coronary calcium score percentile by age and gender
Distribution of Coronary Artery Calcium by Age, Sex, and Race Among Patients 30-45 Years Old. CM provided statistical guidance and interpretation. Aggressive primary prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD) is most appropriate in patients at relatively high risk of CHD events [1, 2]. 1990, 15: 827-32. Study findings Over 34% of the cohort contained calcium in a single vessel, 27% in two vessels, and 38.7% in three or four vessels. The technician will help position you flat on a table that will roll into a circular machine. This online calculator is most appropriate for patients in the 45-85 year age
JAMA. Arad Y, Spadaro LA, Goodman K, Newstein D, Guerci AD: Prediction of coronary events with electron beam computed tomography. statement and What is the probability of CAC >0, and what are the age-sex-race percentiles for US adults aged 30-45 years? CAC scores were reported at the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles for 16 age and/or gender groups. Greenland P, LaBree L, Azen SP, Doherty TM, Detrano RC: Coronary artery calcium score combined with Framingham score for risk prediction in asymptomatic individuals. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Percentiles by Race Women, n Men, n; Age, y Age, y; 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84; White, n . Methods: The Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) is a prospective cohort study designed to investigate subclinical cardiovascular disease in 6 different centers of Brazil. BMC Medicine There were 6110 included in the analysis, with 53% female and an average age of 62 years. Other tests for coronary artery disease include: Your doctor will analyze the results of your CAC procedure and make recommendations based on the findings. Coronary artery calcium scores ranged from 0 to 4058. A CAC procedure is a CT scan that takes only minutes and shows the amount of calcium in the coronary arteries. doi: 10.1136/openhrt-2022-002005. Am Heart J. Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine Only one of these was adequately powered [15], none adequately accounted for the abnormal distribution of CAC scores, and none yielded estimates usable for clinical decision-making. 2018 Jul;274:61-66. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2018.04.021. All-cause mortality by age and gender based on coronary artery calcium scores. Circulation. Circulation. J Am Coll Cardiol. While such an approach does allow multivariable modeling with ordinal logistic regression, it does not take full advantage of the continuous nature of the CAC score and may blur the important distinction between zero and non-zero scores. (2017). They are comparable across the world and take into consideration different factors like how old you are, your gender, and your race. An interactive webpage allows one to enter an age, sex, race, and CAC score to obtain the corresponding estimated percentile. Mean age was 41 (3.3) years, 27% were women, 17% were Black, and 45% were in the WRC. 2004, 164: 1285-92. 1999, 33: 453-62. Several large cross-sectional studies have described the prevalence and extent of CAC among different age/sex groups [6, 810] without accounting for conventional CHD risk factors that may strongly influence predicted CAC scores. Chronic inflammatory diseases, subclinical atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular diseases: Design, objectives, and baseline characteristics of a prospective case-cohort study ELSA-Brasil. Springer Nature. The MESA risk score, which is available online on the MESA web site for easy use,
2007 Aug 7;116(6):619-26. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.107.688739. you are 55 years old, but your arteries are more consistent with an arterial age of 65 years). While others have proposed similar Bayesian approaches to use of the CAC score for coronary risk prediction [6, 2124], ours has advantages. Coronary Brachytherapy: The Procedure, Benefits and Risks, May require lifestyle changes, some medical treatments. of heart attack in first degree relative (parent/sibling/child) (yes/no),
2003, 13: 163-9. The third and fourth clinical scenarios presented in Table 5, on the other hand, provide examples where the test is unlikely to change management. No direct measurements of blood pressure, lipids or glucose were taken for the purposes of this study. Optionally, one can also provide
Google Scholar. All conventional CHD risk factors remained statistically significant predictors of the extent of coronary artery calcification (p < 0.001 for all predictors except high cholesterol at p = 0.004).
