, think message boards or publications. He returned to acting after his service ended. His books include Industrializing American Shipbuilding: The Transformation of Ship Design and Construction, 1820-1920 and Cruise of the Dashing Wave: Rounding Cape Horn in 1860. Individuals should electronically submit their complete nomination package no later than Friday, 01 April, 2022 to fellowship@halifaxtheforum.org. Today we celebrate the 232nd birthday of the U.S. Coast Guard; our theme for 2022 is: "Honoring our Past. R 142100Z JAN 22 ALCOAST 246/21SUBJ: COAST GUARD FOUNDATION 2021-2022 SHIPMATE FUNDSOLICITATION MESSAGE1. Lloyd Bridges, known for movies such as a Walk in the Sun, Little Big Horn, and Airplane, left Columbia Pictures during World War II to enlist in the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard can be transferred to the US Department of the Navy under the Department of Defense by the President at any time, or by Congress during time of war. Basic Needs Allowance (BNA) Implementation. Download the 2022 Commandant's Intent Once the issue is resolved, MyCG will go back to our normal practice of publishing modern, plain-language news articles on the homepage,withpersonnel messages autopopulating on the appropriate audience pages. Jan. 9, 2023 FSMS Update: Better performance, security, and speedier help on the way Themaximum number of requests an individual unit may submit islimited to two. You never know what you'll see out on patrol! He started making beard products for himself, shared with his friends, and opened a website. U.S. Coast Guard transports sailors assigned to the hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) during Continuing Promise 2022 from the medical site in Jeremie, Haiti, back to the ship, Dec. 15, 2022. . Our guest lecturer will be William H. Thiesen, PhD. POC MWR Directors by district:D1/Base Boston: CIV Jennifer Young, (617) 223-3467D5/Base Portsmouth: CIV Jeff Wapner, (757) 483-8671D7/Base Miami: CIV Stephen Ondriezek, (305) 535-4564D8/Base New Orleans: CWO Robert Arseneaux, (504) 253-4795D9/Base Cleveland: CWO Megan Johnson, (216) 902-6282D11/Base Alameda: CIV Laurie Capp-Carter, (510) 437-3579D13/Base Seattle: CIV James Graddy, (206) 217-6357D14/Base Honolulu: CIV Neil Morgan, (808) 842-2953D17/Base Kodiak: CIV Richard Carmen, (907) 487-53906. . She lives in Tennessee with her National Guard husband and three boys. FY21 QTR 3 AND 4 GOOD ORDER AND DISCIPLINE. The validation process has been going smoothly, with 600 of 900 site collections validated so far. Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard E-9, Captain Ernest W. Fox Perpetual Scholarship, Coast Guard Pre-Commissioning Scholarship. Migration times for each site will vary by size but each migration sprint is expected to take two to four weeks. DoD365 Teams (along with a SharePoint site created from it) and CGPortal Online are both in the DoD365 SharePoint Online environment. The Coast Guard planned for its service March 29, 2022 Post Vaccine and Boosters FAQs Q. #navalordercongress2022 #visitalexandria #history, The Naval Order celebrates the service of all of those who have chosen to serve and laments the loss of those who did not return home. MESSAGE FROM THE COMMANDANT. The application form and guidance for additional submission requirements may be found at the 2022 Peace With Women Fellowship Call for Applicants website: Peace With Women Fellowship Application Form - Halifax International Security Forum (halifaxtheforum.org). Once sites are migrated, expect a modern look and feel with improved performance. Submissionsmust be made using the Excel spreadsheet named "District ShipmateFund Request List Template, "found at the following web site:(Copy and Paste Below URL into Browser)https://cglink.uscg.mil/55920f77Units must download the template and save the spreadsheet beforefilling it out. Software upgrade, revamped help desk to improve user experience with Coast Guard financial system. During Healys career in Alaska, he explored, policed, protected, nurtured, defended and helped preserve the humans and animals that survived in that forbidding land. Coast Guard Organizational Communications, SharePoint Remediation and Rationalization, Pre-Migration Site Content and Permission Clean-up, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. It is governed by the Department of Homeland Security during peacetime. Sign in with Smart Card. Please take a moment to re-imagine how portal might look, feel and function. Its not that the process is legally tougher to get through than a civilian divorce, but there are some added considerations and more than a little misinformation out there on the subject that, If you are in the United States military or are a dependent or spouse of a currently serving military member, there are some scams that are aimed specifically at you. The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Forward pose with approximately 13,375 pounds of