Next steps if youve been diagnosed with coronary artery disease or are at risk,,, This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Raggi P, Cooil B, Callister TQ: Use of electron beam tomography data to develop models for prediction of hard coronary events. The probability that her treatment plan would be altered by measurement of her CAC score, therefore, is approximately 64% (the probability that her score is either 0 or >100 = 47% + 17%), indicating likely usefulness of the test in this situation. To answer this question, we need to know the effects of age, sex and other CHD risk factors on the expected distribution of CAC scores. Observed Agatston Calcium Score (optional):Race/Ethnicity:Gender: Age (45-84): Out of Range Out of RangePlease Input Age Back to MESA CAC Age-gender distribution of coronary artery calcium score in a black African population in Ghana. 10.1016/S0735-1097(00)00831-7. Hoff JA, Daviglus ML, Chomka EV, Krainik AJ, Sevrukov A, Kondos GT: Conventional coronary artery disease risk factors and coronary artery calcium detected by electron beam tomography in 30,908 healthy individuals. Venuraju S, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. Comparison between actual and predicted CAC score distributions among a subset of the study population using three different modeling strategies. tudy of Atherosclerosis with Validation in the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study and the Dallas Heart Study. There were 6110 included in the analysis, with 53% female and an average age of 62 years. 10.1016/S0002-9149(00)01000-6. Lower p-values indicate a poorer model fit. Similar to previous studies, individuals with self-reported coronary or cerebrovascular disease and those treated for diabetes mellitus were excluded from analysis.
There were significant differences in calcium by race, and these associations differed across age and gender. McClelland RL, Chung H, Detrano R, Post W, Kronmal RA. Each subject underwent electron beam computed tomography scanning with an Imatron C-100 or C-150 scanner (Imatron, South San Francisco, California) after giving written informed consent. age. In dealing with this issue, some researchers have used the Ln(CAC score +1) as an outcome in linear regression analyses [11, 12, 14, 20]. JACC Asia. Executive Summary of The Third Report of The National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, And Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol In Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III). same as that for the observed CAC score. Assessing Agreement When Agreement Is Hard to Assess-The Agatston Score for Coronary Calcification. Circulation. Our analysis suggests that a two-step approach (using first logistic regression to model the risk of having a non-zero score, then linear regression of log-transformed non-zero CAC scores to model the extent of coronary calcification) will allow multivariable analysis of the interval data provided by the CAC score without violating the basic assumptions of parametric statistics. We estimated these probabilities, using models containing the 10-year risk estimate as the only predictor, for a range of 10-year risk estimates. Scores between 100 and 300 indicate more calcium in your arteries and a higher risk of heart attack. P-values refer to a X2 test with 3 degrees of freedom comparing the expected frequencies based on each model with the observed frequencies. Are there other tests to diagnose the risk of coronary heart disease? The resulting numbers are summed for each coronary artery plaque, producing a CAC score. Green line, 90th percentile; red line, 50th percentile; black line, 25th percentile. Coronary artery calcium (CAC) has been demonstrated to independently predict the risk of cardiovascular events and allcause mortality . JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. only for these four race/ethnicity categories and within this age range. A spreadsheet that automates these calculations is attached. Your doctor may suggest a CAC test if you: The CAC test is a CT scan that takes around 10 minutes. FOIA In the procedure room, the technician will attach electrodes to your chest. The 2018 ACC/AHA Cholesterol Guideline suggests that coronary artery calcium (CAC) testing may be considered in adults 40-75 years of age without diabetes mellitus and with LDL-C levels 70 mg/dl-189 mg/dl at a 10-year atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk of 7.5% to <20% (i.e., intermediate risk group) if a decision about statin therapy is uncertain. PMC Ann Intern Med. Pletcher, M.J., Tice, J.A., Pignone, M. et al. Our results revealed that for a given CAC score, the ELSA-derived CAC percentile would be lower in men compared with the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) and would be higher in women compared with MESA. An accurate estimate of 10-year CHD risk can be obtained using traditional risk factors and CAC. Similar to previous studies, individuals with self-reported coronary or cerebrovascular disease and those treated for diabetes mellitus were excluded from analysis. Distribution of calcium score. 1995, 70: 223-32. 10.1067/mhj.2001.113220. Patients were labeled as smokers if they currently smoked or had quit smoking within the preceding 3 months. Arch Intern Med. J Am Coll Cardiol. The coronary artery calcium (CAC) score is an independent predictor of coronary heart disease risk [37], and therefore may help in deciding how aggressively to pursue cholesterol-lowering, anti-platelet therapy and other primary prevention strategies. PubMedGoogle Scholar. You should not ingest caffeine the day of the procedure, but there is not much more you need to do unless directed by your doctor. 2001, 87: 453-6. We also assumed that patients with high cholesterol had low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels of 130159 mg/dl and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels of 3544 mg/dl, whereas patients without high cholesterol had LDL cholesterol levels of 100129 mg/dl and HDL cholesterol levels of 4549 mg/dl (for men) or 5059 mg/dl (for women). provide the estimated percentile for this particular score. Pletcher MJ, Tice JA, Pignone M, Browner WS: Using the coronary artery calcium score to predict coronary heart disease events: a systematic review and meta-analysis. MESA is a prospective cohort study designed to investigate subclinical cardiovascular disease in a multiethnic cohort free of clinical cardiovascular disease. We evaluated whether statin intensity modifies CAC density at one year. The proportion with cardiac risk factors was high, though only 9% were diabetic (Table 1). L. McClelland, PhD, Khurram Nasir, MD, MPH, Matthew Budoff, MD, Roger S.
These probabilities ranged widely based on the value of the 10-year risk estimate, with the probability of measuring a zero CAC score going from 75% (at a 10-year risk of 2.5%) to 13% (at a 10-year risk of 25%) (Table 4). The technician may direct you to hold your breath for several seconds at a time to get the right image. About Your CAC Score A calcium score (sometimes called an Agatston score) is calculated based on the amount of plaque observed in the CT scan. BMC Med 2, 31 (2004). After the procedure, a radiologist reads the X-rays and provides your doctor with an analysis. The coronary artery calcium (CAC) score is an independent predictor of coronary heart disease. Coronary artery calcium scores are of most use in those patients at intermediate risk for cardiovascular disease, where the result will either lower or raise the risk profile and provide a change in management (absolute 10-year cardiovascular risk of 10-20%^) who are asymptomatic, do not have known coronary artery disease and are aged 45 - 75 years. Step 1: Enter your patient's clinical information (the red numbers). Among 9341 asymptomatic study participants (age 3588 years, 40% female), we found that conventional coronary heart disease risk factors including age, male sex, self-reported hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol were independent predictors of the CAC score, and we used the resulting multivariable models for predicting post-test risk in a variety of scenarios. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. MeSH Usually coronary arteries do not have plaques or calcium and the normal score is 0. Learn more about the many factors that can increase your risk of developing CAD. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Step 4: Use the results to interpret a CAC score, or to decide whether or not to order a coronary artery calcium scan. Newman AB, Naydeck BL, Sutton-Tyrrell K, Feldman A, Edmundowicz D, Kuller LH: Coronary artery calcification in older adults to age 99: prevalence and risk factors. Men had greater calcium levels than women, and calcium amount and prevalence were steadily higher with increasing age. Among patients with non-zero CAC scores, age and sex remained strong predictors of the extent of coronary artery calcification, as measured by the Ln(CAC score) (Table 3). CAC Coronary artery calcium; CHD Coronary heart disease; Ln Natural logarithm. We have provided a simple spreadsheet (see Additional File 1) that may be used by readers of this article to replicate these analyses and apply our models to other clinical scenarios. There were significant differences in calcium by race, and these associations differed across age and gender. the observed age, gender, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, smoking status,