cocaine in Port Everglades, Florida, Dec. 15, 2022. It specializes in mens grooming products using all-natural and organic ingredients. d. Requests for motorized MWR boats will not be considered.Small human-powered craft such as kayaks, paddleboats, etc.,will be considered. The best place to go if you have initial questions or concerns is here (CAC required), where you can review a list of documents on the migration process. to enhance our Nations maritime safety, security, and prosperity.. The Revenue-Marine (later changed to US Coast Guard on 28 Jan 1915) was formed by the Tarriff Act on 4 Aug 1790 upon the recommendation and urgings of Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton to act as the armed customs and border enforcement arm of the government. The Coast Guard expects all operational data will be moved to CGPortal Online by December 2022. Michael Healy made a lasting impression on American history as the first man of African-American heritage to receive a U.S. sea service commission and first to command a Federal ship. Do you want to augment active duty C, RT @USCGAcademy: On behalf of #USCGA and our Hillel Club, we wish everyone a #HappyHannukah! Heres the bottom line: Publication Date. The little-known facility preserves irreplaceable artifacts. US Coast Guard Day is celebrated with several events across America. Once a site is in active migration, content on the legacy site will be available in read-only mode. The USCG selectee will have the opportunity to engage with senior government, military, corporate, and academic leaders to collaborate on innovative solutions to the worlds leading security issues. DoD 365 update: Your files will soon migrate to OneDrive, An official website of the United States government. Low bandwidth version, An official website of the United States government, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. The Finalized Date has been moved to 24 January 2022. Yes. Coast Guard Birthday: The US Coast Guard Turns 232 in 2022 Updated on December 15th, 2021 Julie Provost Coast Guard Birthday "So here's the Coast Guard marching song, We sing on land or sea. Copyright 2023 News9 Live. Coast Guard we are for you!. To register, see link in bio. Each request must contain a brief (one sentence)description of the item(s) the unit intends to purchase. 11 Best Scholarships for Coast Guard Members. View All Reserve News The Reservist - Official Publication of the Coast Guard Reserve, Proceedings - The Coast Guard Journal of Safety & Security at Sea, Maritime Commons - Official Blog for Maritime Professionals, Other Sites - List of other official CG Social Media Sites, An official website of the United States government. Please note that Coast Guard External Affairs Manual encourages leaders to make content accessible to the public adhering public affairs standards of security, accuracy, propriety or policy. A Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak aircrew, forward deployed to Cold Bay, Alaska, medically https://t.co/uPkh71oWY4, #Sundaymorningreads - #TheLongBlueLine: Capt. They go where called to enforce Federal law and live up to their enduring motto: Semper Paratus - Always Ready! Their duties are focused on upholding maritime law and safeguarding US waterways and shorelines. ALCGOFF 004/22 . Get your nominations in now for Coast Guard Spouse of the Year. Three days into the new year, and the views just keep getting better. Where appropriate, the use ofrepresentative, local review committees, such as the ChiefPetty Officer's mess, is highly encouraged for this process.Base Commanding Officers must review their respective MWRDirector's prioritized list before sending recommendationsto the District Command Master Chief (CMC) for District approval.After vetting by District Commanders, Bases must send theirgeographic AORs prioritized list to CSC.4. Its an upgrade designed to improve performance, while making the services intranet more secure and accessible. Site collections will be migrated in designated migration groups, or "sprints", based on size and complexity to preserve network bandwidth and performance. AY22 Reserve Personnel Management (PSC-RPM) Assignment Year 2022 AY22 Kickoff Messages ALCGRSV 059/21 - Reserve Junior Enlisted (E6 and Below) Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Kickoff Announcement ALCGRSV 058/21 - Reserve CWO and Senior Enlisted (E7-E9) Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Kickoff Announcement F. Military Separations, COMDTINST M1000.4 (series) Summary This message announces the May 2022 SWE competition for all Ratings, except MU. Through surf and storm and howling gale, High shall our purpose be. (a) In general.In addition to the amounts authorized to be appropriated under section 4902(2)(A) of title 14, United States Code, as amended by section 101 of this Act, for fiscal years 2023 through 2028 (1) $3,000,000,000 is authorized to fund maintenance, new construction, and repairs