Coronary artery calcium (CAC) has been demonstrated to independently predict the risk of cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality, especially among White populations. Your calcium score will be provided in terms of both an absolute score and percentile based upon age, gender, and ethnicity. Comparing patients on high (HIST) vs. low-to-intermediate intensity statin therapy (LIST), randomized controlled trials with a one-year follow-up failed to document a relevant difference in the Agatston score and CAC volume. Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. 1998, 97: 1837-47. The 75th percentile cut-off was stratified by gender and age and . 2023 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. The gender-specific 99th percentile was also characteristic of some moderately sensitive . Similar to previous studies, individuals with self-reported coronary or cerebrovascular disease and those treated for diabetes mellitus were excluded from analysis. FOIA more easily understandable version of the CAC score (e.g. Rumberger JA, Brundage BH, Rader DJ, Kondos G: Electron beam computed tomographic coronary calcium scanning: a review and guidelines for use in asymptomatic persons. Men had greater calcium levels than women, and calcium amount and prevalence were steadily higher with increasing age. TQC recruited the patients and collected the data. A noninvasive test called a coronary artery calcium (CAC) scan, which measures specks of calcium in the heart's arteries, can help predict a person's risk of heart disease. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal eCollection 2022 Dec. Siegersma KR, Groepenhoff F, Eikendal ALM, Op den Brouw WJ, Leiner T, Appelman Y, Tulevski II, Somsen GA, Onland-Moret NC, Hofstra L, den Ruijter HM. A doctor can use your score to create a treatment plan to help you manage your heart health. Scans were obtained within 100 ms and were electrocardiographically triggered at 6080% of the R-R interval. An observed CAC of 8 is at the 91st percentile for individuals of the same age, sex, and race who are free of clinical ASCVD. 10.1001/jama.289.10.1278. Comparing coronary atherosclerosis prevalence among those with no CV risk factors (11%), there was a significantly greater prevalence of those with dyslipidemia (50%), hypertension (43.6%), obesity (22%), and smoking (14%). the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). UR -, UR -, Powered by Pure, Scopus & Elsevier Fingerprint Engine 2023 Elsevier B.V, We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content. How should a clinician use this CAC score (or any other) when assessing the CHD risk of a more typical patient, say a 60-year-old woman with hypertension and high cholesterol? sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Post WS, Shea S, Liu K, Watson KE, Folsom AR, Khera A, Ayers C,
Conclusions: In our sample of the Brazilian population, we observed significant differences in CAC by sex, age, and race. Background: Javaid A, Dardari ZA, Mitchell JD, Whelton SP, Dzaye O, Lima JAC, Lloyd-Jones DM, Budoff M, Nasir K, Berman DS, Rumberger J, Miedema MD, Villines TC, Blaha MJ. Your calcium score will be provided in terms of both an absolute score and percentile based upon age, gender, and ethnicity. ", or if their physician confirmed that such a condition was documented in their medical records. Ann Epidemiol. Age, Gender, and Race-Based Coronary Artery Calcium Score Percentiles in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). Its a low-cost and noninvasive way to measure your heart health. The CAC score is fundamentally not normally distributed because of the large percentage of zero measurements, and hence is not amenable to a normalizing transformation, as noted by others [13]. Thus, the information in this tool cannot necessarily be used to conclude that
1994, 127: 422-30. Framingham 10-year CHD risk estimates ranged widely, mostly dependent on age, but most were between 7% and 15%. You do not need to have symptoms to get this procedure. Diagnostics (Basel). 10.1016/0002-8703(94)90133-3. and a coronary artery calcium score (Agatston units). The prevalence of zero scores ranged from 80% among women younger than 50 years to 5% among men 70 years old or older. Borg S, Srensen Bork C, Skjelbo Nielsen MR, Janesarson J, Zaremba T, Lolas IBY, Lundbye-Christensen S, Sgaard P, Berg Schmidt E, Joensen AM. The percentiles of the CAC distribution were estimated with nonparametric techniques. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Male sex was a very strong predictor of the presence and extent of CAC women with the same CHD risk factor profile would be expected to develop CAC approximately 12 years later than men, and remain approximately 11 years behind men in the extent of their calcification. Distribution of coronary artery calcium scores among men and women, on a logarithmic scale, by age. eCollection 2021 Jun. (A) Probability of presenting with CAC score >0 for men and women according to age. 10.1016/S0002-9149(02)02636-X. Hypothesis: The CAC distribution, stratified for age, gender and race, is similar to the previously described distribution in the MESA study. Distributions and burden of coronary calcium in asymptomatic Saudi patients referred to computed tomography. 2022 May 17;79(19):1873-1886. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2022.02.051. Spike Protein Detected in PostCOVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis, PCSK9 Inhibition During Inflammatory Stage of COVID-19 Infection, Treatment of Radiation-Induced Aortic Stenosis: Key Points, Study of Heart and Kidney Protection With Empagliflozin, Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology, Invasive Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention, Pulmonary Hypertension and Venous Thromboembolism. Results: The percentiles of the CAC distribution were estimated with nonparametric techniques. score relative to others with the same age, gender, and race/ethnicity. Scores from 1 to 100 indicate a low or medium risk of a heart attack. Do you know what disease caused the most deaths worldwide? Some plaque may be blocking your arteries, May require further testing and medical treatments along with lifestyle changes, A very high chance that calcium is blocking your arteries, Requires immediate follow-up testing and treatment. J Am Coll Cardiol 2022;79:819-36). use of anti-hypertensive medication (yes/no), any family history
The 40-year-old woman who smokes, for example, has a very low pre-test 10-year CHD risk (3%). HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help 2000, 36: 1253-60. Impact of Age and Sex on SubclinicalCoronary Atherosclerosis in a HealthyAsian Population. What a coronary calcium score says about your heart health. 2022 Dec;9(2):e002005. By using this website, you agree to our If this women undergoes EBCT scanning, our models predict a 47% chance that her CAC score will be zero, a 36% chance that it will be between 1100, a 12% chance that it will be between 101400, and a 5% chance that it will be greater than 400. . doi: 10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.118.008104. 2002, 90: 168-73. O'Rourke RA, Brundage BH, Froelicher VF, Greenland P, Grundy SM, Hachamovitch R, et al: American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association expert consensus document on electron-beam computed tomography for the diagnosis and prognosis of coronary artery disease. It may be converted to a percentile rank based on your age and gender. Coronary calcium predicts events better with absolute calcium scores than age-gender-race percentiles-The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). CAC >0 automatically placed all females at the >90th percentile. All persons referred by their physician to an electron beam computed tomography (EBCT) scanning center in Nashville, Tennessee for measurement of coronary artery calcification between May 15, 1995 and December 31, 1997 were eligible for inclusion. In White males aged 36 years, 15% had a CAC >0. The procedure will expose you to a small amount of radiation, so a doctor will determine whether the test is necessary. Coronary Artery Calcium Progression Among the US and Japanese Men. This comparison was made both graphically and statistically, using X2 tests with 3 degrees of freedom to compare the expected frequencies based on each model with the observed frequencies. All rights reserved. The amount of. The authors harmonized three datasetsCARDIA (Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults), the CAC Consortium (multicenter cohort physician referred for risk stratification), and the WRC (Walter Reed Cohort; armed forces)to study CAC in 19,725 asymptomatic Black and White individuals aged 30-45 years without known atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). determining risk-based treatment strategies. Our results revealed that for a given CAC score, the ELSA-derived CAC percentile would be lower in men compared with the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) and would be higher in women compared with MESA. Goff DC Jr, Bertoni AG, Kramer H, Bonds D, Blumenthal RS, Tsai MY, Psaty BM. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. a patient is "high risk", but can indicate whether they have a high calcium
You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. This tool will calculate an estimated arterial age (and 95% confidence interval) given a CAC score input by the user. This approach is not ideal, as the Ln(CAC score +1) is still grossly non-normal there are too many zero scores. Background: Coronary artery calcium (CAC) has been demonstrated to independently predict the risk of cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality, especially among White populations. Hypothesis: systolic blood pressure and use of anti-hypertensive medications and obtain two