needed for Coast Guard shoreside infrastructure; (2) $160,000,000 is authorized to fund phase two of . Reservists and dependents also appreciate accessible information. The U.S. Coast Guard is helping engage youth in marine environment protection through student art contest NAMEPA Student Art Contest open now until April 1 for students K-12 grade. https://t.co/zYq4fUmHG0, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. PRINT. First, remember this is a work in progress. A. FY21 QTR 2 GOOD ORDER AND DISCIPLINE. Key documents to review include (CAC required): If you still have questions after reviewing the available documents, contact the Migration Team by completing the SharePoint Migration Issue Request form (CAC required). Be sure to include the web link to the SharePoint site in question so the team can help you better. . It was on this date in 1790 that Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton established the forerunner of the modern-day United States Coast Guard. It specializes in mens grooming products using all-natural and organic ingredients. DoD365 Teams (and any corresponding SharePoint site created from it) = Collaboration An internal Coast Guard panel will then convene to select two applicants for HISF consideration based on the submitted applications. Less complex site collections are being migrated first, with more complicated sites to follow. In 1790 the new country realized it needed a way to enforce laws in the vicinity of coastal seas and lakes and tributaries of these United States. The overall structure and site navigation will be similar yet will contain modern templates, features, and personalized tools. We will be a more adaptive and connected Coast Guard that generates sustained readiness, resilience and capability - in new ways -. #uscg #history #coastguard, The 2022 Naval Order Congress begins this week in Old Town Alexandria. Items in support of Coast Guard Child DevelopmentCenters are also authorized. full tuition and fees, insurance, salary, and a housing allowance. Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA] (Introduced 09/08/2022) Committees: Senate - Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Committee Meetings: 09/14/22 10:00AM: Latest Action: Senate - 12/15/2022 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Site collection owners for futuresprints will receive guidance via email two weeks prior to the start of the migration to ensure readiness. Community Services Command Its name was eventually changed to the Revenue Cutter Service and, in 1915, it was merged with the 1878-founded US Lifesaving Service to establish the Coast Guard. If you have questions, you can visit here (CAC required) for more information on the migration process. Enforcing tariffs for the new nation and protecting what sovereignty the US was able to project fell largely on the Revenue-Marine during 1790-1798 when the Continental Navy was disbanded due to budget constraints (USN restored by the Constitution and for budget in 1794). Requests are limited to items not categorized as criticalto CG operations or support. Final selections and announcements will be made by HISF in mid-June. Aye! He returned to acting after his service ended. Get Coast Guard regional and national news delivered straight to your email! Notably, it is governed by the Department of Homeland Security during times of peace. It was renamed the US Coast Guard Auxiliary in 1941. According to Statista.com, there are 40,830 active duty Coast Guard members and 7,629 Coast Guard Reserve members, as of 2019. Ultimately, its a giant website for the Coast Guard with a collection of sub-sites that consist of organizational unit pages, resources, and more. Subscribe now. Theres nothing wrong with using it. Bob Whitkop, CAPT USN (Ret)Commander General. . Its a great resource to use for making information presentable or visible within a specific Team. This guidance includes verifying site ownership, cleaning up site content, reviewing permissions, and retaining personal identifiable information (PII) before your site can be scheduled to migrate. Alexander Hamilton, the Secretary of the Treasury, founded the United States Coast Guards in 1790 as the Revenue Marine Service. Up until 1967, it was under the Treasury Departments control before being moved to the Department of Transportation. Chat with a https://t.co/kTCu5UrtY8, The crew welcomed the community for an open house with activities including taking a tour of the 47-foot motor life https://t.co/oEfBtolcCH, Open stations are back! 406 Mh, RT @USCGNorCal: #YearInReview: @USCG coordinates MEDEVACS of individuals experiencing a medical emergency while out on the water. Collection owners for futuresprints will receive guidance via email two weeks prior to the designated MWR Director September! 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Smartthings Driveway Sensor, Ipsilateral Facial Droop Contralateral Hemiparesis, Articles C