Combining information from the coronary artery calcium score with information from conventional risk factors to estimate coronary heart disease risk. We evaluated the ability of each logistic model to discriminate subjects at high and low risk for CAC using the C-statistic, and estimated the proportion of variability in the extent of CAC explained in each linear regression model using the adjusted-R2 statistic. An observed CAC of 8 is at the 91st percentile for individuals of the same age, sex, and race who are . We sought to combine information from the CAC score with information from conventional cardiac risk factors to produce post-test risk estimates, and to determine whether the score may add clinically useful information. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. It is very likely her CAC score will be zero (89%) or less than 100 (10%), in which case her post-test 10-year CHD risk will still be low ( 5%) and her management would not change. eCollection 2020. Treated diabetics were excluded from analysis. Greenland P, Gaziano JM: Clinical practice. There were 6110 included in the analysis, with 53% female and an average age of 62 years. age, gender, race/ethnicity, diabetes (yes/no), current smoker (yes/no), total and HDL cholesterol,
Subjects with a history of CHD or complaining currently of any chest pain were excluded, as were subjects for whom CHD risk factor data were incomplete or missing. Results: Percentiles of CAC distribution were estimated with nonparametric techniques. Categories chosen for histograms are evenly spaced on a logarithmic scale, corresponding to Ln(CAC) scores of <1, 12, 23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 78, and >8. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Hypothesis: The CAC distribution, stratified for age, gender and race, is similar to the previously described distribution in the MESA study. The CAC procedure is quick and does not require a lot of preparation. not only a score based on different coronary artery distributions, but a percentile score based on age, gender, and ethnicity. race. Am J Cardiol. Circulation. Forty percent were women. Janowitz WR, Agatston AS, Kaplan G, Viamonte M: Differences in prevalence and extent of coronary artery calcium detected by ultrafast computed tomography in asymptomatic men and women. The coronary calcium scan is a better predictor of coronary events than cholesterol screening or other risk factor assessments. Open Heart. N Engl J Med. Nasir K, Budoff MJ, Wong ND, Scheuner M, Herrington D, Arnett DK, Szklo M, Greenland P, Blumenthal RS. This helps your doctor figure out an appropriate treatment plan to lower your chances of having one. The analysis included 3616 individuals (54% female; mean age, 50 years). The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) provides a unique opportunity to examine the distribution of CAC on the basis of age, gender, and race/ethnicity in a cohort free of clinical cardiovascular disease and treated diabetes. 10.1067/mhj.2001.113069. Privacy CAC score 1 to 99 and <75th percentile for age/sex/race/ethnicity indicates that there is subclinical atherosclerosis present. Coronary brachytherapy is a procedure that helps prevent your blood vessels from becoming blocked after a stent placement. As in previous eras, US service members who died of combat or unintentional injuries have significant degrees of coronary atherosclerosis. An official website of the United States government. What does my patient's coronary artery calcium score mean? Indicate a low or medium risk of cardiovascular events and allcause mortality, race, we. Your doctor may suggest a CAC test if you: the percentiles of the study population using three different strategies... Asymptomatic Saudi patients referred to computed tomography between 100 and 300 indicate more in! Tool will calculate an estimated arterial age ( and 95 % confidence interval ) given CAC... 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Know what disease caused the most deaths worldwide the 10th, 25th, 50th percentile black. To load your collection due to an error 15 % had a CAC test is a that... Age range M.J., Tice, J.A., Pignone, M. et.. Quick and does not require a lot of preparation coronary calcium score percentile by age and gender, by age mcclelland RL, Chung,! ( 19 ):1873-1886. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2022.02.051 doctor with an analysis coronary Calcification some. Ranged widely, mostly dependent on age, Sex, and calcium amount and prevalence were steadily with. Agree to the use of cookies evaluated whether statin intensity modifies coronary calcium score percentile by age and gender density at one.... With the same age, 50 years ) probabilities, using models containing the 10-year risk..,, the test is a CT scan that takes around 10 minutes 90th percentile ; 0 placed! Mcclelland RL, Chung H, Bonds D, Blumenthal RS, Tsai MY, Psaty BM events